Jacklyn- E.coli

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Sorry it's another Jack one but I've had the shitest day ever.
Jack's POV:
I was really sick. I had severe abdominal cramps, I had diarrhoea and I was vomiting loads. I had gone to the doctors because I noticed blood in my faeces. I was told that I had e.coli food poisoning from eating an undercooked hamburger, I was given no medication. I was told just to rest and drink loads of fluids and take some antacids. This sucked! I finished barfing for the hundredth time, I flushed the toilet and leaned against the side of the bath. I was absolutely exhausted, I hadn't slept in two days because I either had to puke, shit or my stomach would hurt too much to sleep. I slowly stood up, holding onto the sink, I looked in the mirror.

"Oh God, I'm a mess." I said to myself, I quickly brushed my teeth and stumbled out of the bathroom. I had really sharp pains in my belly, I practically doubled over in pain and I tried to be as quiet as possible. It was the middle of the night and all of the boys were asleep. I didn't want to wake them up, but I was probably going to have to. I couldn't look after myself, I could barely stand up. I went to Brooklyn's room because it was the closest.

"Broooookie." I whimpered nudging him awake. He rolled over all groggy, he saw me then sat up.

"Are you alright Jackie?" He asked concerned. I crawled into his bed and snuggled up next to him.

"My tummy hurts so bad." I moaned nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck.

"I know it does Buddy, have you taken any medicine?" He asked me, I shook my head.

"Do you want me to get some for you?" He offered.

"It won't stay down, believe me." I said, if I put anything I will throw it up.

"Can you maybe...rub my stomach please?" I asked shyly.

"Of course I will, lie down on your back." He instructed, I rolled over so I was lying on my back and looking up at the ceiling. Brook slipped his hand under my hoodie and rubbed gentle circles on my stomach.

Brooklyn's POV:
I was rubbing Jack's stomach, he really wasn't well. I could feel his insides twisting and turning as judging by his facial expressions it was hurting him a lot.

"You poor thing." I cooed. I knew his pain wasn't going to be completely relieved with rubbing his stomach alone.

"Let's get you downstairs, I'll get you a heating pad and we can watch movies on my laptop until you fall asleep. Does that sound good?" I asked the poorly munchkin, he nodded before making grabby hands for me to pick him up. I carried him bridal style down the stairs and into the kitchen. I placed him on the couch and covered him up with a throw blanket. I grabbed a bucket labelled 'SICK BUCKET' from under the sink and put it next to Jack just incase he needs it. I pulled out the trusty heating pad and plugged it in, I rested it on his stomach.

"Give it a minute to heat up. I'll get you a drink, water or Sprite?" I asked him.

"Sprite please." He said weakly. I grabbed a can from the case I bought earlier for him, I made sure that I kept it at room temperature and not chilled. If it was chilled it would probably irritate his stomach more. I poured it into a glass and took it to him.

"Take small sips." I reminded him, I picked up my laptop and put on Netflix. We were watching The Lorax just because why not, I balance it on the arm of the sofa so we could both see the screen and cuddle at the same time. Part way through the film Jack burped really loudly.

"Are you alright mate, are you going to be sick?" I asked.

"No, I don't do so well with carbonated drinks." He said massaging his belly to get rid of all the air. He burped a couple more times.

"Pardon me, sorry." He said embarrassed.

"You don't need to apologise for anything, do you still feel bloated?" I asked him.

"A little bit." He said, shifting around uncomfortably. I rested my hand on his stomach and applied a little bit of pressure to help get the air out of his belly. He burped one more time.

"I think I'm done." He said yawning, he was exhausted. He rested his head on my shoulder.

"Go to sleep Jackie, you need to rest." I said rubbing his back. He was about to drift off when he mumbled this:

"I'm never eating a hamburger again."

Two weeks later, Jack was feeling a lot better and we were back to filming . We were taking a lunch break in McDonalds, Jack went up to order his food.

"Could I get a hamburger please?" He asked the cashier. He can't remember his promise to himself, unbelievable.

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