Brandy- Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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Andy's POV:
Everyone knows about my IBS, it isn't the easiest thing to hide when even when you've had it for a really long time. I have been managing quite well though since I was diagnosed many years ago, I have a good diet and I get plenty of exercise. However more recently, we have been really busy filming covers and attending events that it has been hard to stick to my diet. We've ordered pizza, fish and chips, McDonalds and all over sorts of foods like that. They are delicious but full of fat which start to trigger my symptoms very quickly. Tonight we were having domino's pizza, I had a margarita which I was sharing with the others because I can never normally eat the whole thing. I was on my second slice when my stomach started cramping up, it hurt really bad. I put my slice down and tried to breathe through it.

"Are you alright Andy, you've barely touched your food?" Brooklyn asked concerned, I rubbed my tummy gently. It felt bloated.

"My stomach hurts, I'm going to go lie down." I said standing up and holding my stomach.

"Are you ok, do you need anything?" He asked.

"No, I'm fine thanks." I said making my way out the door, I slowly made my way upstairs and into my bedroom. I flopped down onto my mattress and curled up into a ball, my tummy was hurting so bad! I carried on rubbing my belly, as gross as it was I needed to fart to relieve all the gas in my stomach which was causing my discomfort. The flatulence continued for a while, admittedly scared that I would follow through. That had happened in the past and it wasn't pleasant. Seeing as I was still gassy I probably should go to the toilet, just to be safe. I got up and went to the bathroom and sat down, immediately I started having diarrhoea. I've always hated it, it's just disgusting. With every stomach cramp came another round of it, knowing I had to live with this was so upsetting. I just want my normal life back! A life where I'm not scared to be out in public should I need to use the toilet, a life when I can eat the foods I love without having to worry whether it will just make the pain worse. Just a normal life, with my normal routine! I'm always ashamed when it comes to this, tears on the toilet. But knowing that this is now my life does upset me so a sob every now and then is ok but my every now and then is becoming more frequent. I finished up on the toilet, cleaned myself up and went back to bed. I curled up, I still had a tummy ache, I felt kind of queasy but I wasn't going to be sick. I just want to be comfortable. I wrapped the blanket around me, my only comfort around me and protecting me.

"Hey Andy, are you feeling any better?" I heard Brooklyn ask from behind me, I shook my head sadly. I just felt sorry for myself more than anything. I felt the bed dip next to me, I lifted up my head so I could see him.

"I brought you some water, I don't want you to get dehydrated." He said passing me a bottle of water, he unscrewed the cap and passed it to me. I put the bottle to my lips and slowly took some sips of water, slightly refreshing and helping the nausea.

"Thank you." I said before passing the bottle back and cuddling into his side. He rubbed my arm gently.

"How's your stomach feeling?" He asked.

"It still hurts a bit." I answered sadly.

"Have you been to the toilet?" He asked, I nodded my head slowly. How could I forget?

"I'm so sorry you're not feeling good. You really haven't been great recently, is there anything we can do to help?" He asked me.

"Well, I really need to eat better food. We've been eating a lot of junk and it isn't good for my stomach, all the fats and stuff. I would do anything to eat a salad right now." I said truthfully, I wanted a nice healthy plate of green.

"Oh ok, I see. We'll definitely try an make sure you are catered for, from this point forward if we are having a meal together we are going to eat the same thing to support you. Wait here for a minute, I'll be right back." He said before getting up and leaving me. Alone again, naturally. It was nice to know that he was going to encourage the others to make time to try and occasionally eat the same foods as me. Brooklyn ran back into the room with a whole cucumber in his hands, I couldn't help but laugh.

"I know I said I wanted a salad, but this is something else." I said, still chuckling away.

"It's a start, go one let's get you back on track." He said pulling off the film covering. He passed me the vegetable and I took a huge bite straight from the middle, it was refreshing!

I was soon back on track with things, I was a lot more careful with what I ate and it was nice to see the boys also eating the same foods as me.

Had to cut this one a bit short as I am going glamping tomorrow and I won't have wifi and I don't have data so J wanted to get this out. I could have done better but I've been busy, I've had a haircut, my mum's friends are in town from the UAE and now a spontaneous trip so yeah. Hoped you liked it anyway xxx

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