Ronny- Faking Sick Karma

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Sonny's POV:
Being in a boyband is demanding, and we don't always get time off when we want. I know this wasn't the best idea and it might not work because I am not in secondary school anymore but hear me out for a second, FAKING SICK! What, who is this guy? Yeah, I'm a genius. To me this is an art and I have put in so much time and effort into this craft that it has become an art that I have mastered. And today was the day I decided to recall my wisdom. There were many things I could do, I could make some fake vomit or diarrhoea and a phoney fever. But I decided to just keep is simple and fake a stomach-ache and maybe give myself a self-induced fever. Before I went to bed, I went to the bathroom and grabbed the thermometer and hid it in my bedroom so they couldn't actually take my temperature so they could only judge by how warm I feel. I put on a huge hoodie and a pair of really warm sweatpants and got under my massive duvet, I was literally roasting. But to make this seem real I would have to pretend that I was freezing even though I put myself in an oven. But apart from that all you have to do is to fake stomach cramps, maybe a headache if you're feeling adventurous. Not going to lie, I didn't sleep the best because I was boiling hot but the hint of tiredness will make me all the more believable. I was lying in bed waiting for one of the boys to wake me up, I heard someone coming up the stairs and along the landing, I think it's showtime. I curled up into a ball and pretended to shake a bit, my door opens.

"Sonny, we are leaving in five minutes. Ready or not." I heard Rye say, he was in a productive mood. I could tell. I groaned and curled myself into a much tighter ball.

"Are you alright mate?" He said, I could hear him walking closer and then I felt the bed dip.

"I don't feel good." I moaned, tensing my muscles to make it look like I was shivering.

"What doesn't feel good, do you have a fever?" He asked resting his hand on my forehead then cupping my face.

"My stomach hurts, and I feel kind of queasy." I said sadly as I wrapped my arms around my belly.

"You actually feel pretty warm, let me take your temperature." Rye said getting up from the bed, little does he know that there won't be a thermometer when he goes to find it because I hid it under my mattress! I love it when a plan comes together, imagine all the Netflix shows I'll be watching very soon. Rye eventually came back in and sat back down on my bed.

"I couldn't find the thermometer, but you do feel warm if you're really not feeling well then I guess you can stay home. Do you want anyone to stay with you?" He asked, I couldn't have someone else in the house with me.

"No, I'll just sleep." I said pulling my duvet further up my body, it was like an oven under here.

"Ok, I'll leave you alone. We'll be back in a couple hours, we can film your bits when you're feeling better. Text us if you need anything." Rye said before getting up and pretending to go back to sleep. A minute passed and I heard the front door closed, the house completely quiet. I sat up slowly.

"They bought it." I said to myself, why am I talking to myself. I must be going mad. I whipped off my hoodie, I finally don't feel like I'm baking. I did it, I'm free to do whatever I want because I had the house to myself. I was thinking a Riverdale marathon and I had some oreos stashed in the kitchen somewhere. I got up and went downstairs. I opened the kitchen cupboard and reached all the way back and pulled out a lunch box. Inside was all types of oreo flavours, original, mint, peanut butter, this was the best. I took it back upstairs after I made myself I cup of tea to dunk them in and began the fun.

"I AM AN AMAZING LIAR!" I shouted, no one could hear me, perks of being in the middle of nowhere and having no one actually in the house. I can yell, I can whisper, I can do backflips if I wanted do. I can't so I won't but you get the picture. I made a little nest in my bed, watching top quality Netflix and eating the luxury that is biscuits that are freshly dunked into a boiling hot cup of tea. This makes me proud to be British. I finished off my Oreos and put my lunch box away, and washed my mug before the boys came home. I put on my hoodie again so I could warm up a little bit if they were to check my body temperature again with the famous feeling of the forehead. I got back into bed, I heard some cars pulling up to the house.I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep, I heard someone coming up the stairs then my bedroom door opening.

"Hey Sonny." I heard Rye say before feeling the bed dip. I slowly opened my eyes.

"Hi." I said yawning.

"How are you feeling?" He said feeling my forehead again.

"A little better." I said.

"Do you want any food?" He asked. I was quite hungry, oreos didn't really fill me up.

"Sure, but something light." I said, keeping up the act that I didn't have much of an appetite.

"Ok, I'll back you some soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. Just take it easy mate." He said before getting up and leaving the room. I was pretty pleased that I managed to pull this off. I ate my soup and grilled cheese, it was really nice. After that I pretty muched turned in for the evening because I was tired and needed my beauty sleep.

I woke up really early, too early the next morning. My stomach felt a little upset. I felt really cold and pulled my blanket tightly over my shoulders, am I getting sick? But like for real. My stomach churned painfully, I started feeling really nauseous. I jumped out of my bed and ran into the bathroom, I knew that I was going to throw up. I leaned over the bowl and spewed my guts out, poor oreos! What a waste of my food, why did I have to get sick? It was probably karma for faking sick. I threw up again, it tasted horrible. I felt a hand on my back.

"Aww Sonny." It was Rye, he rubbed my back slowly until I finished puking. I leaned back into him with exhaustion, he felt my forehead.

"Your fever has risen again, buddy." He said stroking my hair. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the couch in the kitchen. He laid me down and covered me with a blanket.

"I'm sorry you feel like crap mate, you don't deserve it." He said hugging me tightly. I felt guilty, I put this upon myself. What ever comes around goes around.

"I'm sorry Rye." I said all quiet.

"Sorry for what Sonny, you can't help being sick."

"I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time yesterday, I wasn't actually sick. I faked it." I admitted, a pressure was released off my shoulders.

"I appreciate your honesty Sonny, don't get me wrong I did the same thing when I first joined the band. Just remember that it isn't worth it." I am glad he didn't shout at me, even though I deserved a good bullocking. All I know is that I will never do it again, I would just waste food and you should never waste food as valuable as oreos.

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