OT5- Lost And Found

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Sorry if this seems a bit all over the place, I tried my best 😂 the reason when the focus is on Jack's mood it is in 3rd person is because I found it easier than to write his POV as an ageplay baby, hope you like it anyway x PS I will do a face reveal and a get to know the Author when we reach 100K view 💕
3rd Person:
Jack was asleep in his bed, just put down for a nap by Sonny. Bad dreams, bad thoughts, his worst nightmares playing around in his head. He tossed and turned, the blanket fell off the bed before Jack woke up with a gasp. He was scared, he didn't know what to do, he wanted cuddles. He toddled out of his room with his stuffie, he looked around for someone to cuddle with. He saw Andy in the kitchen on the phone and cooking food, Brooklyn had gone to the shops with Sonny. Maybe Rye was able to cuddle with Jack? Jack toddled up the stairs and pushed open Rye's door.

Rye's POV:
I was answering emails in my room, in the corner if my eye I see the door open so I turned back my head for a quick glance. It was baby Jackie, he looked like he had been crying.

"Oh Baby Boy, you ok?" I asked, I got out my chair and kneeled down on the floor as I held my arms out for him. He climbed onto my lap and buried his face into my chest, he cried and whined.

"What's wrong Clover?" I asked leaning him back into my arms so I could see his adorable face. Again he just whimpered, sniffled and cried.

"Jackie, is there something wrong or not. Papa is busy with work right now and you're supposed to be napping. You know the rules, you have to stay in your bed until someone gets you. Now baby, is there something wrong are are you being whiney, if you are just being whiney then you are going to have a time out." I told him, the cycle of whimpering, sniffling and cring continued.

"Back to bed Baby, once you wake up you will be on the naughty step in time out for five minutes." I said picking him up, he immediately started squirming in my arms and he kicked me in the ribs.

"Noooo Papa, me no likey nwauty step!" He moaned, I managed to get him in a position where he couldn't squirm.

"Ten minutes in time out, you don't kick anyone, Jack!" I told him off, I was going to get a bruise. I managed to get him back to bed.

"Papa no sweep!" He moaned, I wasn't having this. I took away his stuffie.

"Pwease Papa, I sowwy! Gimme Mittens pwease, I sowwy!" He cried, I knew how much he loves Mittens the cat but he needed to learn that his actions have consequences.

"You can have Mittens back after you finished your time out, now go back to sleep and don't get out of bed until one of us comes for you." I said leaving the room, as I sat back down at my desk again I thought about what I had done. Was I being a bit harsh? Maybe he just couldn't sleep, but then again he shouldn't have gotten out of bed in the first place. As I hear Jack's cries in the background, which made me feel slightly guilty, I turned back to my laptop and continued writing my emails.

3rd Person:
Jack didn't understand, why were they being so mean to me? He thought to himself, just because he couldn't get the words out to tell his Papa he had had the most horrible nightmare. No, not just a nightmare. The nightmare. He dreamt that everyone in his life, the most important people, had just left him alone in the dark. In a cupboard under the stairs, locked away and he was unable to escape when suddenly the walls collapsed on him. Jack just wanted to know that his family was still there, now in the present as he cried into his pillow he started to question whether any of the boys loved him. He thought back to happier times, like when they all took him out to the woods near the house and they would have picnics and make rope swings and little camping trips. Jack thought that going back would be the only place where he could be happy.

Brooklyn's POV:
Me and Sonny had just gotten back from Morrisons, someone had to do the weekly shop. As we grabbed all our bags and made our way to the front door we noticed that the door was open slightly. Then again we only lock the doors at night and the door sometimes openes if there are strong winds, but there wasn't much wind today.

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