Ryan- Hugh Grant Helps Periods

978 41 31

If you have sent me a request please remind me what it was in the comments so I can write it, I'm very forgetful and lazy. Thank you!

Sonny's POV:
It was morning time, I'd just woken up because I was cold. I noticed the duvet wasn't on me anymore, I looked over my shoulder and saw that it had fallen on the floor near Rye's side of the bed. As I rolled over, I noticed that there was some sort of mark on Rye's sweatpants. He was facing the other way to me, sleeping on his side and slightly curled up. I turned on the lamp and saw that the mark on his sweatpants was blood. Oh no, my baby had started their period in the night. I felt really bad for him, Rye hates getting his period and I hate when he is on his period. It's like when he's ill, he isn't himself. I got up fron the bed slowly and went to the bathroom, I put a towel on the heater and turned on the shower for him so he could get cleaned up. I leaned over him and kissed his forehead.

"Pie, wake up Darling." I cooed softly, he started to wake up slowly. I think he could feel it, he whimpered and hugged his belly.

"I know Baby, your period started in the night, I'm so sorry. I have the shower on for you and there is a towel being heated up for you." I told him, I held his hand and helped him stand up. He looked at the bed, teary eyed with sadness.

"I-I'm sorry." He said, his lip quivering, Rye hadn't leaked on the bed before since we've been together.

"You don't need to apologise Rye, it happens. I'll put the sheets in wash later. Now take off your clothes and put them in the wash basket and have a nice long shower, ok?" I told him, he nodded and looked down. I guess he felt very sorry for himself.

"I'll leave a clean pair of sweatpants outside the door for you." I said ushering him into the bathroom.

"Thank you Bubs." Rye said, being able to crack a weak smile before closing the door. I went back to the bedroom and stripped the bed, chucking the stained sheets into the wash basket. I went to the cupboard and got some fresh sheets and put them on the mattress before making the bed up again. I made my way to the bathroom, the clothes were still outside the door and I could still hear the shower running but I was letting Rye take all the time he needed. I knocked three times on the door.

"Pie, you ok in there?" I asked him.

"Kinda, my stomach really hurts Sonny." He whimpered, poor thing was getting cramps.

"Aww Baby, I think we should get some painkillers inside you soon. I'm going to make you some breakfast, what would you like?" I asked him.

"Umm...can I have some pop tarts please? But the chocolate ones." He asked.

"Of course Baby, I have some ibuprofen in the drawer of my bedside table should you want it straight after you get out of the shower." I told him before going downstairs to the kitchen, I put the kettle on to make some tea for us and I grabbed the packet of chocolate pop tarts for Rye. I was going to have some cereal. I put the pastries on a plate and put them in the microwave for a couple seconds, our toaster wasn't working at the moment. I got myself some cornflakes, finished making drinks and took Rye's pop tarts out of the microwave and took them back upstairs to the bedroom. The shower was turned off now but Rye wasn't back yet, he was probably changing in the bathroom and putting in a pad. I turned on the telly and put on Love Actually, getting into the festive spirit even if Rye wasn't feeling great. Plus, Hugh Grant helps periods.

Rye waddled into the room, holding his stomach as he shuffled into the room.

"Aww Rye Pie, you need to sit down." I told him, I stood up and guided him to the bed. He was in a lot of pain.

"My tummy hurts!" He whined sadly.

"I know it does Sweetheart, I know." I cooed empathetically, I rubbed his arm as I helped him to lie down.

"Have a bite of your pop tart then take some tablets." I said sitting down again, I passed him his plate and grabbed the tablets. He took a bite and I passed him the medicine, he had his cup of tea ready in his other hand. He swallowed them down with his tea before eating the rest of his pop tarts, he looked so upset. I leaned over the side of the bed and pulled the heating pad out, I plugged it into the wall before placing it on Rye's lower stomach.

"There we go, is that nice?" I asked him, he nodded before snuggling into my side. He leaned his head on my chest, I kissed his forehead lightly.

"Thank you for everything you've done this morning, I really didn't expect this." He whispered.

"You're welcome Pie, you deserve to be treated like a King on his period." I told him, he giggled before cuddling in closer.

"I love you Sunshine." He cooed looking up at me.

"I love you too Honeybee."

This was a request, hope you liked it x

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