Rack- Menstrual Cramps

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I am currently writing the Rylyn one, but when you get woken up on the first day of you period with bad cramps, the smell of food makes you feel nauseous and you had to use toilet paper pads for most of the morning then the only thing I can produce is a period story.
Jack's POV:
Why dies God have to punish me because I haven't made a baby? I've been up all hours of the night with the worst ever cramps, I couldn't fall asleep. When the morning finally arrived my stomach hurt so bad that I couldn't move. Rye was my saviour and found me curled up in the fetal position, he got me a heating pad and some medicine. This gave me hope that the pain would stop completely at least for a few hours.

However the pain never went away, I was bedridden. FUCK YOU MOTHER NATURE! I was constantly shifting around to try and get comfortable which wasn't happening, I felt bloated and all in all just felt gross. I heard the bedroom door open, the sound of footsteps coming towards me and then I felt the bed dip before someone's hand started rubbing my back.

"Still feeling really poorly?" He asked me. I whimpered in pain and curled up tighter.

"My tummy won't stop hurting, please make it go away." I begged, I was over this.

"Did the medicine I give you not work?" He asked. I shook my head sadly, nothing was working.

"Ok, let me get you some ibuprofen then maybe you should take a nap. You look absolutely exhausted." He said before getting up and leaving me again. I grabbed my duvet and cocooned myself in it, I wanted to be as comfortable as possible even when I am feel ing my worst. I kept the heating pad close to my lower belly, I needed another one for my back as that was now aching. Rye came back in with a fluffy toy dog as well as a glass of water and pills.

"Andy let you have Daddy Hemnes because your aren't feeling good." He said passing him to me. He was so fluffy, I nuzzled my face into it.

"Tell him I said thanks." I mumbled.

"I will, here take these then try and sleep." He said passing me the ibuprofen tablets and the glass of water. I put the pills in my mouth and swallowed then with some water. I laid back down on my bed, spooning the massive plushie.

"Just come get me if you need anything, try and get some sleep Jackie." Rye said softly and he rubbed my back, I soon managed to doze off.

I woke up not long later though, the pains shooting through my stomach again at full force. I sat up in my bed and hugged my belly tightly, I just wanted to die. The back of my underwear felt wet, I probably needed to change my pad. I got up from my bed, aggressively rubbing my lower stomach to try and rid of the cramps but nothing seemed to be working. I went to the the bathroom, pulled my underwear down and sat on the toilet. There was literally the tiniest bit of blood, one of the lightest flows I've had. How could that cause so much pain? I hated being in pain, it was unbearable. I feel constipated, like I'm being stabbed, kicked and punched in the stomach and fanny repeatedly all at once. Everything was just too much to handle that it came to having tears on the toilet, something I didn't do much, I just couldn't handle it anymore! I broke down, I couldn't stop crying.

Rye's POV:

I felt really bad for Jack, he had it really bad with his cramps. And is especially sucks when pain medicine isn't helping you. I was making my way up to my room after drinking tea with Andy downstairs, planning on checking on Jack just to make sure he was comfortable. His bedroom door was open, his duvet was on the floor. I went up to the bathroom door where I heard someone sobbing, and whimpering.

"Jack is that you, are you alright in there?" I asked after knocking on the door.

"R-rye, it huuuuurts!" I heard Jack cry out sadly.

"Come out when you're ready, ok?" I said, putting my ear against the door so I could hear him better.

"O-ok." He replied, a minute later I heard the toilet flush then the door opened. Jack's eyes were very red from crying, I opened my arms out for him. He fell into me and started to bawl his eyes out, I picked up his weak body and held him close to me.

"Sssshhhh, calm down. You're ok, Rye's here." I cooed softly rubbing his back.

"Let's go to my room, we can lie down in my bed for a bit. Does that sound nice?" I asked him, he whimpered whilst nodding slowly into my shoulder. I gently carried him through the hallway until we reached m bedroom, I laid him down on my bed and I climbed in next to him.

"I n-need more ibuprofen." Jack said sadly wiping his eye on his hoodie sleeve, it had only been two hours since his last dose.

"I'm sorry Jackie, it isn't time yet." I said all sorry.

"But it doesn't stop hurting!" He cried cuddling into me further.

"I know Jackie, I know it keeps hurting." I said calmly before putting my hand on the lower part of his tummy, still hot from the heating pad, and started rubbing forward and backward motions on it. He sighed before melting into me some more.

"Your stomach is so warm!" I chuckled.

"I'm going to run you a hot bubble bath, that should help your tummy. Come here." I said picking Jack back up again and carrying him to the bathroom, sitting him down on the toilet seat before I turned on the hot taps. I grabbed the eucalyptus bubble bath and poured a lot of that in the tub. I quickly went to Jack's bedroom to grab him a fresh pair of pyjamas for after his bath, I looked over at his bed and sat some blood stains on his sheets, I was going to have to change them at some point. Probably until his stops bleeding. I took his clothes back to the bathroom and placed then on top of a nice folded towel.

"When you are down come downstairs, I'll make something nice for you dinner since you've had a crap day." I said about to leave the room.

"Thank you Rye." He said shyly, adorable.

"You're very welcome Jack, now have a nice soak." I said closing the door, giving him some privacy. I went to the kitchen and started cooking a nice creamy, cheesy pasta bake with some garlic bread. Jack likes his carbohydrates when he is on his period, it's like his comfort food. I prepped the pasta, softened them up I a saucepan before putting them in a dish with some creamy tomato sauce with pepperoni pieces before mixing in the cheese, a mix of cheddar and Red Leicester. Cooked that for twenty minutes before putting a thick layer of cheese over the top, pure heaven! QUALITY LUSHNESS! I put the dish back in the oven for fifth teen more minutes to make the cheese layer go golden brown. Jack came downstairs in his pyjamas with Daddy Hemnes and his period blankie.

"Have a nice bath Jack?" I asked putting the garlic bread in the oven.

"Yeah, it helped a bit. What's cooking?" He asked me.

"Only the most glorious pasta bake that has ever graced the table, except we won't be eating on the table. Go and sit on the couch, I have something set up on Netflix for us to watch." I replied, Jack sat on the sofa, set up his blankie nicely and put Hemnes next to him. He looked at my laptop.

"Yay! Glee marathon." He said excitedly. I served up our food and brought it over to the couch, together we ate and cuddled together on the sofa. Watching top quality television. Jack put his head on my chest.

"Thanks for looking after me today, love you Rye Pie!" He cooed.

"Love you too, Jackie Poo!" I cooed back.

"When can I have some more ibuprofen?" He asked impatiently.

"Not for another hour, I'm afraid." I answered in the nicest way possible.



I've been dying of cramps all day, but I've been out with my friends. The second I got on the bus after I met up with them my pain medicine started to wear off, so the whole day I was just extremely uncomfortable and wanted to be at home watching Glee. Now I am off to go shoot myself in the back garden, nice knowing you all! So Long, Farewell....(jk)

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