OT5- Not Rye, A Bee!

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Andy's POV:
This cover was risky business. We were covering Night Changes by One Direction, using the idea that the camera is the viewer's point of view and they are in a date with us. Instead of us having multiple date locations, because that wasn't in the budget, we were all just going to have a picnic in the field. These were our risks, Rye had hayfever and Jack was allergic to bees and as we all know bees love picnics.

"I'm cool with this, I've taken my tablets so I should be fine." Rye said from the back of the car. I was currently driving. I looked to my left and saw Jack sitting nervously in the passenger seat, chewing on his hoodie sleeve and sweating. He was boiling, I could tell.

"Jack, wouldn't you be more comfortable just wearing your shirt?"I asked him.

"I need to stay covered up, I don't want to get stung again." He said, he has had his fair share of bee stings in the band but we were always able to manage.

"I'm sure you'll be fine, don't you have your EpiPen?" I asked him, he shook his head.

"I lost it when we were on holiday, I haven't been given a new one yet from my doctor." He explained, I guess this would be harder than I thought.

"Don't worry, if you see a bee make sure you stay completely still." Sonny told him, that doesn't always work but it was better than trying to swat it with your hand risking a sting. Jack curled his legs up to his chest and stared out the car window.

Brooklyn's POV:
I love calling everyone by their emojis, it is a new obsession with mine.

"Bee!" I called running towards Rye and jumping up on his back.

"A-a bee?" I heard Jack say anxiously from behind, we were now in the fields and I have seen a few buzzers already. Rye turned around with me on his back and we saw Jack stood completely ridged, not moving a single muscle in his body. Almost frozen.

"Sorry Jack, I was just jumping on Rye. I'm riding him!" I said kicking my legs out in merriment.

"You do mean a piggyback ride, not a ride ride?" Sonny asked.

"Oh is that what it's called?" I asked, you learn new things every day.

"You better not be riding him, it's a treat!" Andy said angrily setting up the picnic blanket, I have no idea what everyone is say today. I just wanted a sausage roll and a donut, I love sticky rings!

Jack's POV:
I was not happy, I wanted to be at home in the comfort of my bed and not have to worry about bees, or even wasps. Bees make honey, wasps make marmite. It's a well known fact! They are evil evil bastards. Plus, I'm melting in my hoodie.

"Jack, do you want to go first and get it over with?" Elvis asked ready to shoot.

"Go on then." I replied, I finally took off my hoodie revealing my watermelon shirt to the world. I quickly brushed my hair up with my hand and sat down on the checkered picnic blanket. The sausage rolls looked so good!

"Ok, Jack grab the apple juice box and pretend to Cheers it with your Bae. But pretend that Robbie is your Bae." Andy directed, none of our female friends where able to help shoot today because they did not want to end up as some sort of ship conspiracy.

*This is me giving a look to you all right now through the screen, most of us look at way to many tea accounts.*

I started to have fun with this, I got pink icing from the donut all over my face and wiped it on the lense of the camera. They boys were doing some sort of conga line in the background, like I'd let any of them tag along on my romantic date with Robbie.

"Bee!" I heard Brooklyn say, probably trying to rape Rye again.

"Bee!" I heard Rye shout awkwardly  maybe just to wind him up.

"Not Rye, a bee!" I hear Sonny shout in the distance. I turned around to see what was going on, it was only then that I noticed the buzzing around me and as I turned around I felt a painful stinging sensation on my neck. Oh God!

Rye's POV:
No, no this is not happening! We ran over to Jack who was freaking out. I sat next to him and rubbed his back, he was breathing heavily.

"Hey, hey. Calm down Jack, where did it sting you?" I asked him, he pointed to his neck. It was all red and irritated, starting to swell up.

"He hasn't got an EpiPen, Sonny can you call an ambulance?" Andy asked his, he was already on his phone. Jack was crying now, his skin becoming flushed and his breathing was becoming shorter and shorter.

"We need to get him to the car, the ambulance can't come down through the field." I said, we all helped to lift up Jack so he was comfortable and we took him up near the fence were we would wait. I had Jack sat in my lap, I had my fingers on his wrist feeling his pulse. It was really fast.

"Wye, my dongue." Jack mumbled, he opened his mouth and showed me. It was swelling and making it hard to speak.

"Try not to talk Jackie, ok." I advised him, he need to focus on his breathing. After a minute or so Jack started squirming in my lap.

"Jackie what's the matter, is it your tummy?" Brooklyn asked brushing his hand through his hair. Jack nodded before positioning his head above a patch of grass, gagging. I rubbed and patted Jack in the back to help him throw up. I didn't want him choking.

"Ssshhh, you're ok. The ambulance will be here soon." Sonny cooed from behind, Jack vomited onto the ground with a painful sounding retch. I felt so bad for him.

We could hear the ambulance sirens getting louder as it came down the country lane, safely we got Jack inside and they took him to the hospital. He was given a shot of epinephrine, provided with oxygen and intravenous fluids to help his reaction. He was lying on the hospital bed, we were all crowded round him.

"You were so brave Munchkin." Andy cooed before kissing Jack lightly on the head.

"Poor Clover." Brooklyn said, holding his hand.

"This is your fault." Jack whispered weakly, his eyes were closed but he was still very much aware of our presence.

"How is it my fault? Let's just blame it on Brooklyn!" Brook said getting into a bit of a hissy fit about it.

"If you hadn't tried to rape me, called me Bee then we probably wouldn't be here. I think you deserve a time out." I told him. He went and sulked over in the chair which was funny. Jack soon recovered and we got him a replacement EpiPen so we never had a situation like that again, but now Brooklyn was calling us really mean names like Snot or Phlegm or Marmite. Better than miscommunication.

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