Sock- Fever To Seizure

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I put a lot of my requests into one, there were a lot that were very similar.

Sonny's POV:

We have put off this recording session for weeks, we couldn't get out of it without missing our deadlines. Personally, I wasn't looking forward to it because the studio is literally an oven during the summer. So I dressed up in loose shorts and a shirt so I could stay cool. As I walked along the landing to get to the stairs I decided that I was going to check on Jack and make sure he is awake and feeling ok, last night he went to bed early because he said that his stomach was hurting.

"Jack?" I said quietly opening the door, revealing the pale and shivering boy curled up under his covers. He really didn't look well.

"Aww Jackie." I cooed going to his side of the bed and squatting down so I could look him in the eye. His eyes welling up with tears.

"Still not feeling good huh?" I asked running my hand through his hair. He whimpered quietly.

"Is it your tummy?" I asked.

"Yeah, and my head. My throat feels sore too." He said all sad and raspy. He hates being sick.

"Can I stay home?" He asked, I hated that we were going to have to take him with us when he is not feeling well.

"I'm sorry Jackie, we have put this off for so long. Let's get you in some comfy clothes, you can just sleep whilst you wait." I said, pulling off his duvet.

"Do you want me to help you?" I asked, he looked really weak.

"No, I'll be fine." He said, slowly getting up from his bed. I went downstairs and joined the others for a cup of tea in the kitchen.

Jack's POV:

Why did I have to be ill today? I just wanted to curl up in my bed with a hot water bottle and watch movies until I fall asleep. Sonny left the room and left my to get ready, I held my stomach as it started cramping again. I picked up the joggers I wore yesterday and my hoodie, I felt so cold. I was in a freezer. I wrapped my fluffy blankie around my shoulders, I was going to take this with me for sure, I deserved to be comfortable. I stumbled downstairs, almost falling over but I managed to catch myself on the banister. I got to the kitchen and plonked myself down on the couch.

"Are you alright Jack?" Andy asked looking down on my empathetically.

"I feel yucky." I said looking down at my feet. I hugged my belly, I was in a lot of pain. Sonny came over to me and rested his hand on my forehead.

"You have a fever too." Shivers raced down my spine and I pulled the blanket tightly around myself.

"Do you want to try and eat something? I could make you some plain toast or I could get you some crackers." Rye asked, I wasn't in the mood for food, this means I'm sick.

"No thanks, I'm not hungry." I said, laying down and curling myself into the fetal position. My eyelids felt heavy and fluttered closed.

"Jackie, I made you some ginger tea." I heard Sonny said rubbing my back. I opened my eyes again, I winced at the pain shooting through my head.

"Here, drink this." He said passing me the mug, I wasn't that thirsty either. I just stared at the steamy liquid in the cup.

"Come on Jack, it'll sooth your throat and help your stomach." He said, I took a couple of sips. If anything this was making me more sleepy. I decided that I had enough and passed the mug back to Sonny.

"We have to get going now guys." Andy said poking his head round the door, I wrapped myself up in my blankie and Sonny came over and picked me up.

"You're so cute." He cooed carrying me to the car bridal style. I laid down on the back seats and drifted off again.

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