Trevor and Romeo- Back To School

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This isn't a sickfic for once, this is just for fun and based on the video above by Russel Kane who I'm seeing with my family in November. Also, sorry if I don't update as much as I use to for a while. I am going back to school on the 3rd, which currently is the day after tomorrow for me as I write this, in the October half term I have two weeks off so I might find some time to write a bit then but I am on holiday for a week of that. I will try and update as much as I can as I have a few requests but unfortunately the summer has come to an end and we are back to fucked roads. Slow updates from here on out. Enjoy!


Jack's POV:

Why can't Brooklyn help me this morning? I am trying to get Trevor ready for his first day at primary school, himself and Romeo are starting Reception class together. I have been up since the crack of dawn preparing and Brooklyn has just been filming it on the video camera so we can watch these videos back in a few years, I just need five seconds of his time to make some tea for myself. I have made breakfast and made Trevor a packed lunch, consisting of a mini tuna baguette, a packet of cheese and onion crisps, a tub of raspberries, a cereal bar and a carton of apple juice. I finished putting some syrup on Trevor's pancake, I made him a small cup of tea because he is already a tea enthusiast at the age of four. I put it on the table so it was ready by the time Brooklyn woke him up and got him dressed.

"Daddy!" He called out merrily in his little school uniform, he ran towards me and I picked him up.

"Morning little man, you look so handsome and smart!" I told him before kissing his head. His hair was in a swoosh, he had some of Brooklyn's hair gel in.

"Did Papa do your hair?" I asked him, he nodded happily. I sat him down on his chair so he could eat his breakfast. Brooklyn came into the room with the video camera.

"And here is little Trevor eating his pancake, and here is Jackie looking really annoyed at me." He said taking the camera off our son and onto me with my hands on my hips.

"Can you turn the camera off please, can you make me some tea. I'm really thirsty?" I asked my loving husband.

"Sorry, I can't stop filming. I haven't stopped filming all day." Brooklyn said getting a close up of my face.

"You didn't film him getting dressed did you?" I asked starting to make myself some tea because it was clear Brooklyn wouldn't do it for me.

"Yes I did, we saw everything. Even his morning wee." Brooklyn told me, he needs to keep some part of our lives private.

"Anyway, are looking forward to school Trev?" I asked him, he nodded as he chewed his food.

"I like Mrs Dreelan!" He said, we met his teacher last week. She was a really nice lady, her husband Mr Dreelan was my music teacher at sixth form.

"Me too Buddy, do you have your bookbag ready?" Brooklyn asked.

"By the door with my new shoes and my new coat!" He said excitedly, he loved having new clothes to wear for school. Because he finished nursery he doesn't wear non-uniform anymore, but he loves his uniform. He looks really grown up. I grabbed his empty plate and mug and put them in the dishwasher.

"Ok Trevor, put your shoes on. Romeo, Uncle Rye and Uncle Andy will be here soon." I told him, we had decided that me and Andy will drop the boys off and Rye and Brooklyn would pick them up. We got all of Trev's stuff together and stood outside, Brooklyn had his phone out taking back to school pictures.

"Hey guys, sad to see them leave?" Rye said walking along the driveway, the live next door to us so it isn't a long commute.

"They grow up so fast, pretty soon they will be leaving for university!" Brooklyn said as he welled up with tears. Romeo and Trevor stood side by side and we took a couple more pictures.

"We better head off, we don't want to be late." I said looking at my watch.

"Noooo! Please don't send my baby back to school! I!" Brooklyn exclaimed as he hugged Trevor so tight he was almost being constricted to death. The door to the house on the other side of us opened and a heavily pregnant Sonny and husband Harvey came out, walking over to us.

"First day for school for the little ones?" Sonny asked, rubbing his baby bump.

"Yes it is, how's your baby to be. Do you have a name for her yet?" Andy asked him.

"We have actually, we are going to call her Honey. Because it sounds like our names put together and it's really sweet." Harvey said, I thought it was a cute name.

"Honey sounds nothing like Sarvey." Brooklyn said confused.

"No, it sounds like Honny. So we are calling her Honey." Sonny corrected, Brooklyn then got it.

"Ok, to the car kids." I called out walking to the car, I was driving today.

"Bye Papa." Both Trevor and Romeo said as they hugged Brooklyn and Rye We got them strapped in and I drove to the primary school. We got out and held their little hands inside and to their classroom, there were already children there. They were all getting to know each other through play as everyone arrived, it was so cute.

"Hello again, Trevor and Romeo." Mrs Dreelan said walking over to us.

"Hi Mrs Dreelan." The two boys said in unison.

"Do you want your Daddy's to stay with you for a little bit?" She asked them, I felt Trevor grip my hand a bit tighter. Both himself and Romeo nodded shyly.

"Ok, let me show you where you can put your bookbags and your coats." She said showing us to the cloakroom, there were little cubby holes and benches. Everyone had a space to put their lunch boxes and their was a space to hang up their coats. Each peg had a name tag for each child, they made them on their little trial day when they met their teacher.

"Can you find your name tag and put your stuff in the cubby?" She asked the boys, they wasted no time in finding their names and putting their stuff inside.

"Let's go play with the others for a while, you two can go sit down on a chair and watch them if you'd like." She told me and Rye, we followed them into the classroom. They had the alphabet along the wall all the numbers, there was a book corner and some to boxes. A jar that had 'Golden Time' written on it, we all know what that means.

"Aww, I remember having a marble jar. I remember I got to put the biggest marble in the jar because I spelt my entire name right. I earned the class ten minutes of Golden Time, best day of my life!" (A/N, THIS HAPPENED TO ME. OBVIOUSLY BEING FOUR YEARS OLD, IT WAS HARD TO SPELL MY NAME. MY NAME IS BETH BUT EVERYONE SPELT IT BEF, I WAS SO HAPPY BECAUSE MY TEACHER MADE A BIG THING OF ME PUTTING THE BIGGEST MARBLE IN THE JAR AND EARNING MY CLASS TEN FUCKING MINUTES OF GOLDEN TIME! But that was on a Monday but then I caught a cold as I was off sick on the Friday afternoon when it was Golden Time, I was so disappointed in my immune system.) I told Rye, I felt all nostalgic. I saw the boys playing with all the other children, smiles spread across their faces, making my heart melt.

I felt my phone vibrate, it was a notification from Facebook saying that Brooklyn had tagged me in something, I pulled the post up and it was all the photos of Trevor and Romeo. The message was this:

They're such angels, I'll miss them so much. But what a summer it has been of museums, stimulating theatres, holidays and trips. I love you Trevor xxx

Is he for real, our little shit has watched so much Peppa Pig that I'm surprised he didn't oink at his teacher.

"PEPPA PIG, OINK! OINK!" All the children all creepily sung together before hysterically laughing, I spoke too soon.


Don't even know what that was, I should just stick to Sickfics. Hope everyone has a great school year, wishing everyone some good grades and fun memories.

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