Joining Beacon

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Derek was at home wondering where his sister was, he had so many questions for her. He didn't know she was at Beacon until it was announced on the news.

"Today we have news from Beacon." Lisa said. "Beacon will be accepting new students starting today, as it was confirmed by Professor Ozpin himself." The show switches to Opzin announcing it

"Today I have a special message so I'll make it quick." Ozpin said on the TV. "Staring today we will be accepting new students ." This gave Derek a idea of where to go, he then headed out to where the airships where.


Meanwhile at Beacon, Blake was reading one of her books and heard her scroll ring. "Great now what?" She wondered and looked to see a familiar name she recognized a bit to familiar at that fact.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" Ruby asked. "If someone knows you that is, so if you're not I will." She looked at Blake who just looked at her scroll. "Um Blake?"

"Ruby can I have some alone time?" Blake asked. "This call is important."

Ruby leaves the room. "Odd never knew Blake would get important calls." She then see's Yang and Weiss.

At the docks Derek waited for Blake to answer her scroll. "Come on Blake answer." He looked around to see if anyone was looking at him, he then heard a familiar hello from his scroll.

"Hello Derek." Blake said. "What do you want?" She looked around the room making sure no one popped in. "Make it quick."

Derek just sighed. "Well I'm joining Beacon today, and maybe I'll see you." He waited for another answer from Blake but heard nothing.

"Wait you what?" Blake asked finally. "This is no joke Derek you're not really here are you?" She was nervous and a bit scared at the same time.

Derek was surprised by the tone of Blake's voice, "Yeah I'm here why?" He looked around again. "Is it a bad thing?"

Blake rolled her eyes calming down and sighed. "Look never mind I said that, I'm just happy to hear your voice." She then stood up. "Just get here on time okay, and be safe I still care about you."

Derek smiled. "Okay sure I will, and Blake thank you." Before he could hang up he heard Blake say one last thing.

"I missed you." Blake said and hung up.


Derek was sitting in a room and see's Professor Ozpin walk in with Glynda Goodwitch. "Hello young man, we have a understanding you're siblings with Blake Belladonna correct?"

Derek nodded. "Yes sir she's my sister." He noticed that Ozpin examined his swords. "Um is there something wrong sir?"

"No no, tell me why did you choose to come here?" Ozpin asked. "And your weapons were they made?"

"Reason for coming here, is because I want to protect people I love and care about, and I made my swords myself sir." Derek said.

"Interesting." Ozpin said. "Glynda mark him down for a team."

"Of course." Goodwitch said. "But what if we can't get him on a team?"

Ozpin thinks. "Me and Mr. Belladonna will work that out don't worry."

Derek smiled but stopped after looking at Professor Goodwitch who was not in no smiling mood. "So were will I be staying?" He drew his attention back to Ozpin.

"For now you will be sleeping where the other new students are." Ozpin said and stood up. "Welcome to Beacon Academic."

Derek stood up and shook his hand and bowed after. "Thank you sir."

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