Jacklyn- Children Spread Germs, Then You Get Worse

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Featuring my song Wake Up Jack- a parody of Wake up Jeff by The Wiggles.
Based on a video by Michael McIntyre.

Children Ages:
Trevor- 6 years old
Isabelle- 4 years old
Brooklyn's POV:
It isn't easy having children sometimes, but when they get to the age when they start Reception class then they come home sick every day! We have been through that with Trevor and now we are experiencing it again with Izzy. She came home with a cold Friday afternoon and has had this sniffle over the weekend, unfortunately I had to work all weekend so Jack was at home with the kids. It came as no surprise that Jack had caught her cold by Saturday evening, it happens but being adults with higher immune systems surely we would be able to pull through and it would soon pass. Wrong! Jack was a snotty mess, his throat was especially painful. I had put both the children to bed, I gave Izzy some calpol and eventually gave some to Trevor because he wouldn't FUCKING GO TO SLEEP, THE LITTLE SHIT, SO SELFISH. Jokes obviously, but it was the only way I could get him to go to sleep if I gave him some medicine even though he was perfectly healthy. Jack was already in bed, he looked a whole lot worse than yesterday. I laid down on the bed and snuggled up to him.

"Aww Sweetheart, I'm sorry you're not feeling well." I cooed, I genuinely felt sorry for him. I never catch anything off the children, it's always him. He started shivering under the duvet, whimpering slightly.

"What's wrong Jackie, what hurts?" I asked running my hand through his hair, I could tell that he had a fever.

"M-my throat is killing me, it's hard to swallow, *cough cough cough* I've got a tummy ache and I'm so cold." He said sadly, his voice was very raspy. Not good at all, he was developing new symptoms.

"Let me look at your throat baby." I said picking up my phone and turning the torch on before shining it in his mouth. His tonsils were inflamed badly.

"That looks bad Jackie, I'm going to book you a doctor's appointment for tomorrow, ok?" I asked him, he nodded slowly.

"Alright, I'm going to get you some tea and a hot water bottle. I'll be right back." I said, kissing his forehead and getting up from the bed. I went to the kitchen and boiled the kettle, as I waited I rang up the local doctors surgery and made Jack an appointment with his GP. The only available time though was the exact time that I had to take the children to school, I texted Andy and asked if he wouldn't mind risking his health if he drove Jack to the doctors and back. He didn't mind at all, it's nice to have friends. I finished making the tea and I filled up the hot water bottle and put on a fluffy sloth cover over the top of it so his was nice and soft. I took it back to my poorly boyfriend, he had picked out a movie for us to watch. I put the mug on the bedside table and rested the hot water bottle on his stomach.

"You have an appointment for tomorrow morning, Andy is going to take you because I have to take the nuggets to school. Hope you don't mind." I said getting into bed.

"It's fine." He said before he hunched over and started coughing, I rubbed his back gently until they subsided.

"That sounds nasty sweetheart, make sure you drink your tea whilst it's hot. It will really help your throat." I recommend, I felt so bad for him. I let him snuggle into me further and we watched the movie together until we both fell asleep.

Trevor's POV:
Hungry! I'm hungry, I'm awake and I'm hungry now! Out of bed I go, run to Papa to make me food because I am hungry!

"Papa, Papa I'm hungry!" I said shaking his arm.

"Ssshhh, Daddy and Izzy are trying to sleep. They're still quite poorly." Papa warned me.

"I'm empty, fill me up!" I said, shaking his arm again.

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