Granit Xhaka x Kevin Mbabu: "You weren't youself."

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Ceci est un chapitre spécial puisqu'il est écrit en anglais. C'est vraiment une langue qui me tiens à cœur et j'avais envie d'en faire quelque chose. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, je posterai la traduction mercredi pour ceux qui ne parlent pas anglais, ce n'est pas un problème.
Sinon: la suisse est qualifiée et première de son groupe AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! Je suis trop heureuse!!!
J'aimerai vos avis sur ce chapitre, ils comptent pour moi, j'y ai mis beaucoup de cœur et de travail.
Sur ce, bisous
Pdv Granit:

We go back in our changing room, proud of us. We just qualified our country for the euro 2020 by winning 6-1 in Gibraltar. I don't know yet if we're first of our group or second. But I just don't care as long as we're qualified.

We just spent a moment with the 600 supporters that came here to support us and to celebrate our qualification with us. They're so great, actually the best fans I could ask for. Way better than the ones of Arsenal, at least with me.

Everyone laughed, jumped on the others and cried. We're just happy and proud. And I have to say that it's good to be with these boys again. There's the new ones, like Cedric or Ruben, but they really adapted themselves to us. They're great guys, really.

So like I was saying before, we're heading back to our changing room, all together with a smile on the face. Once inside, we all shout to release the pression. Suddenly, I feel a huge weight on my back.

- Babyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Kevin. I should have think about that. But he only makes laugh. That man is just the best.

- C'mon babe, get down you're heavy.

- Hey! That's mean.

- But you know it's true.

- I have a surprise for you!

- I like the sound of that! Tell me.

- We're first of our group! The Denmark didn't win in Ireland!

- Really? Yes! Who's the best team? It's us!

We laugh together. Suddenly he takes my face and kiss as hard as he can. Of course, I answer to it. We we stop kissing to breathe, he tells me the best thing he could:

- I love you baby, and I'm proud of you.

And I know he means it. He doesn't really tell me what he feels. Me, I always telling him that I love him, but I know that he's more shy, he doesn't really tell his feelings.

- Thank you babe, that means a lot.

I kiss him again. But two seconds after, I receive a hole champagne bottle on the head. I open my eyes to see who does that: Denis, of course. I grab a bottle near me and splash every one. It's time to party!

After a huge champagne battle, it's time for speeches. Vladimir make us a very motivating speech telling us we did the job, and we did a good job.

Yann tells us that we deserve that qualification and that first place. We worked very hard for it, we had bad times, we had a lot of injured men. But with all those problems, we won that first place.

And as the captain of this match, I must do a speech. So I go in the middle of the circle that the boys did and look a them.

- I can just say I'm proud of you, of us. Now we have one job left: prove to Europe that we're not a little team that's easily beaten. We have to show what's our value, and it's a great one. So that's just the start of a moment of history in the Swiss history. Come on boys!

Everybody shout, all together, as one man. My team's the best, I can promise you that.

After, we danced and sang at least half an hour. We had a really good time in the changing room, but we decided to push it in a night club.

We drink a lot of alcohol, we dance a lot. Let's just say we have great time all together. Some of us start to become drunk, but that won't stop us. Tonight is for celebrating, and we will make all of it.

Next morning:

Oh my god. I didn't know it was possible to have a headache that violent. I just feel like if I got hit by a truck.

I get down of my bed, hardly. We're in a hotel, so if I want a medicine and a glass of water, I need to go to the lobby and to the breakfast room.

It was difficult to get there, but now I'm here. I just received my medicine and my glass. To be honest, I'm not hungry at all. So I take my phone and go on Instagram. I'll just watch the stories of the people I know.

And when I find Kevin's story, I see he filmed the club where we were. It's not very good for his image, but it's alright.

Suddenly the camera turns and we see him and me, kissing badly. I drop my phone, shocked. How could he possibly post a video of us, kissing that way, so thousands of people can see it?

I'm furious. We always said we wouldn't talk about us to the world before we marry ourselves. And he betrayed that promise.

I literally run to our room. I don't feel bad anymore, I'm just too mad. Before, I didn't want to wake him up to let him get some rest. Now I just don't care.

I slam the door and go straight to his side of the bed.

- Mmmmmmmmmmm. Quiet baby, please.

- Are you fucking kidding me?

- Could you please talk more quietly. My head is hurting so bad.

- I don't care! You betrayed me!

- What are talking about?

- Oh so you don't remember?

- I don't remember anything since the moment we entered that club.

- Well look to your stories, maybe you'll remember.

I know I speak with a mean intonation but he needs to understand.

He takes his phone and look. His eyes are wide open.

- I... I don't understand!

- Oh really? Because I do! You filmed us while we were kissing and posted it to the entire world!

- But I promise I didn't do on purpose. I think I was too drunk to realise anything.

- That doesn't excuse yourself. Now we're in a deep shit, because of you!

- Don't yell at me! I said I. Didn't. Realise. Clear enough?

I didn't expect him to scream at me.

- Sorry baby. I didn't mean to scream at you. But you have to understand me. And I'm in the same situation.

- No it's ok. You pre right, I can't blame you, you weren't yourself.

We don't speak for a few seconds until I talk again.

- Look. It's clear I didn't want to assume that quick. And not that way. But what's done is done. We can't change anything and we need to think of a way to great through this. And now or in one year, it doesn't change that much.

- You're not mad at me?

- No. Come here.

I open my arms and he goes in it.

It's clear that we'll have some hard times since now, but we'll get through this together. And let's see the bright side, we won't have to hide anymore.

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