Sock-British Football Is Safer

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Sorry if I get anything wrong, I am British and I don't know the first thing about American football. I don't even know the rules for British football (soccer to my fellow American viewers) so don't come at me, thank you.

Jack's POV:
I had a new hobby, it all started when we went to the local leisure centre when we saw an advertisement that they were starting an American football team. It seemed very interesting, me and Sonny decided that we would give it ago. The coach was an American man, so he was an expert on the sport. I was not as experienced, but man did I pick it up quickly. I loved the test of agility, strength and it just felt great to be good at something.

"Well done Jack, that was amazing!" Our coach praised me after another strength test, I felt really proud of myself. I turned around and saw Sonny kind of struggling a bit, he was really good too but he didn't really seem to have the motivation after our second class. I however never lost the motivation. The class finished up for the day, me and Sonny were sat on the bench drinking some water as our coach gave us a little talk about what he had planned for next week. Another agility test, I was pumped for it but Sonny looked pooped.

"Come on let's go home, I need a power shower. I've never smelt so much like body odour, even when I was going through puberty." Sonny said grabbing his bag from the bleachers, I grabbed my bag when our coach ran up to us.

"Hey Jack, can I talk to you for a second?" He asked, I was still getting used to his American accent.

"I'll wait in the car." Sonny said walking back to the car park.

"Hey coach, what's up?" I asked him.

"Apart from running these classes just teaching the basics of football, I also have a team which I just put together. I was wondering if you wanted to join, you'd make a good quarterback." He said, I felt really proud of myself that he would even consider me.

"Sure! I would love to, wait when are the practices? You see me and Sonny are in this band and it might not fit in with our schedule and things, what if we get a gig and I have to miss a game?" I said worrying too much.

"Kid, kid just sleep on it. You have my phone number, I'll text you all the details. Have a think, we have a game coming up in a few weeks and you would be a great addition to the team." He said, I nodded. I walked out to the car park, Sonny was listening to music in the driver's seat, tapping on the wheel. I sat down in the passenger side, the sound of The Vamps filling my ears.

"So what did coach want?" Sonny asked as he started driving.

"Well, long story short he wants me on his team." I said, no hesitation and just getting to the point.

"Congratulations, so are you going to go for it?" He asked, excited for me.

"I don't know, I mean with the band schedule and everything I don't know whether I have the time." I said, my work will always come before pleasure.

"Mate, are you being serious. We'll make time, we make the schedule, we work our own hours. I've seen you out there Jack, you love it. You've found something that you love and good at other than singing. It would be a shame to let that talent go to waste." Sonny told me, well he has got a point. I thought about it when we got home, I talked to the boys and I even called my mum for some advice. They all said to go for it, it's the things that you don't do that you regret. I accepted my place on the team, we started training right away for the upcoming game. It didn't even clash with the band's schedule, we even filmed a cover with me in my new jersey and on the field. By the day of the big game I was ready, I was pumped and couldn't wait to get started. My team left the changing rooms and walked out onto the pitch, there was a crowd on the bleaches, I saw the boys there cheering me on. They were holding up a banner saying 'Head And Shoulders Shampoo For Jack!' (A/N if you don't know what head and shoulders is, it's a brand of antidandruff hair products. Danduff!) I blushed but the sign made me chuckle non the less, the cheerleaders on the side were doing a cool dance routine and the whole experience so far was amazing. It was then time for the opposing team to come out...OH SHIT! The whole team were a lot bigger than me, bigger muscles, much taller and they looked like they weighed a tonne. If I get tackled by one of them I'm in big trouble.

Sonny's POV:

We cheered as Jack's team ran onto the field, we made a funny sign for Jack because Head And Shoulders base their adverts around people in sport so we were hoping for a sponsorship. I was extremely worried when the opposing team ran on, they looked so strong and heavy compared to Jack. Jack did have muscle and was strong but these guys looked like body builders that only eat meat. The first part, Jack's team were playing defence and they managed to score (A/N I have absolutely no idea how to write this). But it was now time for Jack's team to play offence, after a quick huddle they got into their positions.

"Blue 42, blue 42! Set, Hut!" He said, he got tossed the ball and I could see the other team preparing to tackle Jack. It was one of those moments in life where it happens in slow motion, at least three men ran straight into Jack and he fell to the ground. The three guys thought it would be nice to crush his fragile body by jumping onto top of him too, three men piled up on him. I stood up and ran down the stairs until I reached the front couple of rows to see if Jack was alright. Coach got the guys off of Jack, I saw the pain spread across his face along with his nosebleed.

"Oh my God, Jack!" I shouted running onto the actual field. Jack lay still, his face tensed up in pain and tears running down his face.

"I'm here Jackie, you're going to be ok." I said grabbing his hand, luckily there were some paramedics o the side of field who had run over too.

"We need to get him to the ambulance so we can examine him." One of them said, I nodded. They tried to put Jack on a stretcher.

"OW! Stop, please stop!" He shouted in pain, they gave him some gas and air which helped enable him to get moved onto it. They took him into the ambulance and checked over him.

"Ok Jack, can you tell me what hurts?" They asked him.

""M-my head, my nose and my chest." He said, I was holding a tissue to his nose to try and stop his nose bleed.

"Ok, do you feel dizzy or nauseous?" They asked him.

"Yeah both, and it hurts to breathe." He said, a disposable vomit bowl was placed next to him if he felt like he needed to be sick.

"It hurts to breath, you say?" The paramedic asked, Jack nodded and closed his eyes.

"OK, we are going to take you to the hospital now. We need to get x-rays of your chest to check for broken ribs, you might have a concussion and a broken nose too." The paramedic explained, I nodded, the boys ran up to the ambulance.

"Is Jack going to be ok?" Andy asked, panting from running.

"They're taking him to hospital now, can you meet us there?" I asked.

"Yeah, I can drive." Rye said, I grabbed the keys out of my pocket and through them to Rye so they could follow us in my car. I was strapped in, so was Jack and we were taken to the local hospital.

We made it to the hospital, Jack had vomited several times while we were there. He ended up with a concussion. He had three broken ribs, but luckily his nose wasn't broken and just the impact caused his nosebleed. He was discharged fairly quickly and was recovering at home, Brooklyn had suggested we wrap him up in bubble wrap but I wouldn't allow it. I had him set up on the couch with an ice pack on his head, he was surrounded by loads of pillows so he was nice and comfy.

"You see why British football is safer?" I asked him, he nodded.

"Yeah, I think I'll just stick to that instead. No heavy men feel the need to just crush you during a game." He said.

"So are you quitting the team?" I asked him, curiously.

"Yes, it's not as fun with you there. You make it entertaining with your weird run." Jack said.

"I do not have a weird run!" I stated.

"You run like a chicken, seriously. Watching you do the London marathon would be an absolute bucket of laughs." He confessed, well he has got a point. I am not a graceful swan when it comes to physical activity.

"You are right, I'm much better at stuff like couch surfing than running. If I spent the amount of time I do sitting on this couch running, I would be the next Usain Bolt." I said, I should probably go on a run.


Might not have been the best, had to cut it a bit short. Injuries are not really my strength, I have not really had personal injury experiences I can portray through the boys. I've barely sprained an ankle. Sorry if this is a bit all over the place.

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