Brandy- Heat Stroke

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This story is set on a lads holiday to Rhodes Greece, my all time favourite holiday destination. I even have family living out there, it is lush.

Andy's POV:

Our lads holiday was amazing, taking some time away from filming covers and just enjoying our youth. It was a hot and sunny day in Rhodes Greece, and we decided that today we would go on a hike. We all had a packed lunch consisting of fresh olives and bread which we carried in our rucksacks, this was like the best school trip we never had. We climbed over rocks, looking for some lizards and snakes and stray cats. Rye was trying to push Jack down the hill by some prickly bushes and Sonny was trying to push Brooklyn up the path because he was struggling to keep up. We walked for a couple miles before heading back down towards the town were we parked our rental car, we all got in and immediately rolled the windows down because it was literally an oven. I drove back to our little villa we had rented in Kremasti near the beach. We got out the car and dropped off our bags.

"Should we go to the pool for a few hours?" Sonny suggested, a dip would be nice. I was in.

"You all go, I'm going to go lie down." Brook said, slowly making his way upstairs, I didn't really blame him because we had been walking all da and he was tired. Me and the rest of the boys grabbed our towels and inflatable watermelon and walked down to the community pool.

Brooklyn's POV:

We had been outside in the sun all day, normally I love it but today for some reason it was making me feel really unwell. I had a sore stomach and a throbbing headache, I was bloody boiling. I went upstairs to my shared bedroom with Jack so I could take a nap and maybe sleep this bug that I have caught off. I stripped down to my boxers, I felt really warm but for some reason I wasn't sweaty and sticky. I looked in the mirror and my face looked all flushed, maybe I got sunburned too. I flopped onto my unmade bed and hugged the duvet. Hopefully this was just a twenty-four hour bug, I didn't want to be sick for the rest of the holiday. We were meant to be going scuba diving with the Waterhoppers soon. (A/N that is the company that my grandad works for, he is a scuba diving instructor and he taught me how to scuba dive the last time I was over there.) 

I woke up from my nap with the immediate urge to throw up, I jumped up from my bed and ran into the bathroom, collapsing onto my knees and puking my guts out. It wasn't pleasant, my stomach was killing me. Vomiting just made my head hurt even more. I stood up and supported myself on the sink, I splashed some cold water on my face. I slowly plodded downstairs and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, and a bucket from the store cupboard to put by my bed. I didn't wat to have to clean my own puke from the floor and on tiles it's going to splatter everywhere. I went back to my room and laid down on my bed, took a few sips of water to try and rid of the nausea but if anything that made me feel worse. I put the bottle on my bedside table and tried to get back to sleep.

"Brook, wake up. We are going for gyros at George's, you need to get changed." Jack said, hitting me with his pillow. I opened one eye, he had had a shower and had changed into his watermelon shirt. A huge was of nausea came over me, I rubbed my hand over my stomach and moaned in pain.

"What's up Brook, are you ill or something?" Jack said with concern looking at the bucket I had put near my bed, I nodded.

"Can you get Andy?" I asked feeling extremely nauseous, and knowing that Jack couldn't handle vomit too well because of his bad gag reflux.

"Sure mate, just hang on." He ran out the room, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and grabbed the bucket. I was going to be sick again. I retched and threw up, Andy swiftly made it to the my side and held my fringe out my face and rubbed my back.

"You're ok." He cooed, I slowed down with throwing up. I wiped my mouth on the back of my hand. Andy laid me back down on my bed and took the bucket from me.

"I'll clean this out, I won't be long." He said, I felt my arms. They were hot and dry. Andy came back and sat on the bed next to me, he felt my forehead.

"When did you start feeling sick?" He asked.

"When we were on our hike." I replied. He was feeling the rest of my body.

"You're so warm and your skin is so dry, I think you might have heat stroke." That would make sense, there is currently a heatwave.

"I'll stay here with you, the rest of the boys can get some food." He said running his hand through my hair which was nice and soothing. I felt a bit jealous of the boys, everyone knows that George's gyros were the best. (A/N if you ever go to Rhodos town then go to George's, their gyros are literally the best thing ever.) But then again I really didn't want food, it was the last thing I wanted right now. The boys left to get their dinner, Andy went and grabbed the ice packs from the cooling bag and he put them on my forehead, the back of my neck, my torso, arms and legs. We had the air conditioning on full blast, to try and cool me down. It was working, I had a good night's sleep and a cold shower the next morning. I felt a whole lot better, I was ready for some scuba diving with the Waterhoppers and some gyros from George's Special.

 I felt a whole lot better, I was ready for some scuba diving with the Waterhoppers and some gyros from George's Special

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Hope you liked that, my grandad is in the Waterhoppers picture above. He is standing in like the doorway of the boat, I believe. Book a holiday to Rhodes and check out Waterhoppers, free bit of advertising there Grandad.

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