Sock- Lightheaded Injury

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Sonny's POV:
Jack had been really ill for almost two weeks now, he's been too weak to move off the couch and been doing nothing but sleeping. We took him to the doctors because we were concerned that he wasn't getting any better, apparently he just had a really bad flu virus and we just needed to give him some strong cold and flu medicine. He was starting to feel a little better but he still wasn't back to normal, he was still on the sofa all day. I thought it would be good for him to go out and get some fresh air. I walked into the cinema room, he was lying on his side watching a movie.

"Hey Jackie, how are you feeling today?" I asked sitting on the arm of the sofa.

"Still feel *cough cough* terrible." He said sadly, I felt his forehead.

"Still got that fever, not as hot as earlier though." I said.

"You've been camped out here for almost two weeks, aren't you bored?" I asked, one of the reasons I hate being sick is that you get so bored so easily.

"Kinda." He admitted.

"How about we both go on a walk, fresh air and exercise will do you some good." I said.

"Alright, let *cough* me get changed." He said sitting up.

"That's the spirit, I'll meet you in the kitchen in a couple minutes." I said, surprised he said yes. I was proud of him.

Jack's POV:
I was still feeling pretty sick, I still had a headache, sore throat, stuffy nose and fatigue. I wasn't in the mood to go for a walk but I knew it would be good for me, plus I was extremely bored and didn't want to be stuck on the couch any longer. I changed into some clean sweatpants and a hoodie and went to the kitchen to meet Sonny.

"Ok, you ready?" He asked, I nodded. He grabbed two water bottles from the fridge, passed one to me then we were out the door. The first time I had outside since I left to go to the doctors, feeling the sun on my skin felt amazing. My nose unblocked slightly which felt nice after not being able to breathe, this dose of vitamin D was just what I needed. We walked through the woods for a bit, probably an hour which meant another hour coming back. By this point the fatigue was settling in again and I felt the medicine that I took earlier wear off. My head really started hurting and I felt so bunged up, sweaty and cold.

"Can we go home now Sonny, *cough cough* I'm dired and wand a nap." I said sadly, having felt really good and now feeling unwell again.

"Sure we can, you need a rest. I'm proud of you for coming out for a bit." He said, we started walking back down the path. I longed to be back in bed with a hot cup of tea and then an early night. I dragged my aching body along, step by step, taking small sips of water to try and soothe my throat which was burning from being ill and now for being out of breath. I was starting to feel a little off balance , I couldn't walk in a straight line and it was like I was seeing double. My headache spiked up and I started feeling really lightheaded the second I saw the front door of our house when I grabbed Sonny's shoulder and stumbled into him slightly.

"S-sonny, I n-need to sit d-down." I stuttered, closing my eyes and hoping the feeling would pass.

"I know you do mate, let's get you inside." He said, he didn't get that I needed to sit down NOW! He tried to take another step but I wouldn't let go, I felt like I was going to fall over.

"Jack are you alright?" He asked concerned, I couldn't answer as I felt my body fall to the ground.

Sonny's POV:
We were literally right outside the house when Jack all of a sudden took a turn for the worse. He looked the same way he did last week at the peak of his illness when he was feeling the worst, he couldn't move.

"Jack are you alright?" I asked feeling extremely worried, his whole body went limp and he started to fall to the floor. I quickly grabbed him to avoid him head butting the drive way but his knee hit the concrete at the full force of Jack's fall.

"Oh My God, Jackie! You're ok, it's going to be fine. Let me get you inside." I said, picking up the dead weight boy who was still unconscious in my arms and carrying him inside. Swiftly placing him on the sofa, his knee was in the wrong place. This wasn't the first time that this had happened, he dislocates his knee often so we all knew what to do. Rye ran into the room.

"What's going on, why did you slam the door?" He asked, before looking at the pale boy on the couch.

"He passed out and his knee dislocated." I said.

"Can you get him some ice?" I asked Rye, he nodded and ran to the kitchen to get some from the freezer. Jack started to stir, his eyes opened slowly and he started to shift around uncomfortably.

"My knee kills!" He moaned, gritting his teeth. I felt really bad for him.

"It's popped out of place again, we need to put it back." I said. Jack's eyes widened in fear, despite doing this often he wasn't used to it. I grabbed his hand and he squeezed it.

"You're going to be fine, we'll put some ice on it and then we'll give you some more medicine." I said as Rye came back in with a bag of frozen peas, probably the only thing we had. He secured his leg in place, I was ready to pop it back in.

"Do you want me to count to three or just do it?" I asked him.

"Cound please." He said congestedly.

"Alright then, one, two, three." I counted then pushed Jack's knee back into his socket, locking with a click. Jack winced in pain, his eyes welled up with tears.

"It's over now Jackie, you did really well." I said giving him a warm hug. Rye put the pack of frozen peas on his knee which was elevated on a pillow.

"Do you want to go back to bed, I can give you some medicine then you can go back to sleep?" I suggested, he nodded tiredly. I picked him up, holding the peas to his knee and I carried him up the stairs to his room. I laid him down on his bed, put a cushion under his knee. The cold and flu capsules were on the side of the bed, I popped two out and passed them to Jack. He still had his water bottle from earlier to swallow them with, he took them before slumping down into his pillows. I covered him up with his duvet.

"Cuddles?" Jack asked shyly. I couldn't resist, I climbed in next to him on the bed and held him in my arms. He was so warm but nice to cuddle.

"Goodnight Jackie." I whispered as he dozed off.

I looked after Jack until he felt one hundred percent better, not making him go for another walk to avoid another injury.

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