Rylyn and Jandy- Chickenpox

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Rye's POV:
It was time to wake up the babies, otherwise they wouldn't be able to fall asleep later. This was weird for Jack and Brooklyn to sleep for this long and not jumping out of bed with lots of energy at six in the morning. We had our first lie in since forever ago. I finished my morning cup of tea and Andy finished eating his toast, we both went upstairs to the baby room together to wake up our bundles of joy. I slowly look through the gap in the door, they were snoozing away, cuddling their little teddy bears, they were an adorable pair. I sat on the edge of my baby boy's, Brooklyn's, bed.

"Wake up Brookie Cookie." I cooed softly, stroking his blonde hair. He opened one eye then started whimpering.

"Everything ok, baby?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Feel poorly." He whined sadly, I pulled him into my lap and cuddled him into my chest.

"Aww, what's wrong little one." I asked.

"Hwead and tummy hwurt." He said as he started crying.

"Ssshhh, it's ok Brookie." I said rocking him gently back and forth. I felt his forehead, he had a really high fever. I could feel the heat radiating off his body, he started to shiver into me. I wrapped him up in his blankie and picked him up.

"I'm going to get him some medicine to bring his temperature down." I said to Andy, making my way towards the door. Jack was still asleep.

"Ok, I'll be down once he wakes up. I hope he starts to feel better soon." Andy said rubbing Jack's back. I took my baby downstairs to the kitchen and put him on the sofa so I could grab him some liquid ibuprofen. I found the nurofen and the medicine syringe thingy so I could suck up the right dosage. It was the strawberry flavour so he shouldn't make to much of a fuss. (A/N literally the other night at four in the morning my mum gave me some strawberry nurofen for my period cramps, it still tasted better than the orange flavoured stuff but calpol will always reign supreme in children's medicine. Also it said on the box that it is suitable for people from three months old to nine years old...I'm fourteen years of age) He still didn't like it that much but he didn't make a scene about it.

"Binkie pwease Daddy." Brooklyn asked, he wanted his dummy or pacifier or whatever you call the thing that you put in the baby's mouth. I found it in one of the drawers, it was clean.

"Here you go little one." I said putting it in his mouth, he sucked on it lightly before making grabby hands for me. I picked him up and place him on my lap, we cuddled on the couch together. I started rocking him again in the hope that he would fall asleep again and maybe sleep off this illness. He soon dozed of in my arms, I relaxed into the couch and stayed with him. The door opened and Andy appeared holding Jack in the doorway.

"Jackie isn't feeling well either, he said he felt achy and he has a tummy ache." Andy said, gently rubbing Jack's stomach in soothing circles. This isn't the first time that the pair had gotten sick at the same time, they are literally partners in crime, thick as thiefs and they do everything together so they commonly catch viruses off each other.

"Daddy, my tummy hwurts." Jack whimpered, gripping onto Andy's shirt.

"I know baby, I know. Let's get some medicine inside of you them we'll see how you feel in a little bit." Andy said, he quickly sat Jack down on the counter and measured another dosage of medicine for him. He wasn't too keen on the medicine either, I might send Sonny to the shops later to buy calpol instead. Jack cuddled back into Andy after he too got his dummy, starting to fall asleep on his shoulder.

"Let's take them up to my room, we can lie down on my bed and watch some cartoons or something with them when they wake up." I suggested, Andy nodded with agreement and followed me up the stairs. I shifted over to one side of my mattress to make room for Andy and Jack. Brooklyn was still peacefully sleeping in my arms, I swaddled him up so he was warm. I hope he would feel better after some more sleep.

Andy's POV:
I was sat on Rye's bed, Jack was cuddled up on my lap and snuggled into my chest. Both babies were really poorly, I felt so bad for them. Jack started shivering again, I took off his blanket so I could swaddle him better like Rye did with Brooklyn. I looked at his skin and I saw little red bumps all over his legs and arms, a few on his face. I looked underneath his pyjama top and saw the spots all over his tummy and his back.

"Rye, does Brooklyn have a rash or something? Jack has red bumps everywhere." I asked. Rye looked underneath Brooklyn's clothes and examined his face.

"Yeah he does, what's going on?" He asked confused. I had an idea that I knew what this is.

"I think they might have chickenpox, it would make sense. It's very contagious and they aren't really good. "I suggested, Rye agreed. What else could this be, they've had an MMR vaccine but the British don't get a chickenpox vaccine, we all have to suffer through it at some stage in our lives.

"Aww, poor boys." I cooed, we both felt sorry for them. It is a very uncomfortable illness. Jack started to shift around a bit before opening his eyes, he started to scratch his arms.

"Baby, try not to scratch." I said trying to hold back his arms.

"Itchy!" He moaned, squirming about.

"I know Jackie, but your going to make it worse if you scratch." I said, holding his hands in mine. I didn't want to go into the loft and grab the winter clothes box with the mittens in them. Instead I picked up a pair of thick socks from Rye's fresh laundry pile and put them on his hands. Rye did the same with Brooklyn even though he was still asleep, but I bet that he would wake up soon.

"Sonny, we need a favour from you!" I called out. Sonny soon made an appearance at the doorway.

"What's up, what's wrong with the boys?" He asked concerned.

"They have chickenpox, can you go to the pharmacy and pick up some lotion to put on their spots to help them stop itching?" I asked desperately, I knew that they would hate having the socks on their hands.

"Ok, I'll go right now. Hope they start to feel better." He sabi before leaving us alone once again. Brooklyn had started waking up, I could tell that he felt uncomfortable. He tried to start scratching his arms but the socks wouldn't let him.

"I'm itching!" He moaned.

"Uncle Sonny is going to buy you some lotion to stop it from itching, just try not to scratch for me." Rye said to Brooklyn, he wasn't very happy. I put on an episode of Blues Clues to try and distract the boys until Sonny got back. They couldn't sit still.

"Knock knock!" Sonny said poking his head round the door, thank God he was back. He had a large carrier bag with him, not sure why because the bottle of lotion is so petite compared to it.

"I bought the chickenpox lotion." He said pulling it out of the bag. Me and Rye had some cotton pads, we put a bit of lotion on and dabbed it over they boys' red bumps. It should start working soon. Sonny was going to reveal what else he had in his bag of mystery fun. He pulled out two large teddy bears and passed them to the boys.

"Aww cute, you didn't need to do that Sonny." I said, it was really nice of him to buy them something to cheer them up.

"I haven't even shown them how it works, meet 'Teddy Itch No More'. Where do you guys itch the most?" Sonny asked the boys.

"My tummy." They said in unison.

"Now, scratch your teddy on his tummy." Sonny instructed. The boys did exactly that, it was a good way of taking their minds off scratching themselves.

"Thanks Sonny, you're a lifesaver." Rye said giving him a thumbs up.

"You see, this is what I do. I bring joy to the people." Sonny replied  whilst bowing, he was milking it now.

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