Alphadog Family- HPV Jab (Jandy)

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Ages: Andy- 25 years old
Rye- 17 years old
Sonny- 16 years old
Brooklyn- 15 years old
Jack- 12 and a half years old
If I make the boys get periods, the would obviously have a cervix and would have gotten HPV vaccines like many others. If you dont know what the HPV vaccine does it basically protects you against cervical cancer by roughly 75-80%. You would receive your first dose in Year 8, when you're 12 or 13, and then receive a second dose one year on from that.
Jack's POV:
I'm so nervous! I have my HPV jab today, all my brothers have had it but they all have said that it hurts like hell.

"Then the nurse will ask whether you're pregnant or not." Rye told me before taking another bite of his toast, getting crumbs down his shirt. It was breakfast time, I had my injection at nine in the morning. At least I get to miss twenty minutes of my maths class but I was still shitting myself.

"Then she stabs you with this humongous needle, when she squirts the liquid you can feel it hit bone and run down your arm!" Sonny told me, that didn't sound nice at all. I have a low threshold for pain.

"And if you tense your arm then the needle gets stuck in your arm." Brooklyn said, getting right in my face. FOR FUCK SAKE!

"Guys, stop scaring him." Andy said turning round with his cup of coffee.

"And just so you know, when you get home we all get to punch you in the arm where you got your injection." Rye added.

"Why?" I asked, that would hurt.

"It's tradition." Sonny explained, great more pain.

"You'll be fine Jack, it'll hurt for a bit and you might feel a bit lousy but you'll be alright. I'll make you something nice for dinner." Andy promised, that would be nice. I started chewing on my nails, all the way down to the nub. I always do when I'm nervous, I hadn't had an injection in ten years do naturally I was going to be scared. Andy drove us all to school, dropping me off first at my middle school building. I was pissing myself, just the very thought of it made me feel dizzy. I met up with my friend Cormac, outside of our tutor room.

"I don't wanna get stabbed!" I moaned, I grabbed onto his arm and squeezed tightly.

"Me neither, I've been stabbing myself with this math compass for half an hour to try and help but it isn't helping!" I said, this was going to be a nightmare. We got registered and the time of our injections was recapped, apparently we would be the first that day to receive them, the icing on the cake. We got to our math class because we were told to register with them first as we would be back part way through the lesson.

"Alright, anyone in Mrs Green's tutor group you need to go into the sports hall to get your injection." He announced, I hadn't even opened up my work book yet. Back up I go, it was only me, Cormac and three others in my maths class that had their injections first. We were the unlucky ducks, but at least we get it over with but that gives more people time to punch us in the arm. The teachers had a policy that on this day if you punch the injected arm then you would spend the rest of the day in isolation but we all knew that was highly unlikely.

We arrived at the hall, I saw the row of nurses sat at there desks with all this equipment. Each one would grab a file, call your name and you'd go sit with her. My name was on of the first in the register so everyone would be watching me.

"Jack Dreelan-Duff please." I heard a nurse call, I looked up from the floor and saw her standing over me. She looked friendly. I went over to her desk and sat down in the chair next to her, she asked me some standard questions about whether or not I've taken any painkillers and stuff.

"Is there a chance that you could be pregnant?" She asked me, turns out Rye was right about that.

"Ok, can you roll up your sleeve for me?" She asked me, sure thing. Let me rule up my sleeve for your polite stabbing of my left arm, WAIT A SECOND!

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