Rylyn- Poorly Cuddles

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Rye's POV:

I was sat on my bed watching some Netflix on my laptop, Harvey was away so the bed next to mine was empty. Everyone in the flat was just chilling, doing there own thing. I heard my bedroom door open, I looked up from my screen and saw Brooklyn standing there. He was clutching his blankie and his dummy was in his mouth, obviously slipped into headspace. I also noticed the tears running down his cheeks.

"Daddy." He said padding over to my bed and rubbing his eyes.

"Aww, come here baby boy." I opened my arms out for him, he curled up on my lap and I ran my hand through his hair.

"Why are you crying little one?" I said softly.

"My tummy feels yucky." He said in his baby voice, cute and innocent. I felt his forehead, it was really warm.

"Aww bubs, you have a fever." He nuzzled his face into my chest, still crying.

"Lets get you some medicine." I said picking him up, I took him to the bathroom and sat him down on the toilet lid whilst I looked through the medicine cabinet. I found some pepto bismol and poured out the pink liquid onto the medicine spoon.

"Don't want medicine." Brook said turning his head away from the spoon.

"Come on bub, it'll make your tummy better." I said moving the spoon closer, he didn't move.

"Here comes the choo choo train, choo choo." I said in the hope that Brook would swallow the medicine. He slowly turned his head towards me and opened his move allowing me to feed him, he swallowed it but cringed at the taste that he wasn't too keen on.

"Good boy, lets get you all snuggly in my bed." I said picking him up again, I carried him back to my bedroom and laid him down on my bed and covered him up with my duvet.
"Do you want anything baby?" I asked him.

"Simba and some juice pwease Daddy." He said giving me sick puppy dog eyes. I went into his bedroom, Jack was already asleep, I grabbed Brook's lion toy off his bed then went into the kitchen to fill up his sippy cup with some orange squash. I walked back and saw him rubbing his eyes out of tiredness.

"I got you juice bubba." I said passing jim his sippy cup, he started drinking some. I put his plushie next to him on the bed before getting under the covers with him. Immediatley he attached himself to me, clinging like a sloth. I held him close to my chest and gently rubbed his poorly tummy.

"Go to sleep little one, I'll stay right here."

"Love you Rye Pie." He said sleepily, he soon drifted off to sleep.

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