Rack- I Just Want To Snuggle

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Jack's POV:

Tissues, tissues everywhere but my nose remains completely blocked. My duvet was completely over the top of me, I snaked my arm out from my nest and grabbed another tissue from my bedside table. I pulled it back underneath and aggressively blew my nose, I was producing sputum at an alarming rate. I had used up an unearthly amount of tissues in the last twelve hours constantly blowing my nose, although those were the twelve hours I was supposed to be asleep. That didn't happen. My body was aching, my head was pounding, my throat was burning and I just felt completely rotten. The fucking flu was upon me, they do say it hits you like a tonne of bricks, I felt like a tonne of bricks. I still managed to force myself out of my sodding little grief hole, I sat up and my head felt really heavy, my eyes hurt to look around and I immediately slumped back down into my pillows feeling exhausted. No, I was going to do this, I am going to get up....so I can tell the others that I am going back to bed and staying there for the rest of the week. My feet hit the floor and with all of my strength I stood up, my head was up way too high and made me feel dizzy. I held onto the wall as I stumbled out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen. Brooklyn and Sonny were there, I flopped down onto the couch and curled up into a ball.

"Morning Jack, fancy a sausage?" Brooklyn asked as he prepared his fry up.

"No danks." I replied congestedly.

"What do you want for breakfast then?" Sonny asked as he started buttering his toast.

"My health." I answered, why isn't there a cure for the flu?

"Would you like that with skimmed-milk?" Sonny asked, was he being an actual idiot?

"I'm sick *cough cough cough* can'd you dell?" I asked, I was literally dying.

"I thought you meant this new cereal that we bought the other day, secondly that is the worst sick voice I have ever heard!" Sonny said, what did he mean by my sick voice.

"I can'd help it, I've god a *cough cough* sore throad." I moaned grabbing a couch cushion and hugging it tightly.

"No, I mean the voice you are putting on and those coughs sound really fake. Good for GCSE drama but if this is your way of getting out of studio today then it's not working." Why would he think that I was faking, I have nothing against going to the studio and if I'm honest I forgot we had it today.

"I'm nod faking, I swear of Elvis's grave!" I said.

"Elvis is alive, but Jack seriously. Faking is the lowest form of wit, there is no point so just can it and get on with your day. A thank you!" Brooklyn said, scrabbling his eggs. These guys are meant to be my best friends, why wouldn't they believe me. This is all that I need, you feel like shit and even your best mates don't help you. I nuzzled my face into the cushion.

"I jusd wanded do snuggle *cough cough* with you." I mumbled, I felt really upset.

"Well you ain't getting any snuggles if you carry on like this." Sonny said annoyed and swiftly stirring his coffee. The door opened and Andy came in the room, maybe he'll believe me.

"Andy, help me I'm ill!" I said weakly as I reached my arm out to him.

"Don't listen to a word he says Andy, it's a trap." Sonny overruled, what was his problem?

"I'm nod faking!" I protested, I felt myself getting teary eyed.

"Of course you're not, you big baby. This is just childish Jack." He said, putting the butter knife down and putting his hand of his hip as if he had authority over me.

"FUCK YOU LOD, IF YOU *COUGH COUGH COUGH* REALLY CARED ABOUD ME YOU'D LOOK AFDER ME AND CUDDLE ME. I HADE YOU, YOU'RE BASDARDS!" I shouted, really hurting my throat. I stormed out the room with tears streaming down my pain face and pink cheeks. I dove back into bed and hugged my blankies, I just wanted to curl up into a ball and die. I wasn't feeling well and no one cared.

Rye's POV:

I heard some shouting from downstairs then a door slamming upstairs, it seemed fairly close to my room. I got up from my bed and went to investigate, the only bedroom door closed was Jack's. I could hear him whimpering and sobbing on the other side, I needed to speak to him. I didn't bother knocking on the door.

"Jack, are you ok? What's wrong?" I asked him, closing the door behind me and sitting down next to him on the bed, he turned his face to the side. His eyes were red from crying and his nose was running, I noticed the many tissues scattered around his bed. He was a shivering mess.

"Feeling poorly are we?" I asked him, rubbing his back. He nodded sadly, I picked him up and sat him down on my lap, I started to rock him back and forth. I rested my hand on his forehead as he started shivering into me for warmth.

"You're burning up Jackie, what has made you so upset?" I asked stroking the back of his head.

"T-the o-thers d-didn'd b-believe m-me!" He sobbed, this broke my heart seeing him like this.

"Aww Jackie, don't worry. I believe you, look at you in this state. You're so warm and pale." I said cuddling him closer to my chest, I grabbed a tissue and lightly dabbed his snotty nose. His crying had made him even more bunged up than he was.

"Let's get you to the bathroom, I can take your temperature and get you some medicine." Jack nodded into my shoulder, I stood up and carried him to the bathroom and sat him down on the toilet seat. I opened up one of the drawers and pulled out the thermometer, I slipped it under his tongue and grabbed the cold and flu medicine as we waited for the reading. The thermometer beeped and I took it out his mouth.

"You're at 103.1, that's no fun." I said, I really felt sorry for him. I measured out the correct dosage of medicine on a spoon and fed it to Jack, he swallowed it then stuck his tongue out.

"Ugh gross!" He said in disgust.

"And you're going to have some more of that every couple of hours so you can feel better. Should we go downstairs, I can make you a cup of tea then we can watch some movies on my laptop?" I suggested to him. He made grabby hands for me and I picked him up.

"Everyone *cough cough cough* will shoud ad me." He whimpered.

"No they won't Jackie, I'll make sure of it." I said, I carried him gently down the stairs and brought the thermometer down with me incase I needed to check his temperature again. Sonny immediately glared at me as we reached the kitchen.

"Rye, don't fall for it. We've already established he is faking sick." He said, with everyone else backing him up.

"Well he isn't faking, I've taken his temperature and you can't exactly fake the runny nose he has right now.Look at his little sick face and tell me he isn't being genuine." I defended Jack, I showed the others the thermometer and turned around so that they could see his face as his head was on my shoulder. They looked at the reading, then Jack, then the reading again before reaching out and feeling his forehead for themselves.

"Jesus, he's boiling!" Brooklyn said shocked, Andy nodded.

"Oh my God, Jack I'm so sorry I didn't believe you and encouraged the others not to either. I promise to get you whatever you need, I'm your slave now." Sonny apologised.

"Dank you." Jack said weakly.

"Sonny can you make Jack some chicken noodle soup please? Brooklyn can you get him a blanket and Andy can you call up the studio and say we won't be coming?" I asked, they all nodded and got on with their assigned tasks, I laid down with Jack on the couch.

"Whad are *cough cough* you going do do?" Jack asked placing his head on my chest.

"I'm going to snuggle with you until you're feeling better." I answered, running my hand through his hair. Brooklyn came in and draped the blankie over the both of us, Andy got off the phone with the studio and Sonny finished making Jack his soup. They were all invited to our cuddle party, I took the hot bowl of soup and a spoon and sat Jack up against some pillows.

"Here, have some of this." I said before feeding him, after every mouthful he would lightly smack his lips together and make a content humming noise.

"Is it nice?" I asked him, he nodded whilst in the middle of a huge yawn. I passed Sonny the bowl which he put in the sink and I laid Jack back down.

"Go to sleep Jackie, we'll stay right here with you." I said laying down next to him and spooning him, he was the little spoon. He soon fell into a peaceful sleep. We snuggled him until he felt a lot better.

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