Rylyn- I'm Not Pregnant

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Rye's POV:

Completely bed ridden, with the worst cramps ever and my back was also hurting. I had a heating pad and I was constantly switching it from my back to my stomach to try and ease the pain, it wasn't working the best. I just felt so uncomfortable as Niagara Falls fell out of me. I tried to take a nap but that wasn't helping either as my pain just woke me up, causing me to shift around constantly.

"I come bearing cuddles!" I heard Brook say from behind me, the bed dipped and he wrapped his arms around me gently.

"Thanks Brookie." I said enjoying his warm hug.

"How are you feeling Rye Pie?" He said calmly.

"My cramps hurt like bitch and my back aches." I moaned and further buried my face into the pillow.

"Oh My God Rye, maybe you're pregnant!" He said excitedly as he started to rub my stomach.

"Aww there might be a little baby in there! Can I be godfather?" I think Brooklyn was getting a bit too excited, I looked down at my stomach.

"I don't think I'm pregnant mate." I said truthfully.

"But you said your back was hurting, my mum's back hurt when she was pregnant." He said confused.

"I doubt I would be pregnant because I have blood coming out of my fanny, but keep rubbing maybe it will help me get through the loss of this never-baby I could of had." Brook looked pretty disappointed that he wasn't going to be a godfather at the moment, but none the less he kept rubbing my stomach like the good chap that he is.

"But a Baby Beaumont would be soooo cute!" He said, then he kissed my stomach.

"Again, I'm not pregnant Brooklyn!" I made clear. But it was true, my baby would be so fricken adorable!


Nice little shortie

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