Jandy- The Kissing Disease

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Andy and Jack are in a relationship for this one xxx


Andy's POV:

I hate seeing my boyfriend so weak, and knowing that it was my fault makes me feel guilty. I know how much he hates being unwell. I kissed him when I was still contagious with mononucleosis just to prove that it's nickname The Kissing Disease was a myth that someone made up to keep children from playing kiss chase in the school playground because primary school kids starting full on snogging which isn't appropriate for their age. That was before I checked the NHS website and saw the real reason they called it the kissing disease is because it is most commonly spread, and easily spread through saliva. It was a good snog for being ill but now I just felt so bad that Jack had caught it from me, I know what mono does to you. A week or so of feeling like complete shit then another couple weeks of just pure fatigue, it was a living hell for me so I could only imagine how Jack felt about all of this. He was currently asleep in our bed, this morning when I was downstairs for breakfast Jack came into the kitchen looking so frail, so fragile. I immediately ran over to him before his legs gave way, I carried his tired little body back upstairs to bed and he fell back asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow. He's been passed out for about two hours now, I've just been letting him rest, he looked so peaceful that I didn't want to wake him up. But I knew that I would need to wake him up eventually, I had to take his temperature and give him some medicine. I slowly crept into the room with the ear thermometer in my hand, Jack was laying on his side and curled up in the fetal position shivering. Poor thing had the chills real bad. I sat down on the edge of the bed and slipped the thermometer into his ear, Jack started stirring before opening his eyes. He whimpered in pain.

"Ssshhh, it's ok sweetheart. I'm just taking your temperature. You can go back to sleep if you want." I said as I stroked the back of his had to try and calm him down. He didn't try to go back to sleep, he stayed awake as I put the thermometer back in his ear. It beeped and I read the reading, he was at 103.2 I felt his forehead with my hand, he was roasting. Like a burnt chicken nugget fresh out the oven.

"You're burning up Baby, I'm sorry but no duvet right now." I said apologetically as I stripped it off him, I replaced it with his thin blankie so he was at least covered. He started shivering again, I continually feel guilty because I keep causing him discomfort. I moved his head onto my lap so I could stroke his hair and rub circles on his back.

"Everything h-hurts." He croaked out sadly, I could tell that he had a really bad sore throat.

"I know Jackie, I know." I cooed sympathetically towards him, I knew what he was going through was unpleasant.

"I'm going to get you some ibuprofen, do you want me to get you anything else?" I asked him, I wanted to spoil him and wait on him hand and foot.

"Some tea and a hot water bottle please, Andy." He replied politely, still sadly.

"I'm not sure about the hot water bottle Jackie, I mean you already have a high temperature." I said, not really wanting to give him a hot compress at the moment.

"But my tummy really hurts!" He moaned as he hugged his stomach with both arms.

"Fine, ok. But if your temperature gets too high then I'll take it away, deal?" I asked him, he nodded before I headed back to the kitchen to put the kettle on. I grabbed a mug and the hot water bottle from the cupboards. As the kettle was boiling I grabbed the box of ibuprofen which was kept on top of the microwave, I was going to take the whole box up with me so I wouldn't need to come back downstairs for it. I put the English Breakfast Tea teabag in the mug (A/N I am too British, if you have a problem with my Britishness then you can fuck off to China. THANK YOU!) and poured the water in, leaving some room for the milk after it's brewed, and poured the remaining water in the hot water bottle. I grabbed the milk from the fridge and poured in a little bit, he didn't like it too weak or too strong. Luckily I got it just right, I stirred it with a teaspoon and Bob's your uncle. I took everything back upstairs to our bedroom, Jack was spooning Daddy Hemnes. He was so adorable.

"Baby, I'm back. I got your things." I said as I sat back down on the bed, I put the hot water bottle on Jack's tummy.

"Can you sit up to drink your tea for me?" I asked him, I stacked up the pillows behinds him so it was a bit easier. I helped him up before he slumped back down, I noticed a red rash appearing on his face.

"You're getting a rash Darling, here drink your tea whilst it's still hot. It will do your throat some good." I said passing him his mug, he took a couple of sips as I popped out two ibuprofen tablets.

"Take these Baby." I said passing him the medicine. One by one he swallowed them down with some tea. He took a couple more big sips before handing the mug back over to me.

"Finished already, you must have been thirsty." I said looking at his empty mug, I wouldn't be able to drink it that fast when it was scolding hot. Well done to him. I put the mug one the bedside table before moving Jack's head back onto my lap, I leaned over and kissed his forehead.

"Do you want to take a nap, Jackie?" I asked him, he nodded tiredly whilst yawning widely.

"Ok, get some rest sweetheart. I'll be here when you wake up, I'll make you some chicken noodle soup too. Homemade." I told him before he dozed off, he gave me a weak smile.

"Thanks Andy, love you." He cooed before closing his eyes.

"Love you too Jackie Poo." I cooed back as I ran my hand through his hair.

Jack soon fell into a deep sleep, I made him my mother's special chicken noodle soup when he woke up. It always makes him feel better even when he is at his worst, it's his favourite thing. I cuddled him and looked after him until he was back to his normal, happy go lucky, Irish man joker, self. Word of advice, don't kiss your loved ones when you have mononucleosis or any communicable disease because then you have to see them when they're feeling poorly and that's not worth any kiss. Save it for when your healthy and when their immune system is in a happy mood and decides not to let them down. I think we all learned something today, never play kiss chase.

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