Sock- I Think You Might Be Pregnant

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Sonny and Jack are in a relationship in this one. Enjoy!

Jack's POV:
I've been hugging the toilet all morning, I woke up feeling incredibly nauseous and started throwing up. I hate being sick, I absolutely hate feeling nauseous. At least Sonny was with me, helping me through this. He rubbed my back gently and held my hair out of my face.

"Poor baby." He cooed before kissing my neck lightly. I threw up again, the acid burning my throat slightly. I felt so tired by the end, I leaned into my boyfriend's chest and he wrapped his arms around me protectively.

"Are you done?" He asked me, I nodded slowly. He leaned over and flushed the toilet and put the lid down.

"Let's get you back to bed Jackie." He said before picking me up and carrying me back to our bedroom, laying me down on the mattress and covering me up with the duvet. He kissed my forehead gently.

"I'm going to get you a bucket and something to drink, ok?" He said, I nodded again as I rested my head on my pillow. Sonny left the room. God, did I feel queasy. I started getting a headache, which wasn't nice along with my nausea. Bloody stomach bug.
Sonny soon arrived with the sick bucket and a mug of some hot liquid.

"Here you go. I thought some ginger tea would help settle your stomach, and I got you a couple crackers if you start to feel hungry." He said passing me the mug and putting the crackers on the bedside table.

"Thanks Darling." I said before taking a couple sips, as I did Sonny rested his hand on my forehead.

"You don't have a fever." He said confused, I was confused too. I would of thought I did considering how sick I felt.

"I don't?" I questioned.

"Maybe a little warmer, it's the body's natural response if you've just been sick but I don't think you have a fever. It might get higher as the day goes on though, have you had enough?" He asked referring to the drink in my hand, I shook my head and took a couple more sips until I finished it. I then passed him back the mug before lying on top of him, our bellies were touching and my head was resting on his chest. He pulled the blanket over the both of us, I got all cosy and listened to Sonny's heartbeat as I slowly managed to doze off.

Wow, ginger tea really works for nausea. I didn't really feel sick anymore but I still had a headache, I felt a little dizzy and I had a weird metallic taste in my mouth for some reason. Probably because I was throwing up a lot. I was still laying on top of Sonny, my head was turned to the side so we could watch some Netflix. Then my tummy started rumbling, I thought nothing of it a first but then it continued to rumble. I rolled off Sonny, so I was next to him. I might be hungry, I can't really tell, I rested both my hands on my noisy belly.

"Aww Jackie, do you have a sore tummy?" Sonny asked me as he leaned over to rub it. I shook my head.

"No, I think I'm just hungry." I said, now that I've said it I'm STARVING! I could literally eat anything.

"Oh ok, that's a good sign. Maybe try and eat the crackers first, we'll wait an hour and if they stay down I'll cook you some food." He suggested, I agreed to it and grabbed the crackers from the bedside table and ate them one by one. It didn't satisfy my appetite.

"Baby, because you love me so much can you just make me some food now?" I asked rolling over onto Sonny's legs with puppy dog eyes.

"I thought we said we'd wait an hour first?" He said, I'm sorry but I'm not having that.

"So I'm just going to starve to death then?" I asked, what did he expect me to do.

"I obviously don't want you to starve Darling, I just don't want you to feel sick again. I hate seeing you ill." He answered, I didn't care if I threw up. I just wanted food in my gob and then and only then would I be happy.

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