Ryan- I Wanted You

900 35 12

Anyone requests pregnancy ones I need this information:
Who do you want to be pregnant?
Any specific trimester?
Do you want the birth included?
What do you want the name and gender of the baby to be?
Thank you!

Sonny's POV:
I know something was wrong with me the moment my nose started running this afternoon, then that developed into a headache and a sore throat, possibly a fever too. I had shook it off all evening, I was currently lying in my bed feeling like I couldn't move, wanting to die because of how crap I felt. I had thought for a while about whether I should go and talk to Andy to see if he could make me better, because he was like everyone's dad in this house, but some part of me was thinking to go see Rye. I had no idea why because to me he doesn't seem to have the best bedside mannerisms as everyone else, Andy will be like a personal doctor and give you the right medication and herbal remedies, Brooklyn will stay with you and give you lots of cuddles, Jack would make you food like homemade chicken noodle soup because he wants to give you immune boosting nutrients to make you feel better. But what does Rye actually bring to the table? I was going to find out for myself, I slowly sat up and blinked a couple times to help my blurred vision. I coughed I to the crook of my elbow a couple times to clear my throat and stood up onto my shaky legs. I stumbled out of my bedroom, across the landing until I eventually reached Rye's bedroom. I knocked three times before leaning against the wall, I was exhausted and needed to sit down.

"Rye *cough cough* can I come in please?" I asked, my voice was raspy and slightly higher pitched than usual. I heard footsteps on the other side of the door and the doorknob turned, Rye soon revealed himself.

"Hi Sonny, you alright mate?" He asked, looking me up and down. I looked a mess, bedhead and practically week old sweatpants but they were comfortable. I shook my head sadly.

"I'm so poorly!" I whined, feeling sorry for myself.

"Aww, come here. Come lie down on the sofa." Rye said bringing me into his room, he laid me down on his sofa and covered me up with his duvet.

"What's wrong buddy?" He asked me empathetically.

"Everything *sniff sniff* aches, I jusd feel yucky *cough cough* and snoddy." I told him.

"You poor thing." He cooed with sympathy, he felt my forehead. His hands were cold and I shrank back into the cushions slightly.

"I think you have a fever too." He confirmed, I whimpered and pulled the duvet up to my chin and I tried to get a bit more warmer.

"How about I make you a nice cup of tea, some medicine then we can watch a movie or something?" Rye suggested, I nodded. I didn't really mind what we did but that was a good plan. I let my eyes rest, burying my face into the cushion. I could hear the sounds of the kettle boiling and the footsteps along the landing which sounded like they were on their way to the bathroom. Plus, some mucking about in the kitchen, I remembered Jack said something about making homemade pizza with Brooklyn tonight so I expected some commotion.

"I got some medicine Sonny, the liquid cold and flu stuff alright for you?" He asked me, I looked up and saw him standing over me with a spoon.

"Yeah, ids perfecd."I sniffled, to be honest I would take any medicine right now and not complain. I sat up slightly as he poured the liquid onto the spoon before I swallowed it. My nose was all stuffed up that I couldn't taste anything.

"Here's your tea, what do you want to watch?" Rye asked sitting down on the sofa after giving me the mug and remote control. I shrugged, I never know what to watch and I hate deciding. In the end I switched on The Rocky Horror Glee Show special as it was Halloween soon. I curled into Rye's side and rested my head against his bare chest, I could smell Lynx spray despite the blocked nose.

"Danks for looking *cough cough* afder me." I whispered.

"You're welcome, to be honest I have no idea you saw me instead of Andy. Was he busy or something?" Rye asked, I shook my head. At first I was confused why I came to him, but I see why now.

"I dunno, I wanded you. I *cough cough cough* didn'd know why bud *sniff* know I see thad you're very generous and habidable." I explained, that is what Rye brought to the table. Rye laughed for a second.

"Habitable? I think you mean hospitable, but letting you in was the least I could do." Rge said, I melted into his warmth even more as he wrapped the duvet around me so it fit the curves and grooves of my position against his body to make sure I was comfortable.

"And you're selfless." I added, Rye blushed and looked away.

"Stop flirting with me you sexy boy." He joked, I giggled to myself.

"I bet Andy is so jealous!" Rye said wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me in closer. I nodded in agreement, this was the life.

"Now, do you want to sleep in my memory foam mattress with satin sheets bed or do you want me to carry you back to your sodding little grief hole of a bed?" Rye asked, tough choice indeed.

"Id would *cough cough* be a crime for you nod do carry me *sniff* back do bed." I told him holding my arms out for him to pick me up.

"Alright then, come here." He said standing up, he grabbed underneath my right armpit and my right thigh before gently hoisting me up so he was carrying me bridal style back to my room. He laid me down onto my mattress before covering me up with my duvet, tucking the sheets in around the edges and fluffing up my pillows. If Rye was a maid he could make some serious money.

"Night night, Sonny. God bless. Say not to strangers, say no to drugs, have a nice life!" Rye said (A/N my Health and Social Care says exactly the same thing to us when we leave the class 😂) before giving me a little kiss on the forehead. He left the room and turned off the light, leaving me in complete darkness which was nice. I settled down ready to have a bit of a kip.

"SHIT, THE PIZZAS ARE ON FIRE!" I heard Brook shout from downstairs right before the fire alarm went off. God, what do you have to do to get some peace and quiet around here? I'm sick!

"GIBSON WYATT, PUT THAT SWEETNER DOWN RIGHT NOW!" Jack shouted back, this was going to be a long ass night.

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