Bronny- Emetaphobia

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This is a phobia I have, it means fear of vomit. A weird one, I know because I literally always write about vomit. But when I used to write Niall Horan sickfics (I deleted the book, it was on my old account) I had a strict no vomit policy for my requests because I couldn't read or write, even think about them because I hated puke so much. No one likes puke but people with emetaphobia REALLY hate it. I am not a germaphobe unless puke is involved. If someone said they felt sick and I didn't know exactly what type of sick them I would feel extremely paranoid and I would have panic attacks. My body would trick itself into thinking I have the symptoms. I could watch movies with puke in them, the first time I watched pitch perfect and literally the first scene involved puke made me feel paranoid and have a panic attack. I have slowly grown into writing about puke in drafts by myself and watching movies with puke in them to help me overcome this, the first time I threw up without crying was my biggest achievement (that was four years ago now) even though I wasn't writing sickfics I thought it was great, I couldn't believe I actually puked all over myself at my grandparents (poor chicken nuggets). But until a couple of months ago I never had someone puke in front of me since primary school. It was in February, it was my friends birthday and I was waiting near the girls toilet after food tech to meet up with her after her French class to buy some food when a year seven or year eight boy walks by on his way to the boys toilet and puked right in front of me. The world stopped, the whole corridor froze for about five seconds before I shouted this:

"IM OUT!" and I ran down the end of the corridor, I didn't go near those toilets for about a month just to be sure I wouldn't catch anything. If someone at school throws up I won't speak to them or I will try my best to avoid them for a month, this is how paranoid we get. So I am basing this story on this phobia, enjoy xx

Brooklyn's POV:
I hate puke with a passion, I would rather have diarrhoea every day for the rest of my life if it meant I would never have to puke. I am not a germaphobe, I am a disgusting human and I don't care about germs. I literally lie in my own filth all day but when it comes to vomit I'm like no thanks. So when I woke up this morning with my stomach feeling a bit upset, I started to panic! My stomach was hurting and I felt queasy, I wasn't hungry. This wasn't your typical I'm so hungry that I feel nauseous pain, this was real and I was scared. Don't panic, probably nothing. My hands started to feel clammy, my face flushed hot. Maybe I am sick? I didn't know, I really didn't want to throw up. Not now, not ever. I got out of my bed and went into Sonny's bedroom because I needed reassurance. I knocked on his door, I hear a faint:

"Come in." I opened the door and Sonny was in his bed, just woken up.

"Oh hey Bro, what's up?" He asked me whilst stretching out his arms and neck. I plodded forward.

"I feel really s-sick." My voice quivering, I was scared. Sonny opened out his arms and I climbed into his bed.

"In what way do you feel sick?" He asked whilst rubbing circles on my back.

"I have an upset stomach." I said sadly. He slipped his hand under my shirt and rested it on my tummy. He felt around for a minute.

"You have some air bubbles, it's gurgling a lot." He said starting to massage my belly. I heard my stomach grumble loudly, it really hurt. I squirmed in pain.

"Aww Brookie, your tummy must be feeling really poorly. I think you might feel better if you throw up." He said still massaging. I shot up.

"NO! I don't want to throw up, really I don't. Please say I'm not going to!" I said getting myself worked up, I didn't want to, never ever ever!

"Hey, hey, it'll be ok Brooklyn. Just relax, freaking out will only make it worse. How about I make you some ginger tea, it should settle your stomach." He suggested, I really wasn't thirsty and didn't want to risk puking by putting something in my mouth but I had to try anything to get rid of this nausea. My heavy eyelids caused me to fall asleep on Sonny's bed.

"Brookie, wake up mate." Sonny said shaking me awake, I felt more nauseous than earlier, not a great sign. I was passed a mug with the ginger tea inside, I just stared at it. Should I drink this?

"Come on Brook, get it down you." Sonny encouraged me. I slowly took a sip, then another, then another. Each time I was just thinking about if this was going to come up again, so I drank slowly.

"Do you feel a little better now?" Sonny asked, not really.

"I feel the same." I said, slowly accepting I might throw up. I cuddled into Sonny again, I started sobbing. I hated being sick, I hated feeling sick. My stomach started grumbling again, the nauseous feeling was growing again. I whimpered into his chest.

"Do you feel sick Brooklyn?" He asked, I nodded. It was coming.

"Ok then, let's get you to the bathroom and we'll see what happens." He said taking my hand and walking me to the bathroom. I knelt down in front of the toilet, looking into the bowl from this angle always brought back bad memories of the food I half digested through the years. Its gross to think about but it's true, it starts to feel more real now that I'm on my knees with someone rubbing my back to help me. I started dry heaving, I did that for about ten minutes and it was really hurting.

"Nothing's coming up." I said in between gags, I was in pain and I just felt so rotten.

"Just breathe, take it slow." He said, I felt his hand snake around my waist and then resting on my stomach, he started applying pressure.

"It hurts." I whimpered.

"I know mate, but we need to get the bad stuff out of your stomach so you can feel better. The sooner it's done the sooner it'll all be over." He said, I could feel the vomit slowly making it's way up my throat.

"I feel like I'm going to be sick!" I said quickly and panicking about it.

"You're doing really well Brook, just let it happen." I could taste the sick in the back of my throat, the burning of the hydrochloric acid. This was real. My mouth felt really watery, I retched and then chucked up my guts into the bowl with a massive splatter. I threw up a couple more times, Sonny kept rubbing my back.

"That's it, get it all up." He said, I soon finished puking. I rested my arms on the toilet seat and dropped my head into them, I felt so tired. Sonny lifted me up and rested me across his chest, I breathed heavily.

"Well done Brooklyn, I know that wasn't nice but you were very brave." He said, I just snuggled in closer. He put the toilet lid down and sat me on top of it, he filled up a glass of water and handed it to me. I took a sip, sloshed the liquid around my mouth before spitting it into the sink. Sonny turned on the taps and started running me a hot bath.

"Thanks for looking after me." I said weakly as he checked the temperature of the water with his hand.

"No problem mate, happy to help." He said with a smile. I took a nice long soak in the bath, washed to vomit out of my hair and I felt a little bit more refreshed. I still felt gross but a little better since I puked. I dried off and got changed into my pyjamas, I slowly made my way back to Sonny's room were I decided that I was going to stay in for the rest of the day. He had a movie set up, he had some popsicles with him.

"You really didn't need to do all this." I said, sitting down on the bed. He passed me a blue raspberry popsicle and took a bite out of his grape flavoured one.

"Don't be silly mate, you need this. You deserve this, come cuddle." He said opening his arms out, I snuggled into him again. He took care of me until I was feeling better, I didn't throw up again though so that was a bonus. Don't worry, be happy xx

Didn't really know how to end that one...

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