Ryan- Pneumonia

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Ryan is apparently their ship name now xx

Rye's POV:
And another cough, and another cough and another cough. Just coughing non stop, my chest was hurting, my head was pounding, the muscles in my stomach were aching after doing coughing induced sit ups for the past few hours and chills raced through my body. Pneumonia at it's full force, that's what my doctor said. Chest infections suck serious ass. I was given some antibiotics and told that if I didn't improve in two days that I would need to be hospitalized. It's been four hours since my diagnosis and I already wanted to die. It was painful, uncomfortable and I just felt like crap. I was sat up, hunched over in my bed coughing and spluttering into a closed fist as I waited for this fit to end. One hand secured to my chest as I almost barfed up a lung. The coughing subsided and I flopped heavily back into my pillow, my abdominal muscles aching so much, the doctor told me that I strained my stomach muscles during a coughing fit. It just hurts so bad! I laid on my side and curled up in a ball, hugging all my blankets to give me comfort. I heard someone knocking on my door, Sonny appeared with a tray.

"Hey Rye, how are you feeling?" He asked empathetically as he came closer. I groaned and smooshed my face into my pillow. He put the tray on my bedside table, I felt the bed dip as he sat bedside me. He pulled my head into his lap and started stroking my hair soothingly.

"I could hear you coughing from all the way downstairs, you must feel awful." He cooed, he used his free hand to rub my chest gently.

"I made you some soup and some hot tea, thought that might make you feel better." He said sitting me up slightly.

"Thanks." I croaked out, my throat felt raw. He put the tray on my lap, he made me some chicken soup which was nice. The warmth was really comforting and felt nice on my throat, I drank a little bit of my tea, only because I felt like I needed to cough again. I quickly passed Sonny the mug and hunched over again and started violently coughing. He rubbed my back gently which felt really good. I felt some phlegm in my throat, I grabbed one of the tissues scattered on my bed and coughed it into the tissue. It was a disgusting colour, definitely not normal. I choked on it slightly but it was okay. I stopped coughing after what felt like forever and fell back into Sonny.

"Aww Rye, I'm so sorry you're not feeling well." He said cuddling me.

"Its okay, it's not your fault." I mumbled into his chest, I shivered again.

"I'll get you a hot water bottle, drink your tea before it gets cold." He said getting up from my bed and taking my tray with the empty bowl of soup. I watched him leave the room. I reached over and grabbed my mug, I took some big sips of the hot liquid. It was pure heaven right now, I drank the whole thing and curled back into my duvet. I closed my eyes for a bit as my headache spiked up, I ended up dozing off.

Back up again, another ab workout. Coughing up both my lungs, why can't I get a break! Sonny soon came back in with my hot water bottle, must not have been asleep for as long as I thought. I started to rub circles on my back again, they slowly subside before I fell back down again. I was exhausted.

"Here Rye, have it against your chest."  Sonny said putting the fluffy hot water bottle against my chest and wrapping my arms around it to make it secure. He then grabbed all the pillows on my bed and started to stack them up behind me.

"What's *cough* this for?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Well, when I was in Overload Generation with Andy, I got a virus and was coughing a lot and it was keeping me awake at night so he would prop my head up with pillows and it would help me to stop coughing.  Hopefully it will work for you." He explained, I would do literally anything right now to get rid of this cough. He fluffed all the pillows so they were nice and soft. I slowly sank into them, this was nice.

"I think it's time for your medicine, then sleep?" Sonny suggested, I nodded thirdly. It had been a long day, I waited for ages to take more medicine. He went back downstairs, I got nice and comfortable. I pulled my duvet io to my chin and cuddled my hot water bottle, I felt a lot more relaxed now. Sonny came back with my tablets and a glass of water.

"Take these, I'll bring your your morning dose at seven tomorrow morning and I'll bring you breakfast." He said as I swallowed my antibiotics, sounded like a plan. He tucked me into my bed and switched off the light.

"Goodnight Rye, sweet dreams." He said before closing the door and leaving me in peace. I soon managed to get some shut eye.

The pillow thing really works, I did still cough but not as much. Sonny did a really good job of taking care of me that I didn't need to be hospitalized. I had my own personal nurse.

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