Jirsty- This Isn't Funny, Period!

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We return to the magical world where it's the men that get periods and not the women, do you think Father Christmas grants wishes? Ya'll need to send this wish to the big guy.

This fic is brought to you by my last period of 2019!

Jack's POV:
"KIRSTEN!" I whimpered from the sofa, I had cramps so bad and couldn't move.

"WHAT?" I heard her shout back to me, how rude!

"STOP SHOUTING AT ME!" I replied, what ever happened to inside voices?

"YOU SHOUTED AT ME FIRST!" She shouted back.

"NO I BLOODY WELL DIDN'T!" I protested.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" She asked.

"CAN YOU MAKE ME A HOT WATER BOTTLE?" I asked her, I heard footsteps coming my way.

"What's the magic word?" She said, hovering over me.

"I'M DYING!" I whimpered again, this was death. I was going to die from blood loss pretty soon, and my stomach hurt.

"Babe, calm down." Kirsten said rubbing my arm, I took a deep breath and curled up into a little ball in pain.

"Pwease Bubs." I whispered, looking up at her miserably.

"Of course I can, I won't be long." She said before kissing me on the forehead, I feel better now. She went to the kitchen to fill it up, I wrapped my period blankie around me and tried to wriggle into a comfy position. I was getting cramps in my stomach, cramps in my legs and cramps in my back! I'd taken ibuprofen tablets but it hasn't helped me at all. I heard Vogue walk into the room, probably trying to find Kirsty but she saw me first and ran over to me.

"Voguey, help me!" I whined as I reached down to grab her, I put her on my chest gently and she laid down.

"Aww Puppy." I cooed softly, she was so adorable. Kirsty came back in with my hot water bottle.

"Thank you Bubba." I said reaching out for it, she had put a soft teddy bear cover on it, she passed it to me and I held it to my lower stomach. Vogue had gotten an interest in the hot water bottle, prodding it with her paw before climbing over my torso and deciding to sit on it. I didn't mind, she wasn't hurting me in any way.

"Aww Voguey, is that nice and warm?" Kirsten cooed scratching her behind the ears, I moved my head onto her lap and she started running her hand through my hair.

"Kirsty, I don't feel well." I whimpered sadly, I had a headache aswell as cramps and I felt kinda pukey.

"What's wrong Jackie?" She asked me.

"My cramps hurt everywhere! It's making me feel sickie." I whimpered again.

"Aww Baby, I'm so sorry you have to go through this. What can I do to help?" She asked me.

"Can you massage my head please?" I asked her.

"Ok Angel, are you sure you don't need a bowl or a drink or anything?" She suggested, I felt pukey but I probably wouldn't throw up and if I felt like I was going to I would go to the bathroom. But I just wanted to relax for now.

"No thanks, I just feel yucky and want to snuggle and maybe take a nap." I said. I felt Kirsty's fingers gently massaging my head, from my temples to round the back and sides. I hummed quietly, it felt really nice.

"Is this helping?" Kirsty asked me.

"Yeah." I sighed contently. The relaxing motions helped my drift off to sleep.

Kirsty's POV:

Jack fell asleep with his head in my lap, I felt so bad for him. Periods seem painful, then again men have a lower pain threshold than women so he could be overreacting but either way it made him adorable. I decided to take Vogue out for a walk as she was becoming very bouncy and I didn't want her to wake up Jack. I put a little pink raincoat on her, she was so cute! I walked her around the neighbourhood, she soon grew tired after a while as she was still little. She sat on my foot and refused to walk any further.

"Voguey, come on." I prompted, wiggling my foot. She didn't move and looked up at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, I'll carry you." I said, I admit defeat from a malti poo. I picked her up and carried her the rest of the way home. As soon as we got in, Vogue made her way to her dog bed and curled up for a nap. I was going to check on my other Sleeping Beauty. I went back to the living room where he fell asleep. He was sprawled out with a hot water bottle between his legs. I started laughing, I couldn't help it! I've never seen anyone put a hot water bottle up against their vagina.

"Stop laughing, I have cramps in my fanny!" He shouted, thatbmade me laugh even more. I clutched my belly laughing, I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt but in a tickling way.

"I-I'm sorry...but this is the funniest thing I've ever seen!" I giggled in amusement. Jack folded his arms and pouted.

"If you let me kick you in the balls, then you can laugh once you know how it feels!" Jack said, I stopped laughing then. Being kicked in the balls is the worst.

"I'm sorry Jackie, you feeling better?" I asked sitting down on the sofa again.

"A bit better, my cramps are still really bad, I'm starving though!" He said.

"Oh alright, do you want me to make some food?" I asked.

"Can we order Wagamama's?" He asked me.

"Do we have to, I'm not too keen on Wagamama's." I asked, you have to be in the mood for it.

"If you don't order Wagamama's, at least for me, then I am allowed to kick you in the balls." Jack said.

"So....what do you want from Wagamama's?"
You know when you're at the tail end of an illness and all your symptoms come back just to say hi before hopefully sodding off? Me today 😫

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