Dorbyn- I Don't Care About The Acockalypse

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Corbyn's POV:

I was sick with some sort of stomach virus, I was throwing up in the night and now I was stuck on the couch because I didn't have the strength to get up. Jonah was out, I assumed that Daniel was with him so that meant that Zach and Jack were going to be looking after me. My stomach was really hurting, I just wanted a hot water bottle and then maybe take a nap.

"Zach, I don't care about who would survive the best zombly acockalypse. My tummy hurts and you're supposed to be looking after me." I moaned, shivering under my blanket. Jack and Zach wouldn't stop going on about the stupid acockalypse, Jack claiming that he would be the best but Zach who obviously came up with the zombly acopalypse said that he would be the better person in that situation.

"Sorry Corbone, I do believe this is a bit more important. Take some Pepto-Bismol, get dressed and join us. We are going to do a roleplay outside. Zach, grab a spoon my friend and meet me in the garden." Jack said leaving me, Zach following closely behind after he got himself a small tea spoon.

"Wait! Don't leave me." I whined reaching towards the door, the didn't hear me and they wouldn't of cared even if they did. My stomach is fucking killing me, I couldn't be left here on my own. What if I died after puking out one of my lungs? I got my phone out and called Daniel.

"Dani, I need you. I think my stomach is slowly decomposing, I need help." I said, I had no idea how long left I had. I felt really ill. I heard someone from inside the house shouting. I thought there was a murderer or something, surely I'm a goner.

"I am literally in the other room, come and talk to me." Thank God, it's just Daniel. He was in this house the whole time I didn't know about it, very sneaky fellow. I really thought that he he was out getting food with Jonah. I spoke into the phone again.

"I can't get up, I think I'll collapse." I whimpered. The world was spinning, I huddled closer into the crook of the couch.

"Ok, I'm coming." He said, I didn't hang up nor did he. He entered the room and stood by the couch.

"I'm here Bean. What's up?" He said. I spoke into the phone again.

"Well you are here now Dani, I'll call you back." I then hung up, Daniel laughed to himself at my little joke.

"Has your fever made you gone delirious or something?" He said putting his hand on my forehead, I knew I felt warm because my eyes felt really hot.

"I don't think I'm delirious. I just need your help." I said, making my voice even more cute and innocent.

"What's wrong Bean?" Dani asked sitting down on the couch and putting my legs in his lap.

"My tummy hurts really bad, I need you to make it better." I said. Dani start massaging my belly, it felt really nice.

"Aww, what do you need Corby? I can get you a hot water bottle and some ginger tea if that'll help." He offered, I was just loving the tummy massage.

"Can you just rub my stomach for a bit?" I asked all shyly for some reason.

"Sure, just get yourself comfortable. I'll stay right here." He said before kissing my forehead. I nicely adjusted myself so my head was on a pillow and my back was on Dani's legs so he could rub my stomach. Nice soothing circles, clockwise for a bit then anticlockwise. It was very nice, I was about to fall asleep when I felt him try and get up from the couch.

"Please stay Dani." I pleaded, holding onto his sleeve.

"I really need to use the bathroom, I'll be back in a second." He said getting up and walking away from me. Zach quickly ran in and upgraded to a table spoon then ran back outside. A minute passed and I heard the toilet flush, my cuddly bear had finally returned. He sat down and I curled into his side and attempted to fall asleep. I heard the front door open and Jonah came in holding a limp Jack in his arms.

"What happened to him?" Daniel asked, took the words right out of my mouth.

"I think he was hit really hard over the head with a spoon. I'm going to lay him down for a bit, he might be concussed." He said as he proceeded to take him up to his room. Zach appeared again.

"I told you I would have survived the best zombly acockalypse!"


My sister requested this one, she was giving me something in return. Sorry it wasn't a Roadtrip one.

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