Rack- Stealing Chocolate

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Jack's POV:
Every time I go abroad there is one thing I look forward to, buying Milka chocolate. It is a hard and rare find in the UK but everywhere else it's right in front of your face every shop you walk into. In duty free especially when you can buy a huge bar of it. I always buy enough to last me a month, and sadly the time has come where I am on to the last bar I have until we go on holiday again unless someone buys me some. I was sat on my bed watching Glee, as per usual, and slowly snapping off a cube every now and then. I put it on my tongue and let it melt as the flavour films my mouth, the sweet taste tickling my taste buds. My mouth is happy, my tongue is happy, my tummy is happy, I'm happy. That's all it is.

"Jack, did you forget to flush the toilet after you took a shit this morning?" I heard Rye say, I looked up from the screen and saw him leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed angrily.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. What's it to you?" I said turning my attention back to Kurt who was slaying the game.

"It's just that you leave it in there, and you leave the door open so the house is always smelly. And with all the rubbish you eat it isn't a pretty sight when I have to flush it!" He moaned, I broke off another piece of chocolate.

"Listen I don't care, I don't remember my shits unless I have the runs or nothing comes our at all. You have absolutely no proof that it was me. Ask Brooklyn, I haven't even used the loo today so in no way could that have been me." I answered, popping the chocolate in my mouth.

"What's that you're eating?" Rye asked.

"Only the best chocolate of all time, Milka. But you ain't getting any because this is my last bar and have I ever shared my sweets with you, the answer is no." I replied, I was down to the last couple cubes.

"I wasn't going to ask for any, but now that you've tempted me-" Rye said slowly before he full on snatched the rest of the chocolate before running out of the room. I sprung to my feet and ran as fast as I could to catch up with him.

"GIVE IT BLOODY BACK!" I shouted as Rye slid down the banister to get downstairs fast, there was no way I was doing that. I ran towards the top of the stairs and swiftly made my way down. However before I could comprehend the slippers on the stair below me I had already slipped on it and I fell the rest of the way down...SNAP!

Rye's POV:
If you say Milka then by Christ I'm going eat it, I grabbed the chocolate and ran downstairs. I was going to hide into the store cupboard and eat it in peace, but Jack wasn't having it. He chased me along the hallway, being the ninja I am I slid down the banister for speed. I saw him at the top of the stairs so I skidded to the kitchen, but then I heard a massive THUD! Then a blood curdling scream. I immediately ran back to see what was going on, Jack was at the bottom of the stairs with tears streaming down his pale face.

"Oh My God, Jack! What's wrong, what hurts?" I asked very concerned.

"M-my l-leg!" He screamed out in pain, I was hit with a huge wave of guilt. I shouldn't have stolen his chocolate, that was so childish and now I've hurt him. By this point everyone else has heard Jack's scream and rushed to help us.

"We should get him on the sofa!" Andy said, we all nodded. I attempted to lift Jack with the help of Sonny and Brooklyn.

"OW, OW, OW! STOP PLEASE STOP, IT HURTS SO BAD!" He screamed, pleading for us to put him down. We sat him down again at the bottom of the steps, I didn't want him to be in more pain by moving him.

"I'm sorry Jackie. Andy could you call an ambulance, can Brooklyn get some frozen peas or something and Sonny can you grab a pillow?" I instructed.

"Yes Sir!" They all said in unison, as if I had trained them, and the all went off to do their assigned tasks. I knelt down next to Jack, he gripped my hoodie and buried his face into my chest.

"I know it hurts Jackie, try and calm down. You're going to make yourself sick if you keep crying like this." I told him as I rubbed his back.

"An ambulance is on its way." Andy said as he came back to us, Sonny put a pillow behind Jack's head so he was a bit more comfortable and Brooklyn put some ice on Jack's leg. He winced in pain.

"Are you ok?" I asked him, he nodded. A couple minutes later we heard the ambulance pull up outside and two paramedics came in. We explained what happened before they examined Jack, immediately confirmed that he needed to bo get an x-ray because it was most likely broken. The only trouble was getting him into the ambulance as we established he couldn't just be moved. They brought out a stretcher and something else.

"Alright Jack, we got you some gas and air. Have some of this, it might make you feel a bit dizzy and a bit floaty but it should help with the pain so we can get you in the ambulance. Tell me if you start to feel sick or anything like that." The paramedic said, Jack nodded and breathed in the gas and air through this tube.

"Are you doing ok?" The paramedic asked.

"T-this feels weird." He said, I expected him to say that. It is gas and air.

"That's normal sweetheart, can we try and get you on the stretcher now?" The paramedic asked, Jack nodded. His head all floppy.

"When I count three, ok? One, two, three!" They said before lifting him up onto the stretcher. Jack groaned loudly but he was fine, they took him into the ambulance. I went in too, we soon made it to the hospital.

Jack was taken to have his x-ray, I was sat in the waiting room with the others. Soon after a nurse came and took us to the ward he was placed on, he had his leg in a brace. I felt really bad knowing I caused this to happen.

"So is it broken?" I asked the doctor.

"Yes it is." He pulled out a photo of the x-ray, Jack's bones had completely snapped.

"He snapped it so we need to give him surgery to put the bones back in place. How long has it been since he last ate or drank anything?" He asked.

"Not long, literally like two seconds before his fall." I answered.

"Ok, I think we can get him in for an operation tomorrow. He isn't allowed to have any food or drink inside of him, it could make him sick when put under anaesthetic. I'm going to see some other patients now, feel free to talk to him. He might he a bit loopy from the gas and air." He said before leaving. I went straight to Jack's bedside and grabbed his hand.

"I'm really sorry Jack, I shouldn't have stolen your chocolate. Non of this would've happened if I didn't. I promise when you get out of here I will be your personal slave and you can ask me for anything you want until your leg is better." I told him.

"It's fine, this feels really cooool!" Jack said, he was definitely loopy and I think he was tired. He could barely keep his eyes open.

"Night night Jack, sleep tight. Hope the bed bugs do not bite." I said pulling the sheet over his body.

"B-bed bugs?" He said scared, again he was loopy. I laid his head back down on his pillow.

"Bed bugs aren't real Jackie, now go to sleep. We'll see you tomorrow." I said turning off the light, immediately I could hear Jack's snoring.

Jack's operation went really well, he was in a green leg cast. We all signed it, I just put 'sorry' all over it, I had to help him get around the house as crutches aren't the best. I carried him up the stairs, down the stairs and one time in the middle of the night he asked me to take him to the toilet....I saw his knob. I don't think I'll recover.

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