Rack- I Just Met A Girl Named Maria

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Jack's POV:
I was heavily nine months pregnant with my and Rye's baby, I was a day late so far. Rye was trying to get me to induce naturally, but that was making me eat curry.

"Rye, this is delicious but it's giving me heartburn." I told him, I sat up more straight to try and help it.

"I'm sorry Jackie, I just want to meet our baby." He said putting down his plate and grabbing my hand.

"It's fine, I don't blame you. I would've done the same." I replied, I want to meet our baby too.

"Well, if the curry isn't working then how about we try having sex?" Rye suggested, I playfully slapped him.

"Not now, I have heartburn!" I laughed.

"What would really help would be some water though, please Rye." I asked him, he got up and got me a glass of water which I sipped at slowly.

"Instead of sex how about we watch a movie?" Rye suggested.

"Sure." I agreed, Rye pecked me on the lips lightly and helped me to stand up. My bump got in the way of everything and was way too heavy. Rye helped me up the stairs to the bedroom, we had the hospital bag packed with gender neutral baby clothes as we decided we wanted it to be a surprise. Everyone loves a surprise. I sat up against the headboard, it wasn't the best to lie down if you have heartburn but Rye got me all comfy with huge pillows and blankets. Plus, I had a towel under me just incase my water breaks during the night and we dont want to get the bed wet.

"Can we watch West Side Story, please Honey Bee?" I cooed cutely.

"Anything you want my Lucky Charm." He said turning on Netflix, I rested my tired head on his shoulder as he clicked on the film. Everytime I watch it I feel amazed, it was so modern before it's time. I loved the dancing and seeing this version of Romeo and Juliet, picking out the characters and the family of Montague and Capulet. Romeo and Juilet are quite self explanatory, Tony and Maria.

"If you were in this film, who would you want to be?" I asked Rye, looking up into his beautiful brown eyes.

"Maybe Riff?" Rye replied after thinking for a minute.

"What do you mean, you are totally Tony!" I told him, he was being so modest.

"That would be impossible, because you're my Tony." He said, he was making me blush.

"Stop it, you'remaking me blush!" I said playfully.

"I'd want to be Riff just because of his flips and stuff." Rye explained further, thinking about it he suited the character that way.

"Could it be, yes it could. Something's coming, something good. If I can wait. Something's coming, I don't know what it is, but it's gonna be great." Rye sang in time with Tony, before kissing my baby bump. That was the sweetest thing ever, it was so true.

"Shut up, that was my song! I'm Tony, remember?" I said, trying not to look as soft as I was.

"You're cute." Rye said rubbing my huge belly.

By the end of the film I was really tired, I fell asleep with my head against Rye's chest and he tucked me into bed.

Rye's POV:
It was morning time, Jack's water didn't break in the night. Our little munchkin was still inside his belly, two days late. I got up and made myself and Jack a cup of tea, I took it up to the bedroom where Jack was still asleep. He hadn't had the best night sleep, he had quite a bit of back pain which I tried to help with a massage. When I got there, I noticed Jack wasn't in bed anymore but our ensuite bathroom door was closed. I put our mugs on the bedside table and lightly knocked on the door.

"Jackie Bub, are you alright in there?"I  asked him, recently he's been having a bit of diarrhoea which is probably because of the curry I make him eat but how do I know, I'm not a doctor.

"I-I think I wet myself." I heard him say shyly behind the door.

"Aww Jackie, it's ok. Do you need me to get you some clean clothes?" I asked, I felt really bad for him. He has gotten close to wetting himself through the pregnancy but he has always made it to the toilet in time.

"Yes please." He answered. I got him some clean underwear and some sweatpants from his chest of drawers. I opened the bathroom door slightly and slid them through.

"I'll clean up the bed." I volunteered, I got no response from Jack. I grabbed the towel by the ends, the thing was dripping with liquid.

"Oh God Jack, this doesn't look like half a litre." I said, no human could physically wee this out. I heard a groan from behind the door.

"Are you alright Jackie?" I asked, concerned.

"My stomach hurts...and I'm gushing fluids!" He panicked.

"I think your water broke!" I suddenly realised.

"Oh my God, Rye I'm not ready!" Jack said, still in panic.

"Jackie, you're as ready as you'll ever be. Dont worry, we need to get you to the hospital!"

Jack's POV:
We were taken to our delivery room, I was in my gown and just had the epidural so I couldn't move but most of the pain was gone. Rye was sat next to me, holding my hand as the nurse checked my dilation.

"You're at nine and a half centimetres, it's time to bring the doctor in." She said standing up, this is where everything felt real. We were having the baby soon. The nurses set everything up, I was starting to feel a lot of pressure which was making me really scared. This was the part in all the delivery shows which I got nervous about. What if I push when I'm not supposed to and I mess everything up. I squeezed Rye's hand tightly.

"Everything is going to be alright Baby, you'll rock this. We've been waiting so long for this." He said before kissing my sweaty forehead. The nurses were checking me again, the doctor was in the room with us now and they were holding up my legs. I was so stressed.

"R-Rye...can you...sing something?" I asked him, in between huge breaths.

"The most beautiful sound I've ever heard. Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria. All  the beautiful sounds of the world in a single word." He sang softly into my ear.

"Alright Jack, start pushing." The doctor told me. I pushed really hard, I squeezed Rye's hand again.

"I've just met a girl named Maria. And suddenly that name will never be the same to me. Maria!" His angel voice was my motivation to keep going.

"We can see the head, baby has so much hair! Just one more big push." The doctor encouraged, here it goes.

"Say it loud and there's music playing, say it soft and it's like praying. Maria, I'll never stop saying Maria!" Rye sang just as I managed to catch my breath. Then I heard our baby crying.

"Congratulations, you have a beautiful baby girl." The doctor said, the picked her up and laid her down on my chest. I started weeping with joy. Look at what we had created, she had the most beautiful brown hair.

"I'm so proud of you Jackie." Rye said, we shared a kiss together just before the nurses took her away for measuring and to dress her.

"S-she's s-so b-beautiful!" I cried happily. They put a little link hat on her head, then a little nappy before swaddling her in a thin blanket. Rye held her in his arms, admiring her precious face.

"What are you going to call her?" One of the nurses asked. Me and Rye gave each other a look.

"Maria, her name is Maria."

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