Jandy- Sick Kitty

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Andy's POV:
Ever since Brooklyn and Sonny adopted cat hybrids I really wanted to adopt my own one. I found Jack, he was an adorable Scottish Fold Munchkin Mix hybrid.
(A/N this is the cat that Jack's other half is, he's more cat then human. Yes, it is Luna Rose but she is adorable and Jack is adorable so I thought it was a nice fit)

 Yes, it is Luna Rose but she is adorable and Jack is adorable so I thought it was a nice fit)

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He was really cuddly, friendly and gets along well with Alex and Rye

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He was really cuddly, friendly and gets along well with Alex and Rye. I obviously can't understand what he is saying, but I can visually see what he needs. I love him to bits and have thoroughly enjoyed my time with him so far.

Jack's POV:
I woke up really cold, I shivered into my basket and tried to nuzzle up with my pillows to get warmer but it wasn't working that well. That was when I noticed the pain in my head, my whole body felt achy, my throat felt sore, my nose felt extremely stuffy and I felt really heavy. I didn't feel well at all and just wanted cuddles with Daddy until I fall asleep. I got up from my bed, I felt dizzy as I stretched out my muscles and as I walked over to his bed slowly. I hopped up so I was next to him, he was still sleeping.

"Daddy, I'm cold. Please let me sleep with you." I asked putting my paw up against his cheek.

Andy's POV:
The noise of meowing woke me up, I opened my eyes and Jack was sat near my face.

"Hey little buddy, good morning." I said softly as I scratched behind his ears. He shivered to my touch, I guess he was cold. I pulled my duvet up slightly so he could crawl in and cuddle with me. He snuggled up against my chest and I stroked his head. Something didn't feel right.

"You're really warm kitty." I said feeling his forehead, he was burning hot. He shivered again and cuddled in closer and his eyelids drooped closed. As he dozed off I noticed his little nose twitching and he started to sneeze, his sneezing was really cute but it certainly wasn't good.

"Aww Jackie, are you sick?" I asked, he just looked at me really sadly and laid his head back down on my chest. I have never seen him like this before.

"I'll be back in a minute, I'm just going to talk with Brooklyn and Sonny. They'll know what to do." I said gently lifting Jack of my chest so I could get out of bed. He got up himself and tried to follow me out the room but his weak little legs couldn't support him and he fell over.

"Come here kitty, let's get you sorted out." I said bending down on holding him in my arms. I lightly kissed the top of his head and took him downstairs to the kitchen where the others would be. Elvis and Rye were play fighting on the floor as Sonny and Brooklyn drank their morning coffees.

"Morning Andy!" Brooklyn said, loud as usual. Jack whimpered and buried his face closer into me.

"Ssshhh be quiet please Brook, I don't think Jack is feeling well." I said taking him over the the couch and sitting down with him in my lap.

"Aww what's wrong with him." Sonny asked coming over to us and sitting down next to me.

"He's really warm, he's got the chills,  he's really lethargic and he is sneezing a lot." I explained.

"Do you want us to take a look at him for you?" Brooklyn offered, both their hybrids have been sick before so they had a history of giving them check ups. I nodded and handed my poorly kitten over to the boys.

"Andy can grab the thermometer from the drawer?" Sonny asked.

"Sure, the ear one?" I asked, we had a few of them.

"That's the one." He said  I opened one of the drawers and grabbed it for him and took it back. Brooklyn was holding Jack still comfortably as Sonny put the thermometer in his ear, it beeped and he looked at the reading.

"103.2, poor little guy." Sonny said before stroking Jack on his head gently. Brooklyn held Jack in his arms and felt round his stomach before rubbing it slightly.

"His tummy doesn't feel upset so that's good." Brook said, they tried to stand Jack up on his own and encouraged him to walk to the other side of the sofa. Jack only managed two short steps before falling over again. I hared seeing him so weak. I held him in my arms again and started cuddling him.

"So what do you think is wrong with him." I asked the boys.

"I'd say the flu, based on his symptoms. Not a cold, I mean we are used to the kitties getting colds all the time but he wouldn't have a fever like that or feel so weak with just a cold." Sonny explained, it did make sense.

"So what can we do for him?" I asked them.

"What I normally do when Rye feels under the weather is crumble up some medicine into some warm milk and make him drink it, apart from that I just make sure he is comfortable  and I give him loads of cuddles." Brooklyn said, that sounded like a plan. Milk, blankets and cuddles. Jack started shivering again, I grabbed one of the fluffy blankets that was draped over the side of the couch and wrapped up my poorly kitten so he was warm. I placed him down on the sofa all bundled up and started to heat up some milk in the microwave for him.

Jack's POV:
I really wasn't feeling good, Daddy swaddled me up nicely in my favourite blanket and left me on the sofa. I started sneezing again, very sharp sneezes. My nose felt really runny and sore. Daddy was making me some milk to make me feel better, Alex and Rye jumped up onto the sofa and sat down next to me, wrapping their tails around me protectively.

"Sorry you're not feeling well Jackie." Rye said.

"Its ok." I mumbled.

"Hope you start to feel better soon." Alex said sweetly before both of them started grooming me, licking me behind my ears and my tail. It was actually quite soothing.

Andy's POV:
I crumbled up some cold and flu tablets into Jack's milk which I heated up, I poured it into a little dish and took it over to him. Rye and Alex were grooming him, it was really cute.

"I got your milk Jackie." I cooed bringing the dish to his mouth so he could lick it up. He started drinking it, he liked his milk, especially when its warmed up. He finished the whole thing and I put the dish into the sink to be washed later. I went back to the sofa and put Jack in my lap so I could snuggle him.

"You're so cute." I cooed before kissing his head again.

"Should we go lie down in my bed, does that sound nice?" I asked him, he looked up at me and gave me a weak meow as if to say yes. I picked him up with his blanket and carried him back upstairs to my bedroom, I laid back down into my bed and pulled the duvet over the both of us. I stroked Jack's head and sang a little song to help him fall asleep.

"Soft Kitty, warm Kitty, little ball of fur. Happy Kitty, sleepy Kitty, pur pur pur." I sang softly, yes the song was from The Big Bang Theory but I thought that was nice and calm, soothing and fitting for the occasion. Jack fell asleep on my chest, purring as he slept. He was so frickin adorable, I couldn't have asked for anything better.

After a few days of sleeping, cuddles and warm milk Jack was starting to feel a lit better and back to playing with Elvis and Rye.

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