Delsin Echo the Ex-White Fang Member

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Kyle explained who the person was as the others looked at the stranger for a while as he took the mask off.

"Whoa." Yang said. "What type of Faunus are you?"

"Well for starters I'm Delsin Echo." Delsin said. "Like Kyle said I am a Ex-member of the White Fang, and I am a wolf Faunus."

"Cool." Ruby said.

"Right anyway." Kyle said. "Blake's brother Derek he needs help right now Winter is trying to figure a way to help."

"Wait you mean the Winter Schnee as in Special Operatives unit of Atlesian Military?" Delsin asked.

"That's actually correct." Weiss said.

Delsin saw Weiss. "Ma'am!" He bowed down.

"Um....." Ruby said. "What?"

"Weiss Schnee remember." Yang said.

"I remember but why did he have to do that?" Ruby asked.

"I'm sure he was told to do that if he ever met her." Yang said

"Please you don't have to." Weiss said.

"But Ma'am." Delsin said.

"Just call me Weiss okay the whole Ma'am stuff makes me sound old." Weiss said.

"If you say so." Delsin said. "So this Derek fellow um is he in anyway in a relationship?"

"Yes why?" Yang asked.

"Oh? With who?" Delsin asked.

"That's a bit too much info don't you think?" Weiss asked.

"It's Weiss." Ruby said.

Delsin was quiet for a moment. "He's lucky."

"Curious as always." Kyle said. "Anyway let's go inside."

Blake was in the dorm room as she heard everything. "So Delsin Echo huh? That explains a lot, a wolf Faunus as well."


Delsin looked around the room. "Whoa it's cold in here."

"Um hello." Yang said pointing to the ice coffin.

"Oh...." Delsin said. "How long has he been in there?"

"Ever since yesterday." Blake said making no eye contact to Delsin.

"Blake give the guy some slack he's not with the White Fang anymore." Ruby said.

"Have you forgotten I was part of the White Fang as well?" Blake asked. "I'm also a Ex-member as well."

"Blake I...." Ruby said.

"No just help Derek that's all I'm concerned about." Blake said jumping out the window.

Winter looked at the coffin. "Weiss."

"Yes?" Weiss asked.

"If me or Delsin can't find a way to get this fixed perhaps I could take this with me to get things sorted out."

"Are you nuts?" Yang asked. "Blake would have our heads if she found out you took Derek."

Delsin gulped nervously at the thought. "Um....well we'll try our best."

"I'll go talk to Blake about what you said." Weiss said.

"I'll come too." Velvet said.

"Right same here." Pyrrha said. "Derek's our friend as well."

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