Jacklyn- I'm Going To Make This Place Your Home

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Another cat hybrid one xxx


Brooklyn's POV:

I picked the short straw yet again and had to run through a thunderstorm to go tho the shops because we had run out of tea and biscuits. I was jogging back with my bag for life trying to get back to Blair's flat, deciding to cut through the park. The rain was coming down in bucket loads. I went through the park gate and saw a little kitten stood near the swings, it was really cute but he looked really scared and was soaking wet a shivering. Suddenly there was another flash of lightning, the kitty was startled and ran underneath the slide and hid in a box. Curiously, I made my way to the box and crouched down. He was huddled away amongst the bodies of dead kittens, the box said  'FREE KITTENS' on it. He was the only survivor amongst his litter, it made me so sad that he was all alone.

"Here kitty kitty, come here little one." I cooed towards him, he shook with fear and backed away slightly.

"I know buddy, storms are scary but I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." I said reaching my hand out for him to sniff. Slowly he came towards me, his little pink nose brushing up against my fingers as he got used to my scent. I gently picked him up, he was so light and clearly hadn't been fed in ages and he was soaking wet. I held him under my coat so he was dry as I made my way quickly, but carefully, back to the flat. I opened the door and went straight to the bedroom to find the boys.

"There you are, I'm dying for a cuppa." Rye said looking up from his watch. Mikey shut the lid of his laptop and Andy looked up from his phone.

"Guys, look what I found in the park on my way home." I said quietly as I gently revealed the soggy kitten, he was shivering now.

"Brook, you can't just take animals like that. That could be someone's pet." Andy told me like he was my mother or something.

"No, I found him in a box labelled 'FREE KITTENS'." I tried to explain.

"Mate, that doesn't mean you just take one. I'm not sure we can deal with a kitten right now, I know he is very cute but we aren't in the right place." Mikey explained climbing down from his bunk and lightly stroking the kitten's head. 

"You don't get it, he was in the box with his whole litter and they were all dead. They must have been abandoned for days, he's frail and skinny." I explained, the kitten looked up at me and meowed sadly. I took him to my bed and grabbed a towel and started to dry him off.

"I'll heat up some milk for him." Rye said leaving the room, Andy passed me a fluffy blanket to wrap him up in and Mikey turned the heater on. I put him on my chest and gently scratched him behind the ears.

"You're a handsome boy aren't you?" I cooed. Rye came back in with his milk and placed it in front of him, he immediately started to lap it up. He must have been really hungry.

"Aww, he's a cutie." Andy said sitting down next to us.

"Can we keep him Andy, can we please keep him!" I begged.

"I don't think so mate, he is still very little and will need a lot of looking after. I think we should take him to Battersea Dogs And Cats Home tomorrow, he will be safe there and if he is lucky he will get to meet Paul O Grady." Andy said, I saw his point.

"Ok, but can I at least name him?" I asked everyone.

"If you must." Rye said. It was only then as I thought of a name that I realised that the radio was on in our room, it was the song My Heart Will Go On, instantly reminding me of Titanic.

"I think I'm going to call him Jack, he has some Di Caprio about him." I said looking down on Jack, he meowed at me before cuddling up under my arm. I felt the tiny vibrations of his purring against me, tickling me slightly. It was going to be hard to say goodbye to him tomorrow.

Jack's POV:

I woke up feeling really poorly, my nose felt runny and I was achy and cold. I crawled over to Daddy, ever since he took me home I've felt so attached and wanted only to cuddle with him.

"Daddy, I don't feel well. Want snuggles with you." I told him as I pressed my paw against his cheek and my tail brushing across his forehead.

Brooklyn's POV:

I woke up to meowing, I opened one eye and saw Jack near my face. Then I remembered that we were going to give him up today.

"Morning little buddy." I said picking him up and placing him on my chest, as I stroked him I knew something was up. He nuzzled his unusually warm face into my hand, his nose was wet and running like a tap, he was shivering again.

"Oh no, Jack. You caught a cold from being out in the rain, didn't you?" I said sympathetically, he sneezed three times in a row, squeaking and spraying as he did.

"Poor little thing, don't worry Jackie. I'm going to make you better." I said, I wrapped him up in a blankie and sat him down on the bed.

"Go to sleep Jackie, I'll be back in a minute." I told him before leaving the room, everyone one else was in the kitchen.

"Guys, I don't think we can take Jack to Battersea today." I said, everyone looked up from their coffee and or tea.

"I know its going to be hard for you to say goodbye but it is too much of a responsibility for us to take on at the moment Brook." Mikey said.

"But the poor thing is really poorly, he can't leave like that. Can we at least wait until he is feeling better?" I asked.

"They will have vets at Battersea, he will be well looked after there." Andy said, not trying to get my hopes up.

"Please, I'll beg on my knees!" I whined, I just wanted a couple more days with him to make sure that he was alright and fit enough for the travel from Slough.

"Fine, fine, but only until he is better." Rye said, I smiled before grabbing a dish and heating up some more milk for him, crumbling up some medicine in it to help him get better. I took it back to the bedroom, Jack was half asleep and was now on Andy's laugh.

"He is quite unwell actually." He said stroking his head.

"Here Jackie boy, drink some of this." I said holding the dish out in front of him so he could lap it up. After he finished his bowl we decided that we would sing to him.

"If you get lost, you can always be found. Just know you're not alone, 'cause I'm going to make this place your home." All they boys sang together to our poorly friend, Andy was laying his guitar lightly. Jack slowly drifted off in my arms.

"Sleep tight little one."

*Time lapse, time lapse, time lapse. Everybody now!*

Jack soon recovered after a couple more days of drinking warm milk, cuddles and singing to him. By that point all of us had fallen in love with him, Andy even let us adopt him. We took him to the vets to give him his vaccinations, the landlord approved with us having a pet and we had his insurance. The song almost foreshadowing that no matter what he was going to be staying with us forever. Home is where the cat is xxx


Not too much of a sickfic but it was just a cute idea that popped into my head xxx

I am annoyed at my English teacher, we have this app where every piece of homework is set, it is were it is assigned and where it is marked off. Over a week ago Miss said that we had homework and was very vague about what it was that we actually had to do, it went over everyone's heads because we know it would be online for us to see anyway. It wasn't on the app, and for me if it isn't on the app there is no evidence that the teacher ever set homework so when we had to get it out today everyone looked at her like she was crazy. 4 people out of over 30 students remembered it and the teacher had a full on go at everyone saying that we are top set so we should have to memorise these things. This particular school year we haven't been given anything to take note of our homework, because it is all online and it has been that was for like two years, plus she never gives us time to write anything down. It's like she doesn't realise that we have roughly eight pieces of homework due in every week so it is going to be pretty hard at remembering something as small as 'give examples of all sentence types'. She isn't my favourite teacher but at least none of us got a detention as there were too many of us who hadn't done it so we now have to do the homework on top of the English homework she already set for next week which we begged for her to put online, she wasn't going to in the first place!

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