Randy- I Can't Find My Damn Lyrics

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Andy's POV:
"Rye, Darling you're delirious with fever. No studio for you." I said softly and quietly to my sick boyfriend, he had a raging fever and had complained of a bad headache but now he was delirious and refusing to rest. He was very sure that we had studio today, we did not and he was having a hard time believing me.

"Andy I'm fine, Biscuit tell Andy I'm fine." He said picking up Hemnes as talking to it, confused when it didn't answer back. It was cute though.

"Hemnes thinks you're too sick for studio today Baby, how about we lie down on the bed and take a nap?" I suggested, I slowly helped Rye onto his mattress. I didn't cover him up with the duvet as his temperature would increase. I leaned over and kissed his forehead lightly, before running my hand through his hair gently.

"Try and get some sleep Rye Pie." I whispered softly, I cuddled up next to him so he was comfortable and we both drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of rustling and footsteps. I sat up and looked around the room, Rye was running around looking for something.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" I asked getting up from bed and making my way over to him. He was shaking and crying, looking very upset.

"I-I can't f-find it!" He sobbed, leaning his face into my chest. I wrapped my arm around his back to try and comfort him.

"What can't you find Baby?" I asked him.

"My l-lyrics." He replied, maybe he had worked on a song and because he thought we had studio he was trying to find them.

"Oh Baby, come back to bed. I'm sure they'll turn up but you need rest." I said calmly, he wasn't going to get any better otherwise. He started shaking his head and freed himself from my grasp.

"No, I need to find them. They're probably so scared!" He said as he started panicking. How could lyrics be scared, they have no emotions. Now of all times he was using personification. He ran up to the window, opened it and started shouting out of it.

"Lyrics, where are you?" He said, he kept leaning further and further out of the window. I ran up behind him and grabbed the sides of his waist, pulling him back into my lap to keep him from falling out. He put his head into my chest, panting as he sobbed. I could feel the heat radiating off of his forehead.

"How about we get you in a bath Rye, it'll help make you feel better?" I suggested again, he didn't say a word. I pulled him onto his feet and guided him to the bathroom. I got him undressed and sat him down on the toilet lid as I ran the cold tap. As I waited for the tub to fill up, I grabbed the thermometer.

"Let me take your temperature Sweetheart." I said moving it close to his ear. He moved away in fear, cornering himself against the wall and the sink.

"Baby, it's not going to hurt you. I promise." I said softly, squatting down to his level. He grabbed onto my arm and I slowly pulled him back onto the toilet lid. He then grabbed my hand and squeezed it as I put the thermometer in his ear.

"There we go, not so bad." I said before kissing the top of his head as we waited for the reading. I took it out and read it. He was at 103.6, we really needed to cool down now. I turned off the tap and helped lower him into the tub.

"I-it's c-cold!" He cried, his teeth chattering and his weak body shivering. I felt so bad for him but he wasn't going to feel better if we didn't do this.

"Just ten minutes Rye, then you can come out." I told him, I sat on the toilet lid and held his hand. I had set a timer on my phone and I was slowly trying to talk to Rye, helping him get through this.

"Andy, when can I come out?" Rye asked, more or less normal. Not in his delirious state.

"In a minute Honey Bee, you feeling a little better?" I asked, rubbing my thumb over his knuckles.

"My head still hurts, but now my tummy feels kinda sore." He said sadly.

"Awww Babe, let's get some medicine inside you then we can lie down on the bed and watch Netflix." I said looking at the timer which only had ten seconds to go, I stopped it and helped Rye out the bath. I wrapped him up in a fluffy towel and dried him off.

"I think we should just go with a t-shirt and boxers for now." I said picking his clothes off the floor and helped to dress him. I grabbed the thermometer again and placed it in his ear, he wasn't scared of it this time.

"You were at 103.6 earlier Darling, it should have gone down." I told him before taking it out again.

"You're at 102.8 now, it's not as low as I would like but it's an improvement." I said, I grabbed two ibuprofen tablets from the medicine cabinet and filled a little glass up with water.

"Take these for me Baby, they'll help." I said as I passed him the medicine. He swallowed them both down without fuss. I wrapped my arm around his waist and guided him back to our room, gently laying hims down on the mattress. He was using my chest for a pillow and I was running my hand through his hair.

"Have you been working on a song or something?" I asked him.

"No, why?" He replied in confusion.

"Because earlier you almost fell out the window because you were trying to find your lyrics."I explained.

"Really, I must have looked like a right tit." He said, I giggled to myself.

"No, it was adorable." I cooed pinching his cheek softly. I rocked him back and forth in my lap, humming a lullaby until he fell asleep in my arms.
I am going to start requests soon, but I had this idea in my head which I would of forgotten if I didn't write it down! Yet, I found it hard to wrap up. Still, hope you liked it xx

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