Brarvey- Stomach bug

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"Harvey...Harv I need you!" I heard Brook shout, I was taking a nap before I joined up with the rest of the lads at the gym, except for Brooklyn as he said he doesn't want to work out today. I got up from my bed and walked into the Jacklyn room, but he wasn't even there.

"Where are you?" I shouted back to him.

"In the loo." I hear him say from the bathroom, I opened the door and saw him sitting by the toilet hugging his knees.

"Are you alright?" I asked him. He shook his head and rested it on top of his knees as he started sobbing.

"M-my s-stomach hurts, f-feel queasy." He said shakily, I sat down next to him on the floor and wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

"Calm down ok, you'll be fine. Have you been sick?" I asked.

"No, not yet." He said turning his head to look at me, his cheeks were tinted pink with fever. His stomach gurgled angrily, he groaned in pain.

"Brook, I think you'll feel better if you throw up." I said rubbing his shoulder. He looked at me with nervous eyes.

"I don't want to be sick Harv." He said sounding very scared. Brook can look after people throwing up but gets a bit nervous when it comes to his own puke.

"I know you don't Brook, but whatever is making your stomach hurt needs to come out. If you hold it in it will make you feel worse." A tear rolled down his cheek in fear.

"Will you stay with me?" He said shyly.

"Of course I will." I helped position him in front of the toilet, he was only dry heaving with no sick coming out. His stomach gurgling was even louder than before, I slipped my hand under Brooklyn's shirt and put a bit of pressure on his stomach to help him throw up. He started to panic a bit.

"Harvey, I-I think I'm gonna be sick."

"It's ok, just let it out." I said massaging his stomach. He retched a few times before he spewed into the toilet, I rubbed him back to try and help him. He finished throwing up after a few minutes.

"You done?" I said.

"Yeah." He said wiping his mouth on the back of his sleeve.

"Feeling any better?" I asked him. He shook his head and groaned.

"Lets get you to bed mate, you look exhausted." I picked him up and carried him bridal style to his bed. I laid his blanket over him and put a bucket next to his bed.

"Do you want any medicine for your tummy?" Brooklyn buried his face deeply into his pillow.

"No thanks Harv, I feel really nauseous. A hot water bottle might help though, I have really bad cramps in my belly." He said rubbing his stomach, I went to the kitchen and boiled some water in a kettle and filled up a hot water bottle for Brook. I went back to his room and saw him curled up in a tight ball.

"My stomach feels awful." He whined, I felt bad for him. I passed him the hot water bottle and he cuddled it close to his stomach. I sat on the bed with him and put on a movie for him to watch, to help take his mind of the nausea. I texted Rye.

To Rye: Hey, can't make it to the gym. SORRY!

To Harvey: Why, why, why....and why?

To Rye: Brook has been sick, sick, sick....and sick. I am gonna stay and look after him.

To Harvey: Tell him to feel better, we'll be back at the flat later. Do you need me to get anything from the shops?

To Rye: Some ginger tea would do quite nicely for Brook's stomach.

To Harvey: Sure thing, see you soon.

I put my phone down and looked over at the sick lad next to me, who was making grabby hands. I laid down with him and held him in my arms.

"When are the others coming home?" He asked me.

"They didn't say, soon hopefully. Rye is going to bring you some ginger tea, I thought that it would settle your stomach a bit. Does that sound nice?" He didn't answer me, he yawned and cuddled into my chest.

"Go to sleep Brook, you need rest." I said running my hand through his blonde locks.  He drifted off to sleep.

Brook's POV:

The rest of the day I was just watching movies and drinking ginger tea with Harvey, I threw up a couple times though. Not pleasant at all. Late that night he was still sat by my bed, he looked tired.

"Just go to bed Harv, I'll probably sleep through the night. I'm pretty tired." I said pulling the duvet further up my body, ready to turn in for the evening.

"Are you sure, what if you're sick in the night?" He asked me.

"I'll be fine, I have a bucket and I'll come get you."

"Ok, well I'm going to go. See you in the morning, hope you feel better." He said leaving the room, I was alone in my room waiting for Jack who would make an appearance any minute now so we could go to sleep.

A few hours later and me and Jack were in bed asleep, that was until my stomach started acting up again. Starting off as just a bit achy, but I mean we all get stomach-aches now and again so this is probably just one of those times. Then I felt a little nauseous, but I hadn't really eaten all day so maybe I was just hungry. But before I could think about any other reason I might be feeling the way I did, I had already thrown up all over myself, all over my bed and completely missed the bucket right next to my bed. I looked at Jack in he bed next to me, I am still puking up all the tea I had drank that day, he wakes up and takes one look at the vomit. He gagged out of pure disgust, covered his mouth and nose with his hoodie.

"" I said in between gags.

"No, I'm out!" He said making a mad dash to get out of the same room as me. Jack must have alerted Harvey as he entered the now sick filled room.

"Aww Brookie, are you ok?" He said all empathetic, looking down on me.

"I made a bit of a mess, I'm sorry."

"It's ok mate, you're not well. Let's get you cleaned up." He said trying to help me out of bed without actually touching the vomit. He took me to the bathroom and started running a bath for me, adding in the nice scented bubbles. He left me to soak for a while, I cleaned the puke off my body, the hot water actually helped with the pains in my tummy. I got out and dried myself off, Harvey left me a clean pair of sweats and a shirt to change into. I went back to my room and saw that my sheets were changed, Harvey was waiting for me on the bed. I curled up with him.

"Jack is sleeping on the couch tonight, he doesn't want to be anywhere near you right now. He practically had a panic attack." Harvey told me, I felt bad but kind of not at the same time as I always have to clean up his vomit when he is sick so I see this as levelling the playing field.

"Will you stay with me the rest of the night Harvey, I don't want a repeat of the nights events."

"Sure thing mate, now go back to sleep. I'll stay here with you." I laid on his lap and he gently rubbed my stomach, the calming motions helped me  to fall back asleep.


Haven't had a lot of motivation recently, I'm tired. Haven't slept well.

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