Randy- Hemnes And Belly Rubs

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Andy's POV:
"It's ok Bumblebee, Andy's here. You're doing really well." I cooed softly to my baby who was currently sobbing as he vomited into the toilet. He woke up feeling sick this morning, I tried to make him drink some water but instead he just threw it all back up. I held his fringe out of his face and gently rubbing circles on his back.

"Daddy, it hwurts bad!" He cried, I hated seeing him like this.

"I know Baby Boy, just breathe." I said, after a couple more minutes of vomiting he stopped before leaning into me. I ran my hand through his hair as he caught his breath back.

"I'm sorry you're feeling poorly Bumblebee." I cooed before kissing him on the top of his head. I flushed the toilet before sitting him down on the lid, I grabbed a piece of toilet paper and wiped his face and nose before throwing it away.

"I think it's time for some medicine, what do you think?" I asked him, he nodded tiredly. He was exhausted from being sick. I grabbed the Pepto-Bismol from the cupboard and poured it onto a spoon, made sure the dosage was the correct amount.

"Open up baby." I instructed, he obeyed and opened his mouth which allowed me to feed him his medicine. He swallowed it, surprisingly he didn't complain about the taste. He must be feeling bad if he doesn't complain about taking medication.

"Aww, well done Bumblebee. Should we go lie down in my bed, cuddle with Hemnes and watch a bit of telly?" I asked him, he nodded slowly as he made grabby hands for me. I picked him up, hs wrapped his arms around my neck as I carried him to my bedroom. I laid him down and covered him up with my duvet, I grabbed one of my many Hemnes dogs and tucked it into the crook of his arm for him to cuddle with. I laid down next to him, I remembered that I had his dummy in my pocket.

"Do you want your Binkie Rye?" I asked him, showing him his dummy.

"Yes pwease Daddy." He said politely, I put the dummy in his mouth and he started to suck on it happily. I put on The Wiggles Movie because that was his favourite movie, let's be honest it was my favourite movie too, and I snuggled up with my sick baby.

As we watched the movie, I noticed that Rye started to whimper ever now and then. He dropped the dummy out of his mouth and started crying.

"Oh Baby, what's the matter?" I asked him as I sat him down on my lap.

"T-twummy a-angwy, giving m-me an o-owie!" He cried into my chest.

"Your tummy is really sore? Aww Rye, I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. Here let me rub your belly, make it feel better." I cooed empathetically to him, I slipped my hand under his pyjama top and rubbed circles on his upset stomach. I could feel it bubbling and gurgling under my hand.

"Oh Baby, I can feel how angry your tummy must be feeling. When Daddy has a tummy ache some ginger tea normally helps, do you want to give that a try?" I thought, I couldn't give him more medicine for a couple hours so ginger would be the next best thing for him.

"Ok." He whimpered, he clutched Hemnes and I picked him up. I carried him downstairs with his face nuzzling into my neck, we got to the kitchen and I got him all set up comfortably on the couch. I grabbed his sippy cup from the cupboard and started to boil the kettle, I grabbed a ginger tea bag and popped it into the cup. Rye was used to drinking hot liquids out of the sippy cup. (A/N since I was one and a half years old my nanny and grandad would put tea in my sippy cup, that's where my love for tea got started. Nice little story time for you there, I'm only doing this because I need affirmation. Affirmation that is missing in my lonely life, please give me some love, please read my story and give me some love!) I poured the hot water into the cup, I put in some cold tap water so it wasn't too hot for him. I took it over to the couch, poor Rye had curled himself up into a ball holding his stomach.

"Your tea is ready Bumblebee, should make your tummy feel a lot better. Here, come sit on my lap." I cooed softly, Rye crawled up onto my lap and I passed him the sippy cup. He started drinking it, I stroked his soft hair.

"Is it yummy?" I asked him, I liked it. He nodded and continued drinking it until it was all gone.

"Well done Rye." I praised him for drinking the whole thing, I put the cup on the floor and just cuddled my poorly baby in my arms. He grabbed my wrist and placed my hand on his stomach again.

"Aww, do you want me to rub your belly?" I cooed, tickling his tummy. He giggled as he nodded at me, could he be any more adorable? I started to massage his stomach again, he soon fell very sleepy and dozed off in my arms.

After a couple days of cuddling, Rye felt a whole lot better. However he came to me with a new problem.

"Daddy!" He said concerned as he toddled into my bedroom one afternoon.

"Hey Baby, what's the matter?" I asked, concerned myself. He then gave Hemnes to me.

"Hwemneees feels poorly, his twummy hwurts." He told me, that's when I noticed that he also had his toy doctor kit in his hand.

"Well Doctor Rye, what do you think the best treatment would be for poor little Hemnes?" I asked playing along with him as I lifted him up and place him next to me on the bed.

"A gwinger biscuit!" Rye prescribed, I chuckled to myself. He is an amazing toy doctor, he gets it from me. He then pretended to feed him an imaginary ginger biscuit. I grabbed Hemnes and moved his head up and down as I spoke in a weird voice.

"Thank you Doctor Rye, I feel much better now. Woof woof!" I said in my Hemn voice, Rye took him and cuddled him.

"Welcome Hwemneees!" He giggled before running off to play toy doctor with baby Sonny. I'm glad to see he was back to his normal self and using my advice to help others, even if they were just stuffed animals from IKEA.

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