Alphadog Family- House Plague (Roadtrip)

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You wanted another family one, the ages are on my Jack's first period one if you want to know what they are, enjoy xx

Rye's POV:
When I woke up this morning I knew my stomach wasn't feeling good, but I still went to school because I wasn't on Death's door. If anything I was now. I couldn't go a minute without it cramping, I had a massive headache to accompany it. I managed to get through two lessons without having to excuse myself from the classroom to throw up, that has an achievement. I felt really nauseous. I stumbled out to the hallway and leaned against my locker, resting my head against the cold metal.

"Hey bro, what's up?" I'd recognize that voice anywhere, it was my mate Mikey.

"Hi." I said weakly, Mikey looked at me concerned.

"Are you feeling ok, you look like death." He said.

"I feel like death, I think I got the bloody twenty-four stomach flu that's going around." I said frustrated, why did I have to get sick now. It was almost half term break.

"Try not to touch me, I don't want to be sick when I'm in Croatia. But do you need me to write you a note to get out of PE because we have that next." Mikey suggested.

"Oh God, I almost forgot about PE! But no, you have the worst handwriting in the world. No one would believe it, maybe I can convince Sir to let me sit out today." I said as I grabbed my PE kit out of my locker and stuffing it into my backpack. The third period bell ran and me and Mikey made our way down to the boys changing rooms, I changed into my sweaty PE kit which smelled of body odour, the smell alone almost made me gag. I slowly made my way down to the running track and saw my teacher, I was going to ask whether I could sit out.

"Sir, I don't feel well. I feel like I might throw up, can I sit out today?" I asked, snaking my arms around my stomach. He just looked at me with  disappointment across his face.

"You are the third person who has tried to use that excuse today, I expect better from you Ryan. You're sixteen for goodness sake!" He said, that really hurt me that he didn't believe me. We all had to participate it a five mile run today, too many miles of you ask me. I normally like running but today it was literally going to make me vomit. My stomach cramped really hard, causing me to stop dead in my tracks. I hugged my stomach tightly, I felt vomit rise in my throat. I slapped my hand over my mouth and ran over to some bushes off the track, I retched then chucked up my guts. I felt a hand rubbing my back.

"Aww Rye, you really should've stayed at home today." Said Mikey, I know I should've but we literally break up from school today so was there any point? Apparently there was. I finished puking, I felt lightheaded and fell into Mikey, he sat me down on the floor.

"Wait here for a minute Rye, I'll get Sir." He said before running to the other side of the field to find him. I started shivering, I pulled my legs up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them to try and keep warm even though the sun was blazing. Mikey came back with my PE teacher, he looked at the mess I made over the grass and on the bushes before squatting down to my level and put his hand on my forehead.

"I think you have a temperature, Mikey can you take him to the nurse?" He asked, Mikey nodded and helped me stand up. He wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me walk to the nurses office. I practically let him drag me all the way there.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" She asked, Mikey answered for me.

"He threw up on the field, he might have a fever too." He said.

"Gosh, they're all dropping like flies with this bug. Come in and put him on the bed so I can take a look at him." She said, I hobbled over to the infirmary. There were a row of beds full of sick students, they all had the stomach flu too.

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