Jacklyn- Night Time Cold Medicine

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Brooklyn's POV:

I had noticed that Jack's nose was quite stuffy today and he was a bit more tired than he usually is, so I put him down for a nap just to see if he perks up more after a bit more sleep. I finished making him his chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes for his dinner, I put them on a plate and added some sweetcorn to the meal to make sure he stays healthy. I went upstairs to the baby room to get my little boy. I poked my head round the door and saw that Jack was still asleep, he looked as cute as a button in his man-sized toddler bed. Sonny's bed was made up next to his, he wasn't in it because he was watching TV with Rye and Andy in the cinema room downstairs. I went over to Jack's bed and turned on his nightlight and tried to wake him up.

"Jackie, your dinner is ready. I made your favourite nuggets." I said in a singsong voice whilst rubbing his back. He slowly woke up and rubbed his eyes.

"Have a nice nap Bubba?" I asked playing with his messy brown hair. He whimpered and climbed onto my lap, smooshing his face into my stomach and curling up. I wrapped my arms around him.

"What's wrong little one?" I asked calming rocking him back and forth.

"Feel icky Daddy." He replied in a very raspy voice.

"Aww Baby, what feels icky?" I asked, holding him up slightly so I could look at him a bit better. His cheeks were tinted pink and his face was quite pale.

"Hwead, thwoad, nose." He said sadly, pointing to the body parts he was referring to. I felt his forehead, he felt really warm.

"Poor Baby, you have a fever." I said pulling him closer to my chest and hugging him as he shivered slightly.

"Do you still want your food Bubs, or does your tummy feel icky too." I asked him, remembering that his food was downstairs and probably getting cold.

"I hungwey." He said sadly, he felt very sorry for himself. I picked him up with his blanket and carried him downstairs and into the kitchen. Normally I make him sit at the breakfast bar when he eats but because he was poorly I got him all comfortable on the sofa. I quickly touched his food, the potatoes had gone all cold so I put his plate in the microwave to warm it up. In the meantime I grabbed Jack's sippy cup from the cupboard and grabbed the apple juice from the fridge o pour into it. I screwed the lid on so it wouldn't leak and I took it over to Jack who currently had a pouty face because he was really hungry and generally not feeling well. The microwave pinged and I took his plate out, I grabbed one of our reusable plastic forks from the drawer. I sat on the couch and started putting some food on the fork.

"Open wide Jackie." I said before feeding him, he always liked me feeding him. He swallowed and whimpered again.

"Hurds do swallow Daddy." He whined.

"I know Baby, I know. But you've got to eat something to keep your strength up." I said whilst preparing his next spoonful, I fed him again. He didn't whimper as much the more I fed him.

"What's going on here then?" I heard Andy's voice say from behind me, I prepared Jack's next fork full.

"Jackie isn't feeling very well, he has a bad cold or something." I said, in went another fork full of food.

"Aww, that's no fun. I'll make him some chocolate custard, that'll make him feel a little better." Andy said, I mean who doesn't want to eat hot chocolate custard when you have a sore throat? Jack finished his food, I put his plate in the dishwasher but left someone else to turn it on because I don't know how to work the dishwasher. Andy was heating up some custard in a pan, he had five bowls set up.

"Jackie, do you want to watch TV with the boys." I asked him, picking him up again. He nodded into my chest, I carried him into the cinema room. Sonny was cuddled up with Rye.

"Do you mind if we join you guys?" I asked sitting down on the other side of the couch.

"Don't mind at all, we are just watching The Wiggles Movie." Rye said, I looked at the screen. I love a bit of The Wiggles, the four dodgey Australian blokes. We all grew up with them, we never watched the new wiggles. We are all original. Jack started coughing into his elbow, I rubbed his back until he stopped his coughing fit.

"Aww, is Jack feeling poorly?" Rye asked. I nodded, I laid Jack across my chest and ran my hand through his hair. Andy came in with the chocolate custard for all of us. QUALITY LUSHNESS! We ate the soothing, sweet stuff. It's a really good comfort food. The movie ended at Dorothy the Dinosaur's birthday party, Jack should probably go to bed.

"Come on Bubba, bedtime." I said picking him up and holding him in my arms. I carried him up the stairs.

"Do you want to sleep with Daddy tonight?" I asked him. Again he nodded into my chest, he was tired. I took him to my room and got him all snuggly in my bed.

"I'll be back in a second Baby." I said, tucking in the covers before leaving the room. I went to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and grabbed some night-time cold medicine to give to Jack before he fell asleep. I got back to my room, he was lying down with his heavy eyelids fluttering.

"Jackie, I need you to sit up for a moment so you can take some medicine." I said screwing off the cap and pouring out the correct dosage onto the spoon. He slowly sat up and held his mouth open, I put the spoon to his lips and he drank the medicine. He immediately stuck his tongue out in disgust because it was the gross orange flavour and not the nice strawberry flavour of medicine we usually have.

"Yucky!" He whined. I chuckled at him, he was over exaggerating and being adorable. I got into bed and pulled the blanket over the both of us. I laid down on my side and ran my hand through Jack's hair.

"Goodnight little one, hope you feel better in the morning." I said before planting a small kiss on his forehead. He cuddled into my chest and I held him close to me as we both drifted of to sleep.

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