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Requested by:@jiminsmoaning
Note: Idk what house I should put them but this is my final ones.
❤️Gryffindor: Jungkook, Namjoon
💚Slytherin: Jimin, Yoongi
💙Ravenclaw: Taehyung
💛Hufflepuff: Hoseok, Seokjin

Jimin POV
"Hey Yoongi, do you think Jungkook will accept my love?" I asked. "Tch, you? and a Gryffindor? Hah, I like to see you try" Yoongi laugh. I pout and cross my arms. "Oh come on Hyung! If you can like Hoseok, that weak Hufflepuff then I can like Jungkook!"

Yoongi growl and spat "You don't have the right to tell him he's weak". I roll my eyes and stuck my tongue out. "What are you gonna do? Sue me?" I spat back, smirking.
"That's it!" He waved his wand at me and said "everte statum!" Which made my body being thrown backwards and I ended up hitting the door. I groan and glare at him.
"Yah!" He smirk and said "I can't sue you but I can throw you away"

I cursed under my breath as I walk out from the room. Gosh I will kill him for sure..
"That stupid man is gonna get it, I swear-"

"Is it bad that I want more cakes Hyung?"
"Ah well...I guess? but it's bad for your tummy"
"I'm not a baby Namjoon hyung!"

The conversation that made me pause for awhile. But I knew who's voice that wants cakes so bad belongs to.
I hide behind the wall and saw my crush. Jungkook. He had the bunny teeth smile while talking with Namjoon.
"Gosh he's cute omo..." I murmured. It was as if everything was slow motion and I could see Jungkook laughing his heart out and I couldn't help but to smile softly. "Hah~so cute.." I thought.

Who knew a slytherin like me could act like this?

Then, I saw him turned his head which made me flinch in surprise and I quickly ran back to my room.
But it was locked. "Hey! Open the door!" I yelled. By now, I'm sure Jungkook could hear me. "Hm let me think about it, NO" he said.
"No?! Damn it Yoongi!" I angrily muttered as I took my wand. "Alohomora!"
The door opened and I went inside, sighing in relief when I closed the door.
I heard Yoongi chuckle and said "You're so embarrassing Park Jimin"

"Ugh shut up Hyung"

Jungkook POV
"Kook? You okay?"
"Huh?" I look to see Namjoon furrowing his eyebrows. "Um..yeah! Yeah yeah yeah, I'm fine, lets go" I smile and wrap my arm around his shoulder, walking together.
"Is it Jimin?" I could have sworn I choked. "Whatttt no" I laugh.

"Really? Because I can feel a slytherin presences just now" Namjoon said. I shrug. "I don't think so hyung-"
"Do you like him?"
"What?! No!"
He look at me closely and I gulped. Oh no, he's gonna see my ears so red. And I stand corrected.
"...sure you don't kook, sure you don't" he said, smirking.

"Ugh Shut up Hyung"

Time skip
After my broomstick practice, I head back to my room, sweat and tiredness came over me. "Ah my bed.." I rub the back of my neck to ease the soreness. "But I'm so lazy to take a shower..."
But then if I don't shower, Namjoon will give me a 2 hour lecture about hygiene.
"I hate him sometimes" I said, sighing tiredly.

I took my towel and head to the shower, almost falling asleep by the hot shower.
Once I'm done, I immediately jumped to my bed, face first. "Oh my sweet bed, I love you so much"
I then got comfortable and snuggle in with the blanket, ready to sleep when a paper came straight to my face.
"What the-" I glared at the blank paper and I sat up straight. "Blank paper? Why is there paper here?" I look around my room and saw no one.
Curious, I take out my wand, waving it. "Aparecium" I said. Just as I expected, the paper reveal the secret message written in invisible ink.

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