Alphadog Family- Jack's First Period (Jandy)

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So in this fic, Blair is the dad and the boys are his children. Ages:

Sonny-15 and a half
Jack-12 and a half

Jack's POV:
Friday is always the best day of the week, I had my favourite lessons in school and I could stay up late. But today was the worst Friday ever, I had a really bad stomach-ache. It was different than your usual stomach-ache, it didn't feel acidic like they normally do. It was just a continuous pain, it kept distracting me from my science questions which I am normally good at. I am the best in my class at balancing symbol equations. I was in my music class, it hurt really bad then. I just wanted to curl up into a ball and die because of this pain. Yet, this didn't affect me from being hungry, I ate lunch like I did every day so I didn't think I was sick. Just go home, sleep this off and maybe it might go away. That's what I thought, Dad picked up me and Brooklyn from our middle school building. Sonny was going out with his high school friends in town somewhere, Rye was staying at the school library to revise for his GCSE exams coming up. Andy was in sixth form college so he was already at home after finishing his course that he had this morning. We drove back home, I kicked my shoes off in the doorway and went upstairs to my bedroom. I dumped my heavy backpack by my desk and flopped down onto my bed, I was still in my school uniform but I didn't care. I really needed a nap. I hugged my pillow tightly and tried to doze off for a bit.

I woke up a couple hours later, the pain in my stomach was still there. It was almost unbearable. Maybe I should go to the bathroom, use the toilet and that might make it better. I thought to myself. I got up from my bed, and went into the family bathroom. I pulled my trousers and my underwear down and sat down on the toilet, I looked at my underwear for a second. BLOOD! Oh my God, what is going on? Am I dying, what is this, did I poop blood and I didn't realise? How did I not feel this, is this why my stomach hurts? I had too many questions to answer on my own, I needed to ask Dad. I pulled up my pants and my trousers, luckily they were black so you couldn't see anything. I ran down the stairs to find Dad.

Andy's POV:
I was reading my A-level Music textbook in the kitchen by myself when I heard Jack come down the stairs shouting.

"Dad....Dad!" He shouted, I turned my head away from my book to see him running around looking for Dad.

"Andy, have you seen Dad?" He said, fast and out of breath.

"No, he's not here right now. He's picking up some pizza for dinner. Is something wrong?" I asked him.

"Yes, I really need to talk to Dad. When will he be back?" He asked me.

"I'm not sure, he'll probably be a while. Domino's will be busy tonight. Can I help you with whatever's going on?" I asked him.

"Maybe." He said shying away a bit.

"Is it something happening at school?" I guessed. He shook his head, no.

"Is something happening on your social media, any cyber bullies?" I asked, there is always something going on in the social media world.

"No it's nothing like that?" He said, a tear rolled down his cheek.

"I need you to come to the bathroom with me." He said, wiping the tear away with his sleeve.

"Ok then, let's go." I said following him into the family bathroom. We closed the door, he stood there uncomfortable and embarrassed.

"I don't care if I see it, I've seen you naked before." I said.

"Promise me that you won't freak out, or laugh." He said.

"I promise, just show me." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. He slowly pulled down his trousers and then his underwear, I saw the blood that was on them. Jack had his first period.

"Ok, come to my bedroom Jack. We need to have a little talk." I said, he pulled up his clothes and I guided him  to my room before sitting him down on my bed.

"Jack, that was your period that you just had. You know what a period is?" I asked, all the schools he went to have never given him a proper talk about periods.

"Kind of, I know it has something with you being able to have children." He said, a good start.

"Well in your ovaries, we have egg cells. And once a month your body will prepare to have a baby, but if you are not pregnant your body wants to get rid of the old stuff and start fresh. So when you have a period, your egg and the lining of the uterus where a baby normally grows, comes out as blood. Do you get where I am coming from?" I asked him. He nodded.

"So this means that you will be bleeding for a couple of days, it will hurt your tummy a lot and you might get headaches. You might get a little bit moody with us but that's alright. Have you had any pain?" I asked, curious.

"Yeah, my stomach hurts really bad." He said, so he was having cramps already.

"Ok, for the pain you can take some paracetamol or ibuprofen. For cramps you can also use a hot water bottle, take a hot bath, someone could rub your belly." I suggested, Jack nodded along understanding everything I was telling him.

"About the blood, for now I'd say that you should wear pads. They are really easy to use." I pulled out a pad from a drawer in my bedside table and a pair of underwear. I was going to demonstrate how to put a pad in his pants, it was pretty straight forward. I pulled the paper bits off and revealed the sticky parts which I stuck down on my underwear.

"Alright, that seems easy." Jack said.

"You should change it every couple of hours because it can start to smell after a while, I use tampons mainly but I'll let you decide when you want to start using them. They can feel a bit weird and uncomfortable." I explained. Jack nodded, I passed him a pad and he went into the bathroom to put it on and get changed into more  comfy clothes. I picked up my phone and texted Dad.

To Dad: Hey, just so you know Jack started his period today. Can you buy him some chocolate?

To Andy: Poor guy, of course I will. I'll be back in about half an hour.

Jack came back into the room waddling, he was now wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

"I know it feels a bit weird, like you're wearing a nappy." I said sympathetically.

"It actually feels quite comfortable, but it does feel like I have a mattress between my legs." He said, I chuckled and held my arms out for him. He curled up in my lap and I rubbed his back. I was going to look after my brother until he was feeling better.

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