Rack- Fibromyalgia

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Rye's POV:
Jack had been acting different over the last few days. He was very tired, going to the bathroom a lot more than usual and just been really slow. We were waiting backstage in the green room, Jack was lying on one of the couches. I was sat on the other with Sonny, Andy and Brooklyn had left to grab a coffee with Blair.

"Do any of you have any ibuprofen or paracetamol?" Jack asked, that made me feel a bit concerned.

"Are you alright Jack, are you feeling ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just have a headache and my body just feels a bit achy." He said sitting up slightly and stretching out a bit more.

"I've got some in my bag, just tell us if you start to feel worse. We don't want you catching influenza." I said rummaging through my backpack, I pulled out a box of ibuprofen and popped out two pills and grabbed my water bottle so he could have a liquid to swallow them with.

"Cheers." He said before taking the pain killers. Everyone else was back from getting coffee, it was almost time to go on stage.

"Alright boys, if you need the toilet now is the time to go!" Blair said, as if he were a primary school teacher on a school trip. We were all still waiting for Jack to come out of the bathroom, literally one of the only bathrooms in this building! Brooklyn and Sonny were bursting and decided that they were going to go in together once Jack came out. He has been taking really long toilet breaks for a while now. We finally heard the toilet flush and Jack finally came out.

"Oh my God, I was about to wee myself." Brooklyn said before him and Sonny ran in and slammed the door. Jack sat down on the couch and hugged his knees, I sat down next to him.

"Are you sure you're alright mate, you look really sad." I said rubbing his back. I heard Sonny shout from the toilet.

"Jesus Christ Jack! It stinks, what the fuck have you been doing in here? Have you been eating cat food again?" He joked, Jack embarrassingly put his head on his knees.

"Is your stomach feeling a little upset?" I asked, he nodded. He was still trying to hide his face.

"Do you feel well enough to do the show tonight, so should I tell Blair you're not feeling good?" I asked, still rubbing his back.

"I'm fine to do the show, but I'll need a long ass sleep afterwards." Jack said resting his head on my shoulder. I tried to pull him into a tight hug but he backed away from it.

"Don't squeeze too hard." He said, I was being a bit to forceful so I just let him sink into me. It was time to go on stage, everyone had gone to the loo and we were pumped. Jack stood up and stubbed his toe on the side of the coffee table.

"Ow! Shit that hurt." He said falling back on the couch and holding his foot. He was rocking in pain, it should have worn off by now.

"You're not ok, I'm telling Blair." I said, about to go off and find him, Jack grabbed my sleeve and pulled me back.

"I'll be fine, I'm fine!" He said, standing up. He left the green room and I followed him to the wings of the stage where we were handed our microphones. We went on stage, we sang and goofed about. But I could tell that Jack wasn't in the same mood as everyone else, he looked really tired. We started to do some choreography that we put together for one of the songs when the audience gasped, I looked to my side and saw Jack run off stage.

"One moment!" I spoke into my microphone before handing it to Andy so I could find where Jack had run off to. He was sat against the wall near the stairs crying his eyes out.

"Aww Jackie, what's wrong?" I asked squatting down to his level.

"E-everything a-aches, my t-tummy d-doesn't f-feel good, I'm j-just s-so t-tired!" He cried, I felt really bad for him. Blair came running from around the corner and joined us.

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