Sock- Anxiety/Asthma Attack

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Jack's POV:

I have day's where I let my anxiety get the better of me, and I notice it a lot when we are on tour. Don't get me wrong, I love meeting the Roadies and performing but sometimes it makes me really panicky. Then I will have a panic attack, to make matters worth I have asthma and feeling like you can't breathe makes me freak out even more. Normally during meet and greets Brook is able to calm me down by giving me belly rubs (A/N I love it when they give belly rubs during meet and greets, it's so cute!) but when we are on stage he can't really be discreet about it so I have to fend of myself. We are now on our Dynamite Tour, this is a really big and special tour to us and that makes me worried. What if I screw up, what if I let everyone down, what if? It is that constant question in my mind that causes me to shut down. We are about to go on stage, I am sweating because I am so nervous.

"Are you alright Jack?" Sonny asks putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine, just nerves." I say, just shake it off Jack. You've done this many a time and this time won't be different, I say to myself. We all run onto the stage, I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. Rye starts singing Dynamite solo, the crowd is cheering. I'll be fine, I loosen up a bit and dance around the stage with the boys. The show was going well, it was time for me to start singing Something About You, I was ready for it...but then this happened. There was loads of noise around me that I could barely hear the music so I missed my cue to start singing, I tried to jump back in on the right note.

"But you're poison, it's annoying." I sang, then I realised I sang the wrong verse! I MESSED UP, A COMPLETE COCK UP! Everyone was staring at me, the boys were staring at me weirdly and I didn't know what to do. I froze, I stood on the stage like a lemon doing nothing. Breathing heavily into my microphone, I tried to speak but I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. I felt my heart pounding faster in my chest, my chest tightened up and I dropped my microphone. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't breathe...

Sonny's POV:

I knew Jack got really nervous about performing, but when he is on stage he rocks it like the superstar he is. But today he just cracked. It was hard to hear the music so he came in a little bit late, that's live shows for you. But then he sang the wrong part of the song, it happens but he really lets it get to him. He looked so lost, he didn't know what to do. He was almost frozen inside himself. That was when he started panicking, first his breathing was all sped up and then he dropped his microphone and clutched his chest before he fell to the ground. I ran over to him immediately, dropping my own microphone so I could go and tend to my friend. Rye helped me quickly move him off the stage and we took him to our backstage room and laid him on the couch. He wasn't breathing right at all.

"He needs his inhaler!" I called out to Rye, he reached into Jack's backpack and searched around for a second until he pulled it out. I put the tube to Jack's lips and releasing the Salbutamol to help relax his lungs. He was a little better but still panicking, messing up his breathing, I place his hand on my heart.

"Following my breathing Jackie, in and out." I said guiding him whilst taking a deep breaths in and deep breaths out, he started to mimic my breathing so he was in rhythm. I pulled him close to my chest and hugged him to try and calm him down.

"I'm so s-sorry." He sobbed, I stroked the back of his head.

"It's not your fault Jack, you don't need to apologise." I said calmly rocking him.

"Are the others mad?" This poor boy, he shouldn't need to think that.

"Of course not Jackie, they were worried about you. We all were. I'm glad you're ok." I said holding him closer. From now on Jack always came to us if he felt like the pressure was too much, he found that if he opened up more about it the better he was. He was a lot more happier after this ordeal on the stage.


Hope you liked it! Sorry that it was a bit short, but I'm not an expert on these types of things.

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