Jacklyn- Antibody Breastmilk

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Jack's POV:
This is why the human body is amazing. Even though I am sick and caring for a baby, I need not worry because there are antibodies in my breastmilk that will protect our little bundle of joy, Trevor. Because taking care of a sick baby when you're sick yourself it isn't pretty. I knew my immune system was weaker than usual because I hadn't been ill in almost a year because I was very careful during my pregnancy, taking my vitamins and stuff. But flu season is upon us and I was now losing the battle with it, I haven't slept, me and Brook have been busy with moving house and to top it all off Brooklyn was out filming with the boys because I was on maternity leave. I was alone to look after a newborn and my body is deciding to fail me. I was holding Trevor in my arms, rocking him to try and get him to stop crying.

"Ssshhh, id's ok Drevor. Calm down baby." I cooed congestedly, I had a tissue stuffed up each nostril so my nose wouldn't run onto my son. I looked ridiculous but you have to do what you have to do, I would be lying if I didn't say his screaming was making my headache worse. I couldn't blame him, he couldn't help it and one day I will be going through a lot worse things.

"You're dired, *cough couch cough* aren'd you buddy? Daddy is dired doo." I cooed, or should I saw croaked. My throat felt like sandpaper, I sat down on the sofa as I felt my aching legs grow weaker. I rocked him some more and hummed a lullaby that I would normally sing to him, he soon calmed down and fell asleep in my arms. I gently put him in his play crib in the living room, next to the couch, it had a couple teddy bears and soft toys in there. I pulled a little blankie that my Mum knitted for him, over the top of him so he was comfortable. I pulled the bits of tissue out of my nose and chucked them in the waste basket, they had been covered in thick mucus, gross yellow mucus which looked disgusting. I swear over the last few months my body has been storing up waste and has chosen today to release it. I slowly got up from the couch, using all my might to pull the strength together to go to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. Luckily there was already water in the kettle so I just had to flip the switch, I grabbed my mug and put the milk in first. I know that is against the tea making code but today I was out of it, taking a shortcut and it would probably be too milky and cause my mucus to feel heavier but I just didn't care. My eyes prickled with exhaustion, I really needed to sit down. I finished making my brew and I made my way back to the living room, I curled up into the corner of the sofa. I had The Jeremy Kyle Show playing on a low volume, now that the baby was asleep all I could do now to try and get better was drink tea and watch daytime television. I felt my sinuses tingle, I reached for the tissue box and pulled one to my nose.

"*AAA...AAA...ACHOO!*" I sneezed very loudly, unfortunately waking up Trevor. He started crying again, I picked him up and cradled him in my arms.

"I'm sorry Drev, Ssshhh. *Cough cough* Daddy needs some quied." I cooed, desperately trying to get him to calm down. My headache was getting progressively worse, I tried humming again but that wasn't working. Also me and Brooklyn decided that we would never give him a dummy incase we couldn't ween him off it so we could use one. I started singing to him, I pulled through the sore throat even know I knew I'd regret it later.

"Come with me and you'll be *cough cough cough* in a world of pure imagination, dake a look and you'll see indo your imagination. *cough cough* We'll begin with a spin, travelling in the world of my creation. Whad we'll see *cough cough cough* will defy explanation. If you wand do view *cough* paradise, simply look around and view id. Anything you *cough cough* wand do do id, wanna change the world. There's nothing do id. *Cough cough cough* There is no life I know do compare with pure imagination, living ther you'll *cough* be free if you druley wish do be." I sang, even through waves of coughing. After half an hour of trying to get Trevor to settle down he finally did. He didn't fall asleep but he had stopped crying, he was calm. I was now outstretched on the sofa with Trevor lying on my chest, maybe listening to his heatbeat would make him fall asleep. Despite the desperate urge to fall asleep myself, I wouldn't allow it. I couldn't afford to fall asleep and drop him for worse, my eyes hurt. They felt like they were being fried, my whole body shivered with fever. I knew I was in a bad position, I wanted Brookie with me right now, he would make life a whole lot easier if he was at home with us at the moment. I reached for my phone that was on the coffee table and decided to text Brook and ask him to come help me out.

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