Dorbyn- Bathtime For Baby Bean

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My sister requested this one, she basically forced me but I didn't really mind. Enjoy!

Daniel's POV:
I was finishing off my chicken nuggets and spaghetti that Jonah had made for dinner. The table had been quiet tonight, but that was expected as my boyfriend Corbyn was lying in bed with the flu. I missed our dinner time chats but then again I wanted him to be resting and he didn't have an appetite for food anyway.

"Zach, it's your turn to do the dishes tonight." Jonah said sending the stack of dirty plates to his side of the table.

"No fair, why can't Jack do it tonight?" Zaxh said flopping back into his chair, folding his arms.

"Because I have to look after Lavender tonight whilst Gabbie is away with a friend. I have to change diapers and clean baby barf off my clothes, wouldn't you rather do the dishes?" Jack asked.

"Fine, I'll do the dishes. Why can't I use the magical chore machine?" Zach asked, I giggled to myself.

"Because the last time you tried using the DISHWASHER you put in a paper plate and it is now broken. Go one Zach, do your bit for the country and get scrubbing!" Jonah said enthusiastically, if Corbyn being sick means I have a get out of jail free card from chores then I'll take it. I still felt bad because my Baby was sickie but I didn't want to spend my evening unclogging the sink.

"I think I'm going to make Corbyn some chicken soup." I said getting up from my chair and making my way from the dining room to the kitchen. I grabbed a saucepan and a tin of chicken noodle soup because I didn't have time to make it fresh, I heated it up nicely so it was warm but not too hot for him to eat straight away. I poured it into a bowl and grabbed a spoon from the drawer, seeing Zach in the corner of my eye struggling to wash the dishes.

"How hard is it to scrub spaghetti sauce off of a plate?" I asked him, it was fairly simple.

"It just keeps spreading!" Zach moaned in frustration, dropping the sponge back into the sink with a splash.

"Dont make too much of a mess, you know that Jonah will put your ass in the time out chair." I warned him before taking the soup upstairs to our bedroom. I quietly poked my head round the door to see if he was awake or not, he was lying on his back with his eyes only partly open.

"Baby Bean, you ok?" I cooed softly, his eyes wondered over to me before whimpering quietly. I put the bowl on the bedside table, he didn't look comfortable.

"Here Sweetheart, lift up your head." I directed as I slipped a pillow under his head. I grabbed the waste basket and picked up all his used tissues scattered around the mountain of sheets.

"Dani." He whined, grabbing my hand weakly.

"I'm here Baby, what do you need?" I asked him.

"You *cough cough* snuggles." He cooed pulling me closer to him, I gave him a sympathetic smile and cradled him in my lap before kissing his forehead.

"I made you some soup Corby, would you like to try a little bit?" I asked him, he wasn't hungry earlier. He shrugged.

"Alright, maybe just a couple spoon fulls and we'll see how you get on. Ok?" I suggested, he nodded slowly. I propped his back up with pillows and sat on the edge of the bed with the bowl in my hand ready to feed him.

"You ok Sweetheart?" I asked him, noticing how disoriented he was.

"J-jusd dizzy." He whimpered.

"Aww Baby, just a couple spoon fulls then you can lie down." I said, rubbing his leg lightly as I filled up the spoon. I fed him the soup, carefully so I didn't spill on him and only small servings. After a couple more mouthfuls, not a lot, he started whimpering and turned his head to the side.

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