Sandy- Fatigue

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Andy's POV:

I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, that doesn't mean that I get a bit more tired easier than the average person. I am constantly tired and it can not be helped with just resting, I get headaches and sore throats, pains in my joints, I never wake up from a full nights sleep refreshed and after physical and mental exercise I feel wiped out for more than a day. I haven't really told the boys about it, Sonny kind of knows because back in the days of Overload Generation and X-Factor rehearsals I would have days were I felt like I couldn't move. I can normally pull through but sometimes I can just lounge around with them or by myself, it isn't that noticeable. However, now that our band has grown in popularity and we've been putting out better quality, high energy covers I am starting to feel it come on a lot more harder than it used to be.

"Andy, wake up." Someone said shaking me slightly, I slowly opened my eyes. I felt like I needed to sleep for another ten years. It was Jack waking me up, I must not be doing good if he is waking me up. Normally it's me trying to wake up Jack.

"Are you ok Andy, you're not coming down with something are you?" Jack said concerned placing his hand on my forehead, my head did hurt and my throat felt a bit scratchy but I was in no way ill.

"No, I feel fine. I'm just really tired. Could you give me ten more minutes?" I asked rubbing my eyes, I just needed that little bit longer to feel the slightest bit refreshed.

"Ok then." He said before leaving the room, I pulled the duvet back over me and I was out like a light.

"ANDY WAKE UP, FOR FUCK SAKE. WE'RE LATE!" Rye shouted at me, stripping the duvet off my body. I sat up, slightly scared.

"Ten minutes, more like an hour! Get changed, we need to get to the disco place before our time slot runs out." He said, angrily storming out the room. I still felt tired, but that was no surprise. I had to wear a classic disco outfit for the cover we were doing, a 70s disco medley. The routine that we put together involved a lot of moving around, fast paced choreography so I wasn't really looking forward to it. I got on my flashy, snazzy clothes and slipped a comfortable hoodie over the top. I slowly plod down the stairs, holding onto the banister so I didn't fall over. The boys were sitting in the kitchen, they looked really annoyed at me.

"Great, Sleeping Beauty has decided to join us. Come on, our booking at the disco ends in a couple hours." Rye said, I think he calmed down now but he was still a little bit mad. I leaned in the doorway and waited for everyone else to leave, trying to regain any energy that I had, Sonny came up to me.

"Are you alright, mate?" He asked, concerned for me. I wasn't alright at all.

"Not really, I'm really tired." I said, almost falling asleep in the doorway which was surprisingly comfortable. He wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me get to the car. I sat in the back with him and Brooklyn, not minding that I laid my head on his shoulder and tried to fall asleep.

"Andy, Andy wake up." I heard Sonny say gently. It took me a while to wake up, but I did it. I'm awake, I'm awake.

"Can you hold me?" I asked shyly, I felt too tired to move at the moment. Sonny tired around and bent forward so I could climb on his back. I rested on him as he carried me inside, everyone else had gone on ahead. We got inside the massive disco hall, lights everywhere.

"You lazy toad, I know you're tired but we aren't going to carry you around all day." Rye said, he wasn't in a good mood with me. I got down from Sonny's back and took off my hoodie. I couldn't keep up with the dances.

"Andy, you're not doing it right! You forgot the box step." Brooklyn said, demonstrating a box step.

"i didn't even know we had a box step." I argued back, I was just so tired. I couldn't help but snap back at everyone. We tried the dance again, I felt incredibly unbalanced.

Sonny's POV:

I knew that Andy got really tired, like REALLY tired. We were trying to do our set choreography again. Andy didn't look good, he looked like he was about to pass out.

"Guys, can we stop for a minute? Andy needs a break." I asked the others.

"I know Andy is tired, but we are all tired and tis has a very specific deadline. He just needs to suck it up." Rye said, a bit harsh. Andy can hardly walk, he was literally swaying. Suddenly, I see him fall to the ground. He hit his head in the process.

"Andy!" I shouted, I ran over to him and placed his head and rested it on my knees. I ran my hand through his blonde hair.

"I told you he needed a break, why didn't you fucking listen to me!" I shouted at the others, it was obvious that he was in a bad state.

"I-I'm sorry, I just thought that he was tired because he over slept. I didn't think that he would pass out." Rye said, feeling guilty and looking at the ground. The boys standing wordlessly around him. Andy started moaning.

"Andy, are you ok?" I said calmly.

"My head hurts." He said whilst yawning. We should probably get him back home and into bed. I picked him up bridal style, he fell asleep in my arms as I carried him back out to the car. Rye drove us home, Andy managed to stay asleep the whole time. I took him up to his bedroom and sat him down on his bed so I could get him changed into some comfy sweats.

"Why are we back home?" Andy asked, coming to a little bit.

"You fell, remember? You collapsed and hit your head, you are going to have a nasty bruise tomorrow mate. Lie down." I said, I got his blankets and pulled them over him, he needed to get some rest. I sat down on the edge of the bed with him.

"This whole feeling tired thing started a long time ago Andy, maybe we should take you to see a doctor." I suggested.

"I did, a couple years back. He said I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome." He said all quiet and tired.

"Aww, Andy why didn't you tell us. We would work you as hard if we knew it was going to make you feel really back." I said all empathetically.

"I thought it was getting better, it was until we started speeding up again." He said, I rubbed his leg.

"Just get some rest Andy,we'll try not to overwork you from now on. But please tell us when something is up." I said, all we wanted to do was help out a friend. He nodded tiredly, he quickly drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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