Handy- Can I Sleep In Your Room Tonight?

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"Mum I threw up, can I sleep in your room tonight??????" Remember when you were little, did you ever sleep in your parent's bed when you were sick? I haven't thrown up for three years, fun fact! I am fourteen and the last time I slept in my mum's bed was a few weeks ago because my period cramps were really bad and they made me feel nauseous and lightheaded. TMI? PROBABLY!


I sent Harvey to bed early because he was being naughty, he was throwing his chicken nuggets at Brook's head and refused to eat. He needs to learn that he can't live off ice cream because he needs protein. I was sat on my bed with Rye at my side, Brooklyn just came back from the Jarvey room after putting Jack to bed. I put on a movie, when half way through the door opened. 

"Daddy, I thwoo up. Can I sweep in your woom tonight?" Harvey said as he padded into the room, vomit down his front.

"Oh Harv, what happened." I said picking him up and placing him on my knee, trying not to get vomit on myself.

"I poorly." He whined, he tried to hug me but I made sure he didn't because I didn't want to get puke over me. This explains why he didn't want to eat his chicken nuggets earlier.

"Where did you throw up Harvey?" Rye asked, incase it was on the floor or something.

"In my bed, sowy Uncle Wye." Harvey said starting to cry.

"Hey, hey. It's okay Harvey. I'll clean it up." Rye said rubbing his back. A few seconds later Jack starts crying out for Brooklyn.

"Daddy!" He shouted through the flat.

"I'm coming Jackie!" Brooklyn excused himself to go calm down Jack, Rye following him with the cleaning supplies.

"Come on Harvey, let's get you cleaned up." I took him into the bathroom and started running him a nice hot bath with some nice scented bubbles. I undressed him, peeling the sick covered pyjama top off his body and put them in the wash. I got him into the tub.

"Do you want your bath toys Bub?" I asked him, he just shook his head and stared at the water. I ran my hand through his hair.

"Poor bunny." I said, I hated it when he was ill. He really wasn't acting like himself.

"Let me get you some clean pyjamas, I'll be right back. I kissed the top of his head and made my way to the Jarvey room. Brook was sat on Jack's bed, Jack still crying into his shoulder. Rye was taking off the vomit coloured bed sheets and disinfecting the floor because a little bit got on the carpet.

"How is Jack doing?" I asked as I got a fresh pair of pyjamas from Harvey's drawers.

"He was a bit traumatised by the vomit, the look and the smell of it." Brooklyn said rocking his baby boy to try and calm him down.

"Do you want to sleep with Daddy tonight Jackie?" Jack nodded into his chest, they were so cute. Brooklyn carried him to the Rylyn room. Rye was still finishing the cleaning.

"Thanks for doing this Rye, I owe you one." I said making my way back to Harvey, he was still sat sadly and silently in the water. I grabbed a flannel and wiped down his neck, shoulders and back. I moved onto his front, he whimpered when I wiped his stomach. I guessed that he had a stomach ache.

"I'm sorry Bubba." I washed his hair, wrapped him in a towel and sat him down on the lid of the toilet so he could dry off. I helped him get changed into the new pyjamas and grabbed the Pepto bismol from the medicine cabinet.

"You need some medicine Harv." I said pouring it into the medicine spoon. He drank it with no complaints, he really must not be feeling good to not complain about taking medicine.

"Let's get you to bed Bunny." I said picking him up and putting him o  the bed. I grabbed a bowl, quickly wrote 'Sick Bowl' on the outside of it in Sharpie and put it on the side of the bed. I got under the covers with Harvey, he was the little spoon so he could reach the bowl if he needed to.

"If your tummy feels sickie again try and aim for the bowl, okay?" He nodded again, half asleep.

"Hope you feel better in the morning Harvey."

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