Bronny- Hotel Cleaners

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Sonny's POV:
Me and Brooklyn may or may not have broken Andy's car, he may or may not have shouted at us for three hours to tell us off. Brooklyn was in tears, I'm sure he didn't mean to drive into the river with me in the passenger seat. We just got lost on the way to the shops. Anyway, the car flooded and everything was wrecked so we decided that we would get some part-time jobs to pay for the damage we had caused. We got some jobs as hotel cleaners, it was quite cool actually because we got a 1% staff discount should we need to stay. I was trying hard, I was like a tornado with furniture polish and fabric softener. Brook on the other hand kept eating the little pillow chocolates, leaving me to do all the cleaning.

"Brooklyn, help me with this. The toilet isn't going to clean itself, someone's left skids down the bowl. I have no idea what they ate but I imagine their shit was a creamy one and not fun to clean up." I said assessing today's challenge.

"But this chocolate is so amazing!" Brooklyn protested as he unwrapped another one and popped it into his greedy gob.

"Quit eating the chocolate, they come out of our wages!" I tried to tell him, they were not free for staff. We had to pay for them.

"Who cares, with our hard work we won't have to worry about how much we consume. We will have the money to pay them back." He said, grabbing another handful of chocolates and sprinkling them on his chest.

"We haven't even made enough to cover half of Andy's repair bill so we should be more focused on getting our job done before we pig out." I said getting frustrated with Brooklyn majorly. I cleaned the toilet and the rest of the bathroom before moving onto the rest of the room. Brooklyn had fallen asleep on the bed, as per usual, it was almost time for us to change the bed sheets. I noticed the chocolate around Brooklyn's mouth, and the whole three boxes of pillow chocolates were empty!

"Brook, you ate all the chocolate!" I shouted at him, waking him up.

"You've probably eaten a month's worth of chocolate, how are we going to pay back Andy now?" I asked him, I wasn't happy with him. Brooklyn shrugged and pulled his knees up to his chest, groaning loudly.

"Oh what now?" I shouted at him.

"Sonny, I don't feel so good. I've got the worst stomach-ache ever." He moaned, hugging his chocolate filled, bloated belly. I wasn't surprised he stomach was hurting, he knew what he was getting himself into.

"I should hope you have a stomach-ache, you've pissed away our chances of paying back Andy and you expect me to give you sympathy because you stuffed your gob with so many pillow chocolates that your stomach feels like it is about to explode! Brooklyn, I'm very disappointed in you. You better listen up young man, and you better listen up good because you're grounded!" I said wagging my finger in his face, he just groaned again.

"Come on, we have more rooms to clean before our shift is over." I said calming down, going back to our trolley to grab the fresh sheets.

"Uh oh!" I heard Brooklyn shout before I hear this massive splatter.

"OH FOR FUCK SAKE!" I shouted in frustration looking at the mess Brooklyn had made, there was vomit all over the carpet, all over the walls. It was just everywhere, brown chuncks.

"My God Brooklyn, you've got it on the floor and the walls and the valence!" I exclaimed looking at where the vomit had got to.

"The valence?" Brooklyn asked as he wiped his mouth on his sleeve.

"The skirt thing round the side of the bed!" I defined, we were going to get fired. We really needed this job though, Andy would kill us if jit and we had a staff discount. I wanted that staff discount.

"Sonny, my tummy hurts!" Brooklyn whined like a toddler having a tantrum, I couldn't deal with him right now. I needed to get this mess cleaned up fast.

"Just lie down Brook, if you need to spew again try and make it to the toilet this time. Let me clean up YOUR mess!" I told him, he laid down and rubbed his aching tummy, I grabbed the disinfectant spray and a sponge. I decided to have a little fun with the cleaning.

"It's the hard knock life, for me! It's the hard knock life, for me!" I sang, spraying and wiping to the beat.

"Stop wasting it!" Brooklyn shouted at me, referring to the disinfectant spray.

"I'm sorry but who wasted all the pillow chocolates and blew chunks all over the room? You, so shut your chocolate hole and let me do my job." I told him, I was forever going to be annoyed with him for this.

It took some time but I managed to clean all of the vomit from the room, I changed the bed sheets just in time for our shift to end. Brooklyn's belly was still in pain, he complained about it every two seconds but it was his fault and I don't feel guilty for ignoring him.

"Come on Brooklyn, let's go home. Or we could go to the hospital to get your stomach pumped. Whichever you prefer." I suggested.

"Home please." He said shifting his way off the bed, I had to drag him to the lobby because he said he felt too heavy to move. We almost made it to the hotel entrance when our boss stopped us.

"Mr Robertson, Mr Wyatt. How is the job working out for you?" He asked us, I gave Brook a little nudge as if to say 'Straighten Up!'.

"Good, really good. Thanks sir, but we best be going now." I rushed desperately trying to leave.

"Wait, gentlemen please. I've been so impressed by your work that I have decided to give you a raise and you now get 2% staff discount!" He told us.

"Wow, thank you so much." I said shaking his hand. GET IN!

"How does that sound Mr Wyatt?" He asked Brooklyn, I saw his face. He looked green, before I could answer for him Brook had leaned forward and puked all over our boss's shoes. He looked utterly disgusted by the gross act upon him.

"Are those pillow chocolates?" He asked Brooklyn.

"Maybe, I may have had one too many Sir. But I promise to do better for you tomorrow." Brooklyn apologised.

"No, no you won't. You're fired!" He said with authority, Brooklyn looked ashamed.

"Yes Sir." He said sadly, disappointment in his speech.

"And as for you Mr Robertson, you can shove that 2% discount right up your pillow chocolate exit hole!" He shouted at me.

"Wait, but what did I do?"I asked confused, I never puked on anyone's shoes.

"I've just decided that you're very Travelodge, we are very Premier Inn so be on your way." He dismissed us. Both ashamed, we made our way to the car park. I sat down in the driver's seat, Brooklyn in passenger.

"Brooklyn, I swear to God if you puke in my car there will be hell to pay!"

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