Jacklyn- No Story Time

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Rye's POV:
Jack was feeling better now, however it was inevitable that Brooklyn would catch Jack's stomach bug. However, whenever the boys catch things off each other they are relatively similar but then again not. Jack only threw up a couple times, but Brooklyn was literally on the bathroom floor all afternoon. It it seemed like we would be here all night too. Andy got him positioned over the toilet again to be sick again, he whimpered and cried as his dinner from the night before came back up again.

"Ssshhh, please don't cry Brookie pie. You'll upset your tummy more." Andy said trying to calm him down as he rubbed his back. Brook threw up a couple more times before leaning into Andy, he was very tired.

"Done for now, sweetheart?" Andy asked, running his hand through his hair and cradling him in his lap. Brook nodded sadly, I picked up his sippy cup and passed it to him.

"Can you drink some water for me Brookie?" I asked him, he moved his head away and whimpered.

"Twummy f-feel icky." He cried.

"I know baby, I know. Just one sip?" I encouraged him, he was going to dehydrated soon. He took his sippy cup and took a sip of his water hesitantly.

"Well done Brook." I said taking the cup away, Brooklyn nuzzled his face into Andy's chest.

"How about we take a nap, you need to rest your little tummy." Andy suggested, Brook nodded slowly into his chest.

"I'll get his pillows and blankets from the bedroom." I said getting up from the floor, as I walked down the corridor I noticed how quiet it was in the house. Sonny had gone home for a week so it was just us in the house. I opened the door to the baby room, I saw Jack leaning up against to headboard asleep. He had his favourite story book in his hand, cuddling Mittens with his Binkie in his mouth. Oh no, I had totally forgot! I promised to read him a bedtime story tonight, but I was busy with Brooklyn at the time so it completely slipped my mind. I felt so bad! As I got closer I noticed the tear stains on his cheeks from where he had cried himself to sleep. I pulled his duvet open widely, I placed the story book on the bedside table before laying Jack down on the bed. I pulled the duvet over him, made sure he was tucked in and I kissed his forehead.

"I'm so sorry Jackie." I whispered, trying not to wake him up. I turned on his night light, I turned off the main light in the room before grabbing Brooklyn's blanket and pillows to take back to him. I left the bedroom door open slightly, otherwise Jack gets scared if he wakes up in the night. I took the bedding back to the bathroom, Brooklyn had fallen asleep in Andy's lap. I made a little bed for him on the floor next to the toilet so it would he easy for him to access.

"He okay?" I asked Andy.

"I gave him a little bit of medicine, he still feels queasy." Andy said, I nodded quietly. I still felt really bad about Jack, I completely forgot about him. I felt like such a bad Daddy to him, I felt me eyes welling up with tears.

"Rye, are you alright?" I heard Andy say putting his hand on my leg.

"I um... promised Jack a bedtime story tonight. But with Brooklyn being sick I forgot about him and he cried himself to sleep, I feel so bad!" I said quietly, letting a tear roll down my face. I felt like I had let him down in being one of his Daddies.

"Aww Rye, don't worry about it. Jack's probably isn't mad at you, he might feel a bit left out but he will understand that Brookie was very sick, because he was really sick too." Andy said, rubbing my shoulder and wiping the tear away from my cheek.

"I can't help feel like I've let him down, I feel like such a bad Dad." I said, choking back the tears.

"You're not a bad Dad Rye, we just have good days and bad days. We're human and we're tired, we all make mistakes sometimes. Jack will forgive you, he always does." Andy said.

"Yeah, you're right." I said, wiping my eyes on my sleeve. Brooklyn stretched out and moved his head onto my lap, nuzzling his face into my leg.

"I love you." I cooed quietly, I rested my head on Andy's shoulder and waited the long night ahead of us.

Brooklyn managed to sleep the night, he hadn't thrown up anymore but he was still feverish and just felt lousy. After I put him down for a nap I tracked down Jack, who was having his bottle of milk before nap time with Andy, in the kitchen.

"Hey little nugget, how about you have your nap in Daddy's bed today. And would you like to read your story book?" I asked him.

"Yes pwease Daddy." He said making grabby hands for me. I picked him up and carried him to our bedroom, I had his blankets set out for him and the book out ready to read.

"I'm sorry that I didn't read to you last night pumpkin, sorry that I made you upset." I asked hugging him, changing him into some comfy clothes.

"Otay Daddy, Bwookie was sickie." Jack said.

"Thank you for understanding Jackie, should we read now?" I said sitting him next to me with his stuffed toy, I put his Binkie in his mouth too. As I put the book in my lap, the door opened slightly and Brooklyn toddled in with his blankie.

"Hi Brookie, I thought you were already napping?" I said, he climbed up on the bed and crawled over to the other side of me.

"Wanna wead stwory." He said.

"Ok then, is everyone sat comfortably?" I asked like all good storytellers do, the both nodded.

"Ok then...We're going on a bear hunt, we're going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day! We're not scared."

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