Jarvey- Flu

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Another Jack one, I know! I just find it cute and because Mikey is gone I feel like I repeat the ships too much. I won't write about Sonny until they announce him an official member, it will be the same with any other trialist if you choose so. Anyway, ENJOY!

Jack's POV:
I was back home in Ireland for Christmas, the day after boxing day I noticed that I was a lot more tired than usual, I just blamed it on being busy with the festivities and seeing everyone. But then I woke up this morning feeling like complete and utter crap. I can't move, every muscle in my body aches, I can't sit up, I have the worst headache and feel extremely dizzy, I can't breathe, I keep coughing and sneezing my head off, I feel so cold and I have no energy. Moving around in my bed is a challenge, if I can keep my eyes open for more than fifteen minutes that would be an achievement. What a convenient time to catch a virus, but at least I had my mum to look after me and I could cuddle with my dog.
Ollie was sat in my lap and I was deciding which Netflix series to pick to fall asleep to. My mum came in the room and placed the painkillers and flask of tea that I had requested on my bedside table.

"Thanks mum." I croaked out weakly.

"Do you need anything else Jack?" She asked.

"A hot water bottle please*cough cough cough* I'm so cold." I said pulling my duvet further up my body to try and keep warm. This fever was really messing with my body temperature, that is literally what a fever does but it is so annoying. I know it's cold because its December but I have the heater on in my room and I am lying under a mahoosive duvet, I shouldn't be this cold. Mum came over and tucked me into my bed.

"Ok, I'll get that for you. Just try and get some rest, okay?" I nodded slowly and she kissed my forehead before leaving the room. You never really appreciate the little things that a parent does for you until you don't have it anymore. I took the medicine she gave me and took a few sips of my tea, nicely soothing my throat. I slumped back down into my pillows, exhausted. My sinuses started tingling, my sore nose started twitching and I quickly grabbed a tissue so I could sneeze. Three sharp sneezes and one aggressive nose blow later, my nose and upper lip felt like someone had rubbed sandpaper up against them. I just felt so sore. Maybe just try and sleep and I might feel a little better. I closed my eyes and buried my face into my pillow, a couple minutes later as I am still slipping into a coma I feel a warm object again my chest. It was my hot water bottle, I cuddled it closer and managed to whisper a quiet.

"Thanks, love you." Then I fell asleep.

I woke up because it felt like an elephant was sitting on my lungs, I was going to have a coughing fit. My coughing forced my to sit up, violently into my closed fist as I tried to let the pressure fade. When it finally did, I laid back down because I felt lightheaded. Ollie had jumped off my lap and gone somewhere else, I looked over to my bedside table so I could drink more tea from my flask when I saw a note from my Mum:

Popped out for a few hours, there is some more medicine if you need it. Love you too, Mum xxx

So I was all alone, left to rot in my bed before I died of this illness. I needed to talk to someone, I hate sitting in silence and Netflix was being really boring so I just switched it off. I picked up my phone and replied to a few well wishes from Roadies and the boys. When I feel like I'm on Death's door people need to know about it. I looked at the messages from my groupchat with the boys.

From Me🍀: Guys, I have the flu. I feel like I'm dying.🤒🤧😷

From Andy🌵: Get better mate, don't die because we need you for the new year.

From Rye🐝: HAHA! YOU GOT THE PLAGUE.😂 But in all serious get well soon.

From Brooklyn🐵: I'll send you some chicken noodle soup, it might take a while to reach you and it might have spilled and gone off by the time it gets to you but it's the thought that counts.😁

Now that I've read Brook's message I've just been craving chicken noodle soup, it always tastes so good when you're sick even though you can't taste it very well. I should have some later. I was planning on face timing one of the boys, but they were all busy. Then I thought about calling Harvey, he was probably busy too but he can always make time for his sick friend who is in need. He answered almost straight away, classic Harv.

"Fuck Me! It's Shawn Of The Dead." He said when he saw my glorious pale complexion and my general sick pout.

"Nice to *cough cough* see you too." I answered back.

"How are you feeling man?"

"Everything hurts." I moaned, I am literally dying, this is death.

"That sucks mate, I had it a couple weeks back. Bed bound for a week, not fun." He was right, it definitely wasn't fun in the slightest. This video chat so far is the highlight of my day, we just talked about the little things going on around us. A minute ago Harvey looked at his ceiling.

"There's a shuttle cock up there, weird." It was really distracting me from my annoying symptoms. Cuddling with my duvet, sipping on hot tea and chatting with one of your best mates, best flu cure ever.

"I *cough cough cough* really miss you Harv. We should talk more often."

"Granted we don't talk a lot, the unsociable people we are." I could only nod, my eyelids were fighting the urge to close, I felt so tired all of a sudden.

"Harv...I need to fall asleep now." I whispered, I let myself close my eyes for a second as my headache spiked up.

"Okay Jack, I'll let you get some rest. Remember drink plenty of fluids! Call me if you need me." He ended our call and I curled back under my duvet and fell asleep again. At least I stayed awake longer than fifteen minutes, WIN! When I woke up a few hours later, Ollie was back to sitting in my lap and I could hear my mum downstairs. YAY, I WAS NO LONGER ALONE! I stoked my dog's back, he flipped myself over demanding that I give him a belly rub, I gave into his peer pressure and rubbed his furry tummy as he looked at me all satisfied. Mum came into the room with a bowl of chicken noodle soup on a tray, it was like she could read my mind when I said I wanted soup.

"You are my favourite person." That was my way of saying thank you, I took a spoonful of it, I can't taste it but it tasted amazing. Ollie refused to abandon me the rest of the week whilst I was bed bound, mostly because I held him so tight that he couldn't move, so loyal of him. And I ate chicken noodle soup everyday, that was lovely. Harvey called me everyday to check on me until I felt better. When I returned to the England on a cold morning January, he greeted me at the airport. I gave him a friendly hug.

"How you doing Jack, feeling better?"

"Best I've felt in days, it's good to be back. Thanks for checking up on me." I said as I grabbed my suitcase before we walked to the carpark so we could drive back to the flat.

"I was starting to get worried you know, I was about to jump on a plane to come see you in person. You looked all rough and pale."

"I am very pale normally, that must of meant I was improving. I'm kind of glad you didn't see me in person, you aren't Super Harvey." I said as we approached the car, a few meters away.

"They should call me Super Harvey!" He said before running heroically to the boot of the car and opening it so I could put my suitcase in it. I went to go sit in the backseat when the door opened as if by magic, it wasn't magic it was Rye.

"It's the Germinator! He'll infect you if you aren't careful." He said to the boys as if I was some sort of monster.

"Your first on my list, Ryan!" I jumped into the car, laid across the boys' lap and hugging them all on the way back to the flat.......However within a day the ones that hadn't gotten the flu already that year got sick and our filming schedule had fallen behind. Whoopsidoozles!

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