Sack- You're Probably Just Hungry

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This was my Christmas Present to _CarlyNicole_ I hope you like it 💕

Jack's POV:
I don't know what's wrong with me. Since last night I knew that something was off but I couldn't quite put my finger on it, I didn't want any dinner and I barely ate at lunch. Thinking back I wasn't thirsty either, but I was really tired. I took many naps that afternoon with my boyfriend Sonny waking me up every now and then saying things like,

"I'm going to make some tea Jackie, can I make you a cuppa?"

Or something like,

"Do you want a snack, Darling?"

But I just politely declined and curled up under the covers and drifted off to sleep again. Since then I was constantly sleeping on and off, no sleeping pattern which annoyed me. Just awake then not awake, no steady interval. That was until I was woke up at roughly two in the morning because my stomach felt kinda queasy. It didn't hurt and I didn't feel like I was going to be physically sick but it definitely wasn't a pleasant feeling. I turned onto my side slowly, I didn't want to wake up Sonny who was sound asleep next to me on the bed. I lightly rubbed my stomach for a minute to try and get it to settle, it was deciding to make loud gurgling noises. It reminded me if my GCSE'S, when you are sat silently in an exam hall and your belly thinks it's the perfect time to practice making whale sounds, thus embarrassing yourself as you feel everyone in the exam hall (AKA the entire year) have your eyes on you as you try not to blush in front of those dodgey invidulaters who could disqualify you at any moment.

"Shut up." I said in some sort of harsh whisper to my tummy. Granted, I have been asleep all afternoon but I was still tired and I didn't want my queasiness to be the cause of a bad night sleep for Sonny. After a couple minutes of rubbing my belly the noises softened slightly but the feeling still remained, I felt so sick. I slowly got up, I grabbed my dressing gown from the hook on the back if the door and put it on. I was in a hoodie and tracksuit bottoms looking like a chav at home having a cup of tea but I was still cold. I firstly went into the bathroom and grabbed some stomach relaxers, I was about to take them before realising that the tap water from the bathroom sink wasn't exactly potable. I slowly made my way downstairs, I tried not to tread on any creaky floorboards along the landing as I made it to the kitchen. I filled up the glass with water and took the pills with it. I went to the living room and laid down on the sofa, I'd go back to bed once the nausea is just about manageable. Typically, Brooklyn left the television on with some random episode of Riverdale on. I took hold of the remote and put on Gavin and Stacey instead because I didn't want American TV shit making me feel worse. (A/N, jk I think some American shows are great and some over stay their welcome and Riverdale is a fucking mess right now. Brits do it better) I watched two episodes from the start of season three before I felt some sort of improvement. It was enough for me to go back to bed and fall asleep again. I crept back up the stairs, slowly taking off my dressing gown before entering the bedroom again. I hung it up before I got back under the covers, I nuzzled up against Sonny's warm chest. He became somewhat aware of me next to him, he kissed the top of my head lightly.

"You ok Bubs?" He yawned, pulling me in closer.

"Just needed the loo." I whispered back. I melted into his warm embrace, I put my head on his chest and listened to his heat beating. I soon fell back into a peaceful sleep.

I woke up again, I didn't know what time it was. It was light outside and Sonny wasn't next to me anymore, that was when I noticed a bad ache in my stomach. I curled up into a ball, I clutched the ends of the duvet and pulled them round my shoulders. I didn't feel very well at all. I shivered into the mattress, I thought there was a gap in my cocoon letting in a draft but it wasn't. It was just me. I heard someone walking along the landing, then I saw in the corner of my eye that the doorknob being turned.

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