Roadtrip- Injections (Or Shots If You Are From The USA)

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Harvey's POV:
I asked the boys to open for me on my tour around the world. Obviously they accepted, however that does mean that they had to get some injections to avoid catching any bad foreign diseases on our travels. A few mixed emotions when I told them this.

"Ok." Said Andy, he just accepted that's what he had to do.

"No, I'm not doing it. I'm not going!" Brooklyn screamed, almost having a full on tantrum.

"I have a fear of needles, I may faint." Sonny said starting to fan himself with his hand.

"I'll take my chances." Said Rye slipping his hands into his pockets and leaning against the wall, acting cool to try and get out of this.

"Can we get a McDonalds afterwards?" Said Jack, I would have to bribe them in some way.

"Guys, we all need to get them otherwise we can't go. I have to get them too. And yes, we can get McDonalds afterwards." I said, Jack was on board and so was Andy. We were going to have to drag the others along with us to the doctors surgery. I drove us all there. Jack was holding Brooklyn's hand, Sonny was sweating and biting his nails and Rye was just following Andy.

"Come on guys." I said pushing open the door. We checked in at the reception desk and asked to fill out an information form.

"Could you be pregnant? You know what, I might be. I'm just going to sit this one out." Said Rye putting down his form, I picked it up his clipboard and wedged it back into his hands and made sure he was telling the truth on these forms.

"Mr Ryan Beaumont, Harvey Cantwell,  Jack Duff, Andrew Fowler, Ryan Robertson and Gibson Wyatt." A doctor called out. We all stood up, except for Brooklyn and Sonny.

"Come on, let's get this over with." I said.

"They didn't call for us. My real name's Brooklyn mate." Brook said.

"And my name's Sonny." Sonny said.

"That's not what it says on your birth certificates, Ryan and Gibson get in the office now otherwise we won't get McDonalds." I felt like I had so much authority.  They both stood up.

"How dare you, I want a mcflurry!" Brook said, following the others.

"I'm actually quite scared of you." He said before making his way to the room were we were about to get our shots. There was one bed and a couple of chairs, we were going to watch everyone get our injections. Jolly good show!

"Is it ok if I go first?" I asked.

"Totally fine, jump up on the bed and roll up your sleeve for me." He said. I sat on the bed, took off my jacket and rolled up the top part of my shirt. The boys were looking nervous, except for Andy who seemed fine. Jack looked like he was about to die from restless leg syndrome, Brooklyn was sweating buckets, Sonny was looking away from the needle that the doctor had just pulled out and Rye had his hand on Andy's thigh which he would squeeze every so often. The doctor came over and disinfected my arm, he quickly jabbed the needle into my arm. It felt really weird and it stung a little, but it was fine.

"That's it, you're done." He said putting a cotton bud on it, I held it to my arm as he grabbed a plaster. I pulled away the bit of cotton and he placed the plaster on my arm. Easy as pie, that was. I jumped off the bed, the nervous ones staring at me like 'how did you just do that?' Faces.

"I'll go next." Said Andy. As he tried to stand up, Rye grabbed his wrist and pulled him back into his chair.

"Actually, I'll wait a minute." I looked down the line.

"Jack, why don't you go next?" He wasn't that nervous earlier. He shakily got up and sat on the bed, was looking a lot more nervous now. He saw the needle and his skin went about three shades paler.

"Are you alright Jackie, do you want me to hold your hand?" I offered, Jack sat there frozen for a second.

"Right now, looking at that needle is making me feel kind of queasy." Jack said, his hand resting on his stomach. The doctor pulled out a disposable puke bowl and asked me to hold it out for him incase he needed to throw up. As the doctor disinfected his arm, Jack clutched his stomach even tighter.

"I know it's scary and you might have butterflies in your stomach, but seriously it's not that bad." I said rubbing his shoulder. The doctor jabbed Jack's arm with the needle then pulled it out. Unfortunately Jack looked at the needle and then gagged, I put the bowl under his chin and he threw up.

"It's okay Jack, it's over now." I said rubbing his back. He lifted up his head, I think he was done. The doctor gave him a tissue to wipe him mouth and a mint to suck on. I disposed of the vomit. Jack sat back down in his chair and sulked. I had to peel Brooklyn off his chair, he was really scared. I sat him on the bed, he started crying.

"Aww Brooklyn, you'll be fine. It only hurts for a second." I said rubbing his back. His arm was disinfected and he was given his jab, he winced really loudly. He cried even more now that it was out of him, I put him back in his chair and he cuddled into Jack whilst crying.

"I h-have a b-boo boo!" He sobbed, he wasn't happy.

"Sonny, I think it's your turn." I said helping him stand on his jelly legs to get on the bed. I sat him down, sweat was dripping from his hair.

"What are you scared about?" Maybe talking about his fear might help him feel better. I saw the doctor prepping his arm for the injection, he winked at me. I had a plan.

"Jack wasn't as nervous before but then he got so freaked out that he started puking, what will happen to me! I might faint, puke or both. Please don't make me do it." Sonny said freaking out, little did he know that during his little rant about why he was nervous he had his jab.

"Good job, you're done." The doctor said, Sonny looked at him confused.

"Really? That didn't hurt." He said confused and amazed at the same time, he happily jumped off the bed ready for Rye to have his done. I wasn't surprised that he didn't want me to help him.

"Can you help me, Andy?" He asked the flamboyant blonde, Andy helped put him on the bed.

"Andy, can you hold my hand?" He asked, they were being adorable. They held hands, Rye put him head on Andy's shoulder as he got injected. He got a plaster put on where he had his injection.

"Andy, can you kiss it better?" He said moving his arm closer to him. Andy planted a soft kiss to his plaster. I tried not to explode from the cuteness.

"Ok, I feel better now." Rye said before jumping off the bed, leaving Andy ready for his. As expected, he sailed through it all. He got stabbed and didn't even flinch, WELL DONE FOVVS! We all sat down in our chairs because the doctor wanted a quick word with us before we left.

"Right, soon you may start to feel side effects such as: lethargy, a swelling around the arm, bruising, stiffness in the arm, headache. You could start these rarer side effects such as: dizziness, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, fever and chills but that is less common. Just carry on going about your day and stay hydrated, don't take any additional medication for about eight hours. Thank you very much, you are free to go." Some of us didn't hesitate and flew straight out the door and into the car. I sat down in the driver's seat.

"Right, should we go to McDonalds then?" I turned around to look at the boys...they were asleep. Their side effects  kicking in quicker than I thought. I drove them home and got Robbie and Elvis to help me put them to bed so they could have a nap. I put Brooklyn and Jack to bed, as I laid down Jack he woke up.

"So are we going to McDonalds then?"
I had to break the news to him, that was the day I died....

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